Not only would I say it's the best pinball music ever, but I'd go so far as to say that I think it's the best non-recorded/streamed game music ever written. It just suits the theme so goddamn perfectly and puts you right in the mood for it.
When I say I picture BK2K to be like Highlander, I think I mean because of
this song. It bears some striking similarities (in style, not composition) to the BK2K theme, as well as being in the position of putting the main protagonist in the ultimate fight of good versus evil (or something

I can't remember where, but S. Ritchie has said that in all the games he designs, he likes to put the player in a position of fighting the machine, as if it has a personality or at least progressing through a story as a clear-set protagonist. Obviously he hasn't been in the position to design games like that in the last 10 years or so (look at AC/DC and to a lesser extent, Star Trek) but almost everything else matches that MO:
* Rollergames - Fighting against each of roller derby teams
* High Speed/The Getaway - Running from the police
* F-14 - Gen. Yagov
* STTNG - Playing as a crew member on the Enterprise/as the Enterprise
* T2/T3 - As T800 against T1000/whatever that one was in T3. The hot one.
* Black Knight/BK2K - Against the Black Knight (duh)
* Firepower - The alien... thing.
* Spiderman - I think you play as Spiderman? If so, it's putting you in an aggressive position of "fighting" things.
Anyway, it puts you in a role to get invested rather than just clearing modes a la pretty much every single goddamned Stern game that's been released. Even X-Men, a game that would lend itself perfectly to you playing as a character to fight against enemies... just has you clearing modes.