The lag on PS3 is definetly reduced (or gone) from what I can see, playing in 1080p. The bad news is Ripley's and Theater of Magic are broken now with horrible slowdown and stuttery framerate. Switching to camera 3 seems to alleviate the problem but I'm getting tired of Farsight fixing problems only to create new issues.
Vita fares a bit better, TOM has the texture issue lessened but I still think it needs better anisotropy, and TOTAN has got rid of that ugly texture seams.
I can't believe how months TPA's release, it still feels sloppy while Zen Pinball 2 runs like a dream in both platforms in the first try. I have spare change and I'm already considering buying the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 or Mars tables, but I can't decide which of those 2 is more fun. I'm leaning towards mars solely for it's "out there" design.
"We're sorry about that- the current update does have slowdown issues on some tables. These only occur in 1080, so please play in 720 until the new update is released (which should occur in the next 48 hours)."
Sometimes when I'm playing Funhouse, it will be playing three songs on top of each other in a jumbled mess. Did the original table do this or is that a bug in Pinball Arcade?
That's a special Pinball Arcade exclusive! It happened to me the other day and it was annoying as all hell.
They started taking money from people for their product in February. That's over half a year ago. If they weren't sure of their product then they shouldn't have released it.I still see Pinball Arcade as in its infancy, not as you say "months after release" trying to make it sound like ages. I guess after it's launched on the announced platforms in full (which is now Wii-U, PC and Ouya), and we see the kickstarter tables released, and a redo of its UI, then I'll start to feel things are getting to that point of "after all this time."
They started taking money from people for their product in February. That's over half a year ago. If they weren't sure of their product then they shouldn't have released it.
That's why I don't have that table pack yet. I really don't like Funhouse's aesthetic/sounds. I'll add you on PSN, I'm AcridMeat. I'm terrible though so there won't be much of a challenge.The audio in Funhouse is annoying even when it is simulated 100% correctly. Fun table, but ugh.
edit: HEY I need more peeps on my scoreboard. If you want to compare scores add me on PSN: 'nexens'
And they delivered a product for the (very little) money people paid, I don't see the problem. The vast majority of people who purchased the game have gotten countless hours of enjoyment from it, for the few bucks it cost. Other companies have taken money from people for a product that doesn't even exist, like Wasteland 2, should they have not done that?
I get the feeling they just run and test the game at 720p heh, there was a reply from facebook quoted in the PAF forums:
I believe the 720p mode also eliminates the PS3 lag now fully too. So there's that as well. But at least a fix is coming soon!
I still see Pinball Arcade as in its infancy, not as you say "months after release" trying to make it sound like ages. I guess after it's launched on the announced platforms in full (which is now Wii-U, PC and Ouya), and we see the kickstarter tables released, and a redo of its UI, then I'll start to feel things are getting to that point of "after all this time."
So probably sometime next year. The good thing is they're generally as good about fixing things as they are about breaking them for the most part, and things generally only break like that because they're trying to improve other areas, so eventually you get you do get improvements.
I always think if these types of temporary bugs bother one that much, it's probably best to ignore the game for a long time (months and months), then return after 10+ new tables are out and many bugs are fixed. But I can only fault them so much because it's not like any one else is re-making pinball tables anymore, and it is ultimately a 20-year old table not running perfectly for a month or two generally, hardly a deal breaker for me, especially as they add more and more tables that do work to play in the meantime.
And finally, as great as you say Zen Pinball 2 is, I can't help but disagree, it's not. The game is a complete, unacceptable disgrace in iOS. Only 2 of all the tables run at a playable speed (not even 30fps). The game has seen very little updates, and leaves me a way worse impression than FarSight does. But they're making PvZ pinball, so that gets them a lot of slack.![]()
If Wasteland 2 comes out and the release is botched at every turn, people have the right to complain about it. Just because there's other products out there using a different business model doesn't make the mismanagement of this one acceptable.
Wonko_C said:I thought Zen 2 was a PS3/Vita exclusive, (I don't have smartphones/tablets, I'm assuming Pinball Arcade runs a lot better on iOS so it kinda evens out) the PS3/Vita versions are pretty much flawless on release, 60 fps on both systems. Though the physics in ZP2 still feel like there is a huge magnet at the bottom of the table constantly pulling the ball down.
I thought Zen 2 was a PS3/Vita exclusive
I also didn't realize the new version was a PS3/Vita exclusive, and mixed them up.
I'm still noticing the lag on the PS3 version. It's not as bad as before but going from Vita to PS3 it's definitely noticeable--enough to make me not want to play the PS3 version.
Where are you, damned iOS update? Someone needs their TAXI TAXI TAXI.
Star Trek TNG is very nearly there despite a massive lack of updates for the Kickstarter. just over $2000 to go and ten days left. I wonder if they'll announce a stretch goal again. TAF would seem the most obvious...
A little late for that, don't you think?
I upped my contribution to $20 just in case.
2.02 update for PS3 is out. Downloading...
EDIT: Aaaand all of my DLC tables are gone. LOL. I'll reinstall to see if it helps.
2.02 update for PS3 is out. Downloading...
EDIT: Aaaand all of my DLC tables are gone. LOL. I'll reinstall to see if it helps.
Scared Stiff and Elvira and the Party Monsters Confirmed!
Apparently they introduced a new bug in the PS3 update and DLC tables don't show up if your display is set to 720. If you set it to 1080 they show up again. On their Facebook page, some people were saying you could re-download the DLC tables to get them to show up. They submitted a fix to Sony, so hopefully it will materialize soon. I'm scared to update the Vita version now...
Scared Stiff and Elvira and the Party Monsters Confirmed!
Wow, I mean it was always loads of make up and such but, wow.
the two Elvira tables look great.
she still looks hot because fake boobs and lots of makeup. fortunately that's ALWAYS been her appeal, so age withers her not.
does everyone use different cameras on different tables, or do people have a favorite? any preferences on locked or unlocked? im still trying to figure out what i prefer.
been working on HAREM multiball here for the past 30 minutes or so. what a pain in the ass!
I use camera angle 3 locked.
Has anyone gotten Lyman's Lament in Monster Bash? I doubt I'll ever be able to hit the scoop 44x.
does everyone use different cameras on different tables, or do people have a favorite? any preferences on locked or unlocked? im still trying to figure out what i prefer.
been working on HAREM multiball here for the past 30 minutes or so. what a pain in the ass!
I use #2 fixed on most tables so I can use the same view for both regular play and multiball. I prefer #3 fixed, but that view isn't allowed in multiball for some reason. Having the camera swap between angles every time I start multiball is a big distraction, so on most tables I leave it on #2.