Still though,for all my complaining, I almost defeated all the castles in MM fo the first time today during a work break and it was intense and fun-as-hell. How upset can I really be?
Local pizza joint now has Addams Family. Heaven.
I'm hoping that with both of the Kickstarter tables and Christmas (almost) out of the way, they'll work on polishing it up for the (hopefully) inevitable PC release and when it's released as a free game for PSN+ users.Good lord FarSight. So torn on you.
The tables themselves... so solid. I've bought every single one and have spent dozens of hours with them. In fact if I could somehow keep a running tally, Pinball Arcade might be my most-played game of 2012.
And yet it's just problem after problem after problem.
Latest is with their account system. Some of my high scores are under my actual name (Justin Davis) while some are under my Game Center name (ErrorJustin). I have no idea why.
I have very healthy scores on lots of tables (141M TotAN, 165M MM, 2.5B ToM) but I still have a 0 for my Hall of Fame on all these and most other tables. My table goals also got wiped... had to re-do the Standard goals on most tables.
The leaderboard problems are a huge issue since this is a high-score driven experience, but then there's all the other small problems as well. Re-downloading tables with no warning (I often play when I'm not around a net connection, so I get locked out of tables), Star Trek stuck in landscape, Scared Stiff still broken, a "new" UI that's terrible, and so-on.
And all of this is on iOS, which seems to be the "lead" platform. People on Vita, Android and elsewhere have their own big list of issues.
Like everyone else, I really, really wish FarSight would just take a month to button everything up and then come back strong in Feb. 2013. Maybe even with another Kickstarter for something like Indiana Jones or Addams Family.
Still though,for all my complaining, I almost defeated all the castles in MM fo the first time today during a work break and it was intense and fun-as-hell. How upset can I really be?
It really, really, really is.I have lots of issues with the interface, but man playing Star Trek TNG is so awesome. The voice samples and missions are so great.
Full transcript here.D3KARL: I'd like to ask a question that sort of ties in with my all time favorite game, ST:TNG. All shots in ST:TNG have a distinct and good feeling to them (in particular the Picard combo). I'm wondering... do you get this right during early design, or does it take weeks of experimenting with whitewoods before the right feeling is there? Any stories about the design of ST:TNG?
STEVE: What you're talking about is smoothness. Some smoothness always comes in the first pass, after this long designing games. It is always the one thing that must be there for me. In every game, refinements take place that improve the game and, when we get enough improvements to where it makes sense to build a new wood, we do. The original name for STTNG was Under Seige. We were going to get the license, the game was going to be a battleship game with both cannons on one side. STTNG was a much better (and much more liked by me) license and we pursued it with vigor. We went to get the license, it was not offered. Dwight and myself were the biggest Star Trek fans with the most knowledge on ST and a basic love for all ST lore. The first meeting with Paramount was a TOTAL disaster. Three women in charge of licensing were guarding the license with swords and shields. They really thought that we would make 'SPACE PIRATES FROM F***ING HELL' and depict Picard as a trigger-happy theiving rapist. We spent a good deal of time convincing them that we only wanted to portray the crew in the best light. At lunch in the commissary, we got into a terrible argument in which I stopped speaking. Sitting DIRECTLY behind me was Patrick Stewart at another table. I never felt so awkward in my life. We all knew that we had lost any hope of obtaining a license because I wanted to be able to do a Borg/Starfleet scenario. The head licensing woman said No Way to any violence which I thought was super-hypocritical and unbelievably narrow-minded, considering that we would follow the Prime Directive and never instigate violence of any kind. We all left Hollywood that day and Roger Sharpe had to salvage the meeting on the phone in the following days. They finally agreed to let us do ST properly. From then on, it was pretty fun. We got to go on the bridge and all of the sets used in the show. It was thrilling to watch a scene being filmed with Gates McFadden. I had one foot on the transporter while the filming was taking place. Dwight Sullivan, Greg Freres and I also got to meet and talk discuss with Dan Curry, Michael Okuda, Michael Westmore Sr/Jr, and others in the production crew. Our biggest concern was whether or not we would obtain the speech for each and every crew member. And Q too. They were always hesitant to concede that we would get anywhere in this quest. After many months of waiting, the crew finally agreed and we got everyone. Nothing was so important in producing this game. It was a great project!
D3KARL: It is a great game!
STEVE: Thanks, D3.
Like I've mentioned (or if I haven't, you've probably gotten the idea) I'm not really a massive rap for TAF. I can see what people like in it, but it never really sucks me in.Local pizza joint now has Addams Family. Heaven.
Like everyone else, I really, really wish FarSight would just take a month to button everything up and then come back strong in Feb. 2013. Maybe even with another Kickstarter for something like Indiana Jones or Addams Family.
Another Ritchie table! *dies*Going by this, Terminator 2 is next up for Kickstarter treatment. I wouldn't complain if we saw more like you mention or other big names show up in addition to T2 though (maybe even LotR alongside the 2nd Hobbit release, but that's probably too new to happen).
OK, it's simply random. The problems (random black screens, etc.) are back. Rebooting the tablet had nothing to do with it.Strange....I rebooted my tablet and now ST:TNG rotates between landscape and portrait properly. What kind of weirdness is that?
Oh man, that sucks. I hate that basically any place around where I live (in Australia) that has pinball machines doesn't really "get" them. They got rid of a fairly reasonable-condition TAF and replaced with a Stern X-Men machine :/Yeah, the TAF table was ultimately a little disappointing. The real fun ... well, I'll get to that in a minute.
The table was one I'd seen at a local pinball shop, I believe. I recognized the aftermarket hacked-on accoutrements to replace originals that were gone. And, it appears that it has some problems mechanically under the table somewhere. It's ok... I enjoyed it. The last time I got to play it, probably 15 years ago (holy crap, I'm old), I didn't really get pinball. Now I do. I'll be far better prepared now when I do meet a good-condition table!
The fun part? I had my kids with me, and they were fascinated by the real table. They've watched me play hours at home on Pinball Arcade and they've even played some themselves. It was interesting to watch them make the connection between virtual and physical. Too bad it wasn't a perfect table, but they had a blast anyway!
I'm sure an iOS update is awaiting Apple's blessing. Google apparently has no review process whatsoever so updates are nearly instantaneous for Android.I can't seem to play any of my tables in portrait mode now after the last update. I'm on an iPad 2.
I also managed to clear The Final Frontier (Wizard Mode) in TNG, with a final score of 2.145B. But what's even cooler is that I managed to develop my own alternate scoring strats for the table. (Obviously anything I try has been done thousands of times - I just figured it out on my own). I learned that the Borg Multiball is INCREDIBLY lucrative, and pretty easy to keep going if you get a good flow going. In a game where I was just fucking around and experimenting I still put up 1.6B just off the back of one good Borg Multi session.
I can't seem to play any of my tables in portrait mode now after the last update. I'm on an iPad 2. Seriously, can anything else go wrong with this? It's like it's getting worse rather than improving over the long run. I think I'm going to give up on this until a pc version comes out if ever.
One important way to help jack up your scores if you're focusing on shooting for The Final Frontier in ST:TNG is to make sure you grab the artifacts during the missions. If you have a full set of 4, entering TFF immediately grants you a free billion points.
Also is it just me, or does ST:TNG drop a ton of extra balls on you? I swear I've had a couple of 7 ball games, which (if you force the Skill Shot to "Start Mission") means free Wizard mode.
That's awful. My wild guess is they try to upload the score, fail (because you aren't on the Internet), and erroneously skip saving the score locally too. As if the two sections of code (remote and local high score saving) are nested in the same exception handling block or something.Unfortunately the score did NOT upload, as my device was offline at the timeI've learned that HoF scores and table goals completed are saved even when offline, but the score itself is not uploaded. Frustrating! The score didn't seem to save at all. It's not even on my local high-score table. The only proof I did it is in the completed billion-point wizard goal. Makes me not wanna play TPA when I'm traveling.
What looks to be a GREAT article/post on a PAF regular getting to visit FarSight Studios, answers some questions re: licensing etc. and an insight into the studio in general.
Looks awesome and definitely a must-read (so far... I've only just started reading it, hence the "what looks to be").
I don't think it's necessarily expensive, just a bitch to get all the licensing sorted. I believe the main roadblock is Raul Julia's likeness.Mmmn, very enlightening. Really, really waiting for Addam's Family to become a reality, but it seems to be one of the most expensive licenses to acquire.
I don't think it's necessarily expensive, just a bitch to get all the licensing sorted. I believe the main roadblock is Raul Julia's likeness.
What ever happened to this coming out for PC?
I may break down and get it for vita. Can anyone comment on how good that particular version is?
I have the Vita/PS3 versions. It looks great and plays great on Vita. Don't hesitate to buy it, especially since you get the PS3 tables for free when you buy the Vita versions.
I do have some minor issues with it, most notably the limited control options. You can only use the front touch or the triggers to activate the flippers. The triggers are uncomfortable to hold perpetually for long pinball sessions, and the touch screen obscures part of the image with fat fingers. Not to mention fingerprints. And I can't even recall if you can play it in landscape mode - I'm mixing it up in my head with Zen Pinball 2.
Playability wise it is actually a downgrade from Williams Hall of Fame on PSP, which let you play in landscape (vertical) mode and also let you use the dpad and face buttons for the flippers. But graphically it is quite nice.
Still waiting on Steam Greenlight :/What ever happened to this coming out for PC?
I may break down and get it for vita. Can anyone comment on how good that particular version is?
For the love of all that's good and wholesome, give me Firepower. I will be happy when everything on the Williams collection is finally out for Pinball Arcade.![]()
This I am excited about. However, I am not excited about the fact that it will be months before I play it on 360 or PS3 and an indeterminate amount of time (if at all) until I get to play them on PC.Got the newsletter. New version of Xbox PA will hopefully be submitted next month, and January's games are -
Genie and Attack from Mars! Swoon!
The latest Farsight newsletter cited a poll for an upcoming table - Centaur, 8-Ball Deluxe, and Fireball. Of those 3 I looked up, Centaur looks incredible, Fireball, eh, and 8-Ball, forgettable. That's just aesthetics I suppose, I've never played any of them. Centaur's got an 80s metal/Mad Max vibe, which is awesome. It also cited January 22 as the soonest date the next tables would release on PS3. Dammit.
You and me, both. We should be best friends. I'd love to see anything from the alpha-numeric tables (ie. High Speed, F-14) and earlier as they had to rely solely on audio (something you don't need to shift focus from the playfield to be able to experience, not like a DMD) and game mechanics and didn't use the display as a crutch (which I find with a lot of DMD games).Centaur is awesome! I hope that it makes it, though I've never been a huge fan of 8-Ball Deluxe, it is a nice table for its time. Fireball, I've never played. From the screenshots, I'd rather have Firepower. (Fireball II, however, looks pretty nice.) Saw that Genie and Attack from Mars is next up on the list of table packs. Wish they'd prioritize 80s tables since there are so many classics that straddle that line between nuts 'n bolts early pin design of the 70s and before with the modern 80s advancement of many objectives and multiple progressive score features and modes.
Farsight posted a Wii U video:
I'm not sure if I'll like the DMD on the gamepad. I'll have to look away from the screen to look at it.
If it lets you play with the pro controller, you could put the U pad to rest in front of the TV and thus have a physical DMD bordering the playfield, much like a real machine. Hmm.
Would be neat if you mounted the tablet pad next to your display off to the right or above it. Depending on how well the Wii U versions turn out, I may be tempted to buy a Wii U to play Pinball Arcade.
Naw, that's crazy talk. I promised no more multi-console ownership. In theory, it's great, but in practice, when you have kids, the time just isn't there, and new games sit untouched for months. I shed a tear for my avid gaming years.
Possibly me. I definitely remember talking about it.I have a feeling this is what they're going for, makes the most sense. Can't remember if I actually suggested this as what they should do before on here, but I remember talking about it with SOMEONE on here.. I would assume they're going to allow it to be on the main screen if you want to, though.
Know what would be rad? They have multi-device games for iOS (I know Real Racing lets you use an iPhone for a controller and iPad for a display) but if they could get the DMD showing up on an iPhone while you played on the iPad (possibly using the iCade mod I posted earlier) that would be the shit.Would be neat if you mounted the tablet pad next to your display off to the right or above it. Depending on how well the Wii U versions turn out, I may be tempted to buy a Wii U to play Pinball Arcade.
Naw, that's crazy talk. I promised no more multi-console ownership. In theory, it's great, but in practice, when you have kids, the time just isn't there, and new games sit untouched for months. I shed a tear for my avid gaming years.