I'm a huge fan of TPA, and I appreciate all the good work that Farsight has put into the game over the years. But I'm starting to agree with some who question the management skills of this developer.
They teased PS3/Vita gamers for months that they would get a 50% discount on the PS4 version of Season One if they bought at least four packs. Now it turns out, the night before it releases, that all the tables need to have been bought to get the savings.
I understand they are saying that Sony won't allow them to do it their why, but then why did they announce it to the public before working out the kinks with Sony? That's just common sense.
It reminds me of the X360 debacle: teasing the fans (albeit, with the best of intentions) about an impending positive outcome, only to have things fall apart for various reasons in the end. Yes, it isn't always their fault when things go south, but at minimum they can handle PR a lot better by not counting their chickens before they hatch whenever possible.
BTW, I actually qualify for the 50% PS4 discount (and the 10% PS+ savings on top of that), so I ain't complaining due to missing out on the deal. I appreciate that at least something like this is offered, but I think it could have all been handled better for loyal fans who will be forced to pay full price because they don't own a pack or two.
I agree completely. I am one of these early buyers that bought into the franchise before they released seasons packs. And since I started buying table packs before season one pack was released I never saw the need for buying some tables twice. I have all the tables from season one, except three tables. I alse have some single tables on my Ouya, iOS and Android tablet.
I am one of these early valued customers that has already bought most of these tables twice. I bought an imported disc version of Pinball Hall of Fame: Williams Collection, when it was released on PS3, years before it was available in Europe. Then gladly payed for these again when they were rereleased.
This means that if I, as their valued customer, I want to play these tables on PS4 I have to buy them all again, for full price...
Even though the game is released today/tomorrow, Farsight still won't mention any price.
Zen Pinball 2 on the other hand, will be free for PS4 owners from day one, if you own PS3/Vita tables from before.
When asked about this on the PSN blog, Bobby King blames this on that they work much harder than the people behind Zen Pinball 2 and states that:
"Zen is porting the game to PS4 with the same graphics from PS3. Ours has been reworked for for the next gen experience by utilizing the full potential of the PS4 hardware.----
Zen is porting the PS3 version to PS4. We really reworked our game to utilize the power of the PS4 hardware.
When asked about why you need to get all the tables this is the answer he chose:
"We really tried to get a discount for owning just a few tables on PS3, but Sony would only allow us to do it this way."
Strange then that Zen can release single tables free... And Zen Pinball 2 will not be a straight port from PS3. To lash out at another company this way is inexcusable.
What this comes down is that in Farsights mind: Don't blame us, everything is Sonys fault, please don't compare us with Zen, we are better than them and customers are something that we really don't care about that much.