Cost extra money.what does the pro version of tables actually do?
Hi there!
The sound is actually an issue we were aware of. No idea how it made it into the retail version as our testing never had the issue, but somehow it seems that it's pulling from mobile sound files instead of the sound files that the PS4 version should be using. We're working on getting a fix out as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Pinball Arcade Support
Discount is for owning the full Season 1 for PS3/Vita, base game gets no discount.
Just got this back from support:
So I guess I am happy that they at least are acknowledging the mistake. Hope to see it patched soon. Hilarious that it is using mobile sound.
Just got this back from support:
So I guess I am happy that they at least are acknowledging the mistake. Hope to see it patched soon. Hilarious that it is using mobile sound.
That begs the question - why are the sound files such shit on mobile devices? It's not like those aren't capable of reasonable quality audio.
Just got this back from support:
So I guess I am happy that they at least are acknowledging the mistake. Hope to see it patched soon. Hilarious that it is using mobile sound.
It's the best version of the game, so cut them some slack. They must have worked hard to make it so upgraded on all of the tables. Seriously just compare how it looks like on iOS compared to what you get to see on PS4.
This game is both awesome and a comedy of errors at the same time.
This is actually a relatively smooth launch for them. People have suffered way worse than a price hiccup or a couple things needing patches... try a half dozen delays or months with no updates only to find out there will never be any more updates, and that's just getting started. You can write a book that would have made Robert Jordan or George R. R. Martin proud about all the things FarSight gets wrong. But at the end of the day, they're still just about the only player in town for real pinball simulation (unless you want to go Visual Pinball or Future Pinball, and you're only kidding yourself if you think the average community created table is better off), and they do sometimes get things right eventually.
Alright, you guys are right, I'll cut them some slack. Three dollars isn't really a big deal and I really want to like the game.
So should I just pickup the retail copy or go all in on PSN?
I've never been a huge pinball fan, but gave this a shot on the PS4 and bought all of the Season 1 tables. I've really enjoyed the Medieval game so far (where you have to beat King Payne or whatever). I have no idea how I'd ever actually "beat" the table cause it seems so impossible, but it's still fun.
What are the best tables in Season 1?
Can I play it on ps4 and unlock some trophies without spending a cent?
What are the best tables in Season 1?
Do the packs ever have cheaper specials on steam?
Do the packs ever have cheaper specials on steam?
Arabian Nights is my favorite table ever!I bought season 1 but Arabian Nights has surprisingly been my favorite thus far.
Theatre of Magic has frame drops in it. It gets kind of annoying.
ps4 version?
Yeah, PS4 version. Sorry I should have specified.
I should also clarify while the frame drops are annoying the table is still very playable.
With the base ball? I noticed in ToTAN when I tried some of the other balls the frame rate would drop. So I went back to the base ball.
Just did Theater of Magic and didn't notice anything obvious drops fwiw.
Yeah. Some people have good taste, other people don't.It's really a matter of taste. A lot of people love the mid-late 90s games like Twilight Zone, Medieval Madness, Star Trek, while I personally prefer the 80s tables such as Taxi, Gorgar and Elvira and the Party Monsters.
Yeah. Some people have good taste, other people don't.
You do.
Centaur was S2, wasn't it?I bet that looks dope on PS4.
And playing this all night on my PS4 broke my dual shock 4. Clicking the L1/R1's so much has gotten my R1 sticky. Still works, but have a feeling it's going to get stuck soon at this rate and been unusable. Since it's only like 33 days since launch I wonder if it's covered under any sort of warranty. Will ask in the PS4 thread. But yeah ;_; Luckily I have 2 controllers and hardly ever play co-op with anyone so I'll just use the other one for now!
Can't wait until they patch the sound and vibration.
People keep talking about ROM emulation for Black Knight, but how good is it gonna be when they have emulation down for Firepower and they can move away from scripts? Ungh.Yeah, Centaur, Firepower, Whirlwind and Flight 2000 are all season 2, and among my personal favorites.
People keep talking about ROM emulation for Black Knight, but how good is it gonna be when they have emulation down for Firepower and they can move away from scripts? Ungh.
PS. If you haven't, I highly recommend you play a FP in person. It's pretty brutal but that sound that keeps ramping up just gets to you. Hard to retain composure with that going on (just like BK).
PPS. Guys, do I go pro on the PC S3 pack? I have a feeling this will be the best season per table count thus far so it may be worth my while... but how many pro tables will there be? All of them? There's at least one per double pack in previous seasons...
The sticky shoulders on DS4 are really really easy to fix... there's a video tutorial somewhere.
First time I played it was the first machine I ever played inside someone's house. The actual first machine I ever played was... um, I dunno. First one I remember putting some serious coin into was MM, but I have somewhat clear memories of Road Show, Demo Man, Twilight Zone and Johnny Mnemonic. That was before I was into pins though, so I never really gave myself the chance to appreciate them.FP was the first table I ever played in person. They had one down the street from where I grew up.
Now, I hadn't played The Pinball Arcade since around Table Pack 4 or 5 on PS3 when they just introduced Pro tables. I was assuming when paying $10 more for the Pro version of the season I'd have pro versions of the tables. People here said for one thing, Elvira is censored without the operators menu.
...but only 6 tables have pro versions of the 20ish? And Elvira doesn't even have a pro menu? Is that right? Seems like I should've gone standard for this season at least and saved $10.
Also if Season 1 is ~20 tables for $40, and Season 2 is ~20 tables for $40, why the hell is Season 3 ~10 tables for $40? Seems...weird and bs.
Brief side note: Anyone know why TPA on my PC would only be using a single CPU core while playing? It's using 100% of core 0, but the others use bugger all. Of course, this means I get juddery slowdown/tearing, even though it's reporting as being a flat 60fps.
I suspect it's GPU driver related, but have no clue how to narrow it down![]()
First time I played it was the first machine I ever played inside someone's house. The actual first machine I ever played was... um, I dunno. First one I remember putting some serious coin into was MM, but I have somewhat clear memories of Road Show, Demo Man, Twilight Zone and Johnny Mnemonic. That was before I was into pins though, so I never really gave myself the chance to appreciate them.
We'd better see some goddamn older pins this season. Too many DMDs and not enough earlier 80s/System 4+ stuff. Sucks that this season they're going single tables only, because it almost inevitably means they'll be going with DMD titles for the appearance of more value (with the odd exception, like BK2K obviously).
I think if we get a S4, we'll see Flash in it. I couldn't see that coming in S3 (doesn't have the depth) but I think it's popular and important enough that we'll get it sooner or later.
I also want Varkon, but I'm not holding my breath:
Would be nice if they didn't force me to use the bumpers on the DS4. I'm getting a sticky bumper - I found a "fix" but it's not going to be permanent. I'd rather just use the face buttons.
Dead quiet from SCEE and Farsight regarding people not being able to buy season 1 bundle...
if either version gets a friends filter on their leadboards
Since Im internetless untill Saturday I have aquick question. On my PS3 I had to force the game to 720p to prevent a wierd type of video lag. Due to that I played most on the Vita. Are there reports of any issues with lag on the ps4 version?
Yeah, a full day later you would think they'd have fixed this by now.