Are you having fun with it?
Yeah, I wish there were more songs available from the start though.
Are you having fun with it?
I've never really felt rhythm games made any sense. I never felt like any of my actions served any outcome. Rhytym games are more about the game controlling you and not the other way around. That's my biggest beef with them...
Although rare, there are music games that allow you to express some creative freedom while not being composition software. Electroplankton is one good example, and Wii Music to a lesser extent.Rhythm games are really a lot like playing music. Your controller is the instrument through which you engage with it. You have to keep the beat, and perform specific actions in accordance with the song.
The main difference is most rhythm games leave little room for personal expression, which I guess might be your problem with it. But that's not really so different from being a member of an orchestra and reading sheet music.
You aren't creating the music, you just play it.
Yeah, and Wii Music is shit and Electroplankton - while an interesting idea - gets kinda boring fast. It's a nice toy to play with for a few minutes here and there, but I wouldn't say it has any kind of longetivity or exactly call it a music game (it's more like a music generator with a neat graphic UI).Although rare, there are music games that allow you to express some creative freedom while not being composition software. Electroplankton is one good example, and Wii Music to a lesser extent.
True. However, there are a number of barriers to getting people interested in digital instruments, and those games I think aren't really made to be as something serious like that in mind, or else the software design would be very different in features, mechanics, and aesthetics. The KORG DS products, in particular, are a good example of a more serious instrument software, but their appeal in the market is rather limited.Yeah, and Wii Music is shit and Electroplankton - while an interesting idea - gets kinda boring fast. It's a nice toy to play with for a few minutes here and there, but I wouldn't say it has any kind of longetivity or exactly call it a music game (it's more like a music generator with a neat graphic UI).
Rock Band does it fairly well with the solo parts which let you play whatever you want while having to follow notes the rest of the time.
I think Zeer0id's answer was the best way to put it. There are so many kinds of these games out there, including music games/tools/"generators" (good word FamassuMan, I'm going back and forth on whether or not to buy this. At the end of the day, it's a rhythm game and I don't know just how long that can hold my attention. I've never really felt rhythm games made any sense. I never felt like any of my actions served any outcome. Rhythm games are more about the game controlling you and not the other way around. That's my biggest beef with them...
70, I believe
By the way, are the note chimes in this game as annoying as they seem to be in the trailers? That's the one standout thing that's worrying me.
Yeah, I'm hoping it won't be so jarring that it becomes a distraction, but I haven't had the chance to see for myself yet if that's the case since there's no demo for the US yet. :<I didn't find them particularly offputting while playing the demo at PAX East. Of course, I'm used to rhythm game feedback and use it as a timing aid, so it would be stranger to my ears if it -wasn't- there.
^Oh gosh, are we going to have to grind for months like in DJMax to unlock stuff?
There's 5 songs for each numbered entry, and then the rest are unlocked via things called Dark Notes... they're crazy hard and random so you don't know what songs you'll be playing when you get them.
Bestbuy and Gamestop both have the stylus preorder bonus.
Definitely want to get this, but I think I'll wait until we find out about the DLC situation in NA.
That's why I started using cwcheats to unlock everything after DJMP2.^Oh gosh, are we going to have to grind for months like in DJMax to unlock stuff?
So does this game have any mixes? I can just youtube songs if all the game is just ost rips.
Also, how is the 'feedback' of when you hit a note spot on? Are the tracks multi layered aka guitar hero where the music reacts when you mess up?
Straight up OST, no real feedback. Actually in terms of a rhythm game, its extremely forgiving. Hitting a note late can still be considered perfect sometimes.
It's the game I've played the most on my Japanese 3DS. I haven't bought any DLC in a while for it. I definitely recommend the game.
I wonder if the songs are going to be $1.50 like they are ¥150 in Japan...
This is out in Australia early
aaand this now been pushed down from day 1. I guess i was expecting a bit too much for SE to make the super ultra music game on their first try :/
I'm not seeing how the tracks not being arranged makes this somehow less of a music game.
I was at least expecting them to redo some of the midi stuff with actual instruments, The Black Mages style.
Ive read some reviews that the plot is pretty thin and comprises mostly of text screens. Is this the case? I mean, the plot in Dissidia was also paper thin, but at least it had cutscenes with dialogue and it did drive one along to play further. How would you describe Theatrythm?
edit: just watched the Gamespot review. Seems like this is more rythm game than RPG. Wish the demo would go up for NA to help me decide.
By the way, are the note chimes in this game as annoying as they seem to be in the trailers? That's the one standout thing that's worrying me.
I'm not seeing how the tracks not being arranged makes this somehow less of a music game.
well it might just be my limited memory of FF songs, but are there really that many of them that would work in a rhythm game environment? Don't video game songs tend to loop every ~30 secs or so?
But really the only game that i played that can sorta be a comparison is Mario DDR mix. Even though the game was dumb easy, the stepcharts were also quite er... boring?
Any videos of how 'hard' this game gets?
well it might just be my limited memory of FF songs, but are there really that many of them that would work in a rhythm game environment? Don't video game songs tend to loop every ~30 secs or so?
But really the only game that i played that can sorta be a comparison is Mario DDR mix. Even though the game was dumb easy, the stepcharts were also quite er... boring?
Any videos of how 'hard' this game gets?
is the demo out for NA yet?
This made me laugh because I thought the same thing.aaand this now been pushed down from day 1. I guess i was expecting a bit too much for SE to make the super ultra music game on their first try :/
This is out in Australia early
That sounds like it would break the bank, or at least severely limit the number of songs the game's budget would allow. Completely wasted effort when the original music is perfectly fine.
Theatrhythm is meant to be a 25th anniversary game. Original, nostalgic midi-versions of songs fits the nature of the release, so it's understandable that there are no (mostly) horrible buttrock Black Mages versions of songs or anything. :|What effort though? There already exist dozens of versions of the popular songs.
In fact I looked it up and some of the DLC songs ARE different arrangements of OST songs. So why can they make us buy them but not include them for free?