Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
Haven't tackled Ultimate yet because I'm too busy farming shards.
IX aka Best FFSo jealous that you get to play IX for the first time...
Haven't tackled Ultimate yet because I'm too busy farming shards.
I've only unlocked two characters. It'll be a while before I unlock them all.
They come by pretty quickly when you level your party up enough and find Dark Notes where you can kill 2-3+ bosses at once thanks to boss killing skills.
They come by pretty quickly when you level your party up enough and find Dark Notes where you can kill 2-3+ bosses at once thanks to boss killing skills.
So wait, are there 99 Dark Notes, or are you only allowed to have 99 maximum at one time?
I wonder if there's a trophy for getting every character (including the secret ones) to level 99. I... don't even want to think about how long that would take.
Has anyone worked out what the best Ultimate Score BMS to farm EXP is on yet? So far, for me it's been FF IV's "Battle with the Four Fiends." Every time I finish that with a Miratete's Memoir equipped, I get around 17,000 EXP.
One thing I noticed today is that, if you finish a song with a party that has some, but not all characters at level 99, the EXP isn't distributed evenly between just those who still need it. It'll still divided by four, even though the level 99 characters don't technically get it. Lame. :/
I'm trying to farm shards for characters right now, and I've found that the number of shards I get each time I play a Dark Note is wildly inconsistent. Are shard drops affected by the Luck stat? Even with Vaan and Zidane and their maxed-out Luck and Lv99 Lightning and Squall as my boss killers, more often than not I get zero shards... but once in awhile I'll get like four shards (two each of two colors).
There is.
I'm a bit disappointed there's no perfect critical chain for all songs trophy. Instead there's just seperate ones for perfect chains and total critical charts.
I've found that bosses will always drop a shard if all the colors they have are ones you still need to collect. If they drop a color you already finished off, then what ends up being a non-drop actually means they would have dropped something but you already finished off the color for it.
Page 1
- Cleared all Final Fantasy titles!
- Summoned all five summons!
- Rode all varieties of chocobo!
- Watched all extended versions!
- Completed your first crystal!
- Exchanged ProfiCard with another player!
- Achieved first Perfect Chain!
- Achieved first All Critical!
Page 2
- Played Challenge mode 100 times!
- Played Challenge mode 300 times!
- Played Challenge mode 500 times!
- Cleared 15 different Dark Notes!
- Cleared 50 different Dark Notes!
- Cleared 99 different Dark Notes!
- Played Practice mode 50 times!
- Played Demo mode 50 times!
Page 3
- First character reached Lv99!
- Four characters reached Lv99!
- Ten characters reached Lv99!
- Obtained 15 ProfiCards!
- Obtained 50 ProfiCards!
- Obtained 99 ProfiCards!
- Shared bylines 50 times!
- Defeated all types of enemies!
Page 4
- Faced 100 enemies in battle!
- Faced 500 enemies in battle!
- Faced 1000 enemies in battle!
- Completed 100 summonings!
- Rode chocobos 100 times!
- Encountered 100 moogles!
- Watched extended versions 100 times!
- Received one billion points!
Page 5
- Received three billion points!
- Received 50 billion points!
- Filled the Critical Chart 10 times!
- Filled the Critical Chart 30 times!
- Activated abilities 500 times!
- Activated abilities 1000 times!
- Used items 50 times!
- Used items 100 times!
Page 6
- Beat 7+ enemies in one BMS!
- Activated 10+ abilities in 1 song!
- Cosmos joined your party!
- Defeat Chaos in a Dark Note!
- Beat Ultimate Score as a Stoic!
- Perfect Chained a Dark Note!
- Cleared a Dark Note on Multi Play!
- Played for 100 hours!
Page 7
- Cleared all Ultimate Scores!
- Got S on all Basic Scores!
- Got S on all Expert Scores!
- Got S on all Ultimate Scores!
- Perfect Chained all Basic Scores!
- Perfect Chained all Expert Scores!
- Perfect Chained all Ultimate Scores!
- Got S on all Basic Courses!
Page 8
- Got S on all Expert Courses!
- Got S on all Ultimate Courses!
- Collected all movies!
- Collected all songs!
- Collected all CollectaCards!
- Collected all characters!
- Filled the Critical Chart on all songs!
- All characters reached Lv99!
S on the first try, no misses
I think this game should have a "mega-ultimate" difficulty level
Nineteen hours and I've only unlocked, so... yeah.Vivi, Locke, and Ashe
I'm trying to farm shards for characters right now, and I've found that the number of shards I get each time I play a Dark Note is wildly inconsistent. Are shard drops affected by the Luck stat? Even with Vaan and Zidane and their maxed-out Luck and Lv99 Lightning and Squall as my boss killers, more often than not I get zero shards... but once in awhile I'll get like four shards (two each of two colors).
S on the first try, no misses
I think this game should have a "mega-ultimate" difficulty level
In Chaos Shrine, what determines you getting to face the 2nd or 3rd boss of the battle round? I'm usually getting put up against boss no.1 and they hardly ever drop Shards...
In Chaos Shrine, what determines you getting to face the 2nd or 3rd boss of the battle round? I'm usually getting put up against boss no.1 and they hardly ever drop Shards...
I think the Ultimate difficulty is pretty easy for anyone who could finish Ouendan's hardest difficulty or anyone who has ever tried playing Bemani style games seriously. I think they made it as hard as they could with their touchscreen mechanics though. The real challenge in this game is getting all perfect critical chains I feel.
I was so close to picking this up last night... I had it in my hand at Gamestop with the store closing in about 2 minutes but ultimately decided to hold off. What do you guys think, should I pick it up now or wait for a price-drop? I love FF music and I enjoy rhythm games so I know I'll like it but I just don't know if it's worth full price.
On the field stage, there is a signpost that you can get to that unlocks Boss 2/3. You need a fast agility character in your first slot and a pretty good run to reach it usually.
Whether you get boss 2 or 3 seems to be determined on the battle stage. On the monster before the boss appears during the song you'll see "Boss 3" pop up and a chime play right below your main characters avatar in the top right. Someone else might be able to provide more information on that though.
Like I said, I enjoy rhythm games quite a bit, but at the same time there aren't many that I would be willing to pay $40 for these days. Theatrhythm is one of the few that I would consider because of the nostalgia factor, and from what I've seen the game seems to be fairly well fleshed out and polished which is certainly a plus. I'm really on the fence at the moment.Well I think it's a question of if you find value in rhythm games. It's certainly worth no less than any other rhythm game, and more than most. And that's without considering the sizable nostalgia factor.
Which character's stats govern how far you get in field mode? All four, or just the first, or the one who is currently active on the screen?
Which character's stats govern how far you get in field mode? All four, or just the first, or the one who is currently active on the screen?
S on the first try, no misses
I think this game should have a "mega-ultimate" difficulty level
Now you do it without skills/items to fill in the rest of that critical bar!
And if you want harder, there's high-end Chaos Notes with their rotating arrows.
I am having zero trouble with the rotating notes. I thought it was going to be hell, but apparently, way easier than expected.
Only thing I dislike is grinding out shards for characters and having to beat challenge mode to unlock harder difficulties for series mode.
Otherwise the game is awesome
Hvae to grab another eShop card to get the rest of the songs. Only had 4$ on my account.
Anyone scratch their screen yet?![]()
Does anyone have a video of the so-called rotating slide prompts? I... am afraid.
I feel like i'm going to, but I haven't yet.
Here's my original DS and the effects of years of playing Ouendan/Ouendan 2 and Rhythm Heaven on it. The bottom touch screen has been deteriorating pretty badly.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Ouch. Yeah. I plan on putting a screen protector on the bottom screen of my XL, even if it kills me.
I think you're right. Once you're past the "boss 2 or 3" signpost, which boss you get depends on your performance during the first two enemies of the battle stage. If you take too long killing them, you get boss 2. If you do well, you get boss 3. If you really want boss 3, you can let yourself die and just retry the battle stage, since it doesn't make you redo the field stage when you continue.
You can also just pause and hit "retry stage". You'll start at the beginning of BMS.
Maybe not really a problem, but I never/ever get boss one or two. Always Boss 3 for me. It's annoying because I have to purposefully do badly to get them.
Maybe not really a problem, but I never/ever get boss one or two. Always Boss 3 for me. It's annoying because I have to purposefully do badly to get them.