Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

PS5 Players Are Buying Fewer New Games, But Spending More Than Ever Overall
Microtransactions making the moolah

The spending on new games decreases by 12%, but spending for content add-on and services increases by 176% and 57%. Happy to see PS5 players investing so much on micro transaction and that increasing PS+ price is a net positive move.

To date, players have spent 26 per cent more on PS5 than PS4 launch aligned, totalling $731 million compared to $580 million. This is despite a 12 per cent decline in full-game sales. So, what’s changed? Well, add-on spending (otherwise known as microtransactions) has increased an eye-watering 176 per cent, meaning people are ultimately buying fewer new games but spending more within the ones they already own.
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