Yep. Instructions in the OP.Alucrid said:Wait, so can you buy this on PC through a European site despite it not being released in the US right now?
Yep. Instructions in the OP.Alucrid said:Wait, so can you buy this on PC through a European site despite it not being released in the US right now?
Man I loved it when it rained and stormed in The Witcher, so good, especially in the swamp.lastplayed said:Some video of the water physics during the night/day cycle.
It's a pity the Moon disappears before it sets though. :lol
btw, does it ever rain in the game? I'm a sucker for some nice rainy weather in games, but I haven't seen a drop of it yet.Maybe that's why I liked Gothic 4, it had a good thunderstorm every 5 minutes.
Alucrid said:Wait, so can you buy this on PC through a European site despite it not being released in the US right now?
nataku said:Well, I'm getting some kind of error on the german proxy site when trying to buy it. I get to the page where it tries to redirect me to finish my payment and it never goes, so I click the link to do redirect myself and I get an error from the proxy site. I see the word "banned" in the URL so I'm guessing it's not going to let me buy it.
Guess I'll just wait until it hits the US.
syllogism said:In fact, you pretty much can't explore the island besides a few isolated areas.
Expansion, possibly, but they definitely wouldn't have held back the content if it had been ready for the release as this is a pretty big issue considering they've been marketing the game with this mapHammer24 said:DLC incoming?
syllogism said:Hmm, apparently the main quest doesn't take you to that huge "main" island at all. Sounds like they were a bit overly ambitious with the content and ran out of time. The official map is definitely misleading as there's, supposedly, pretty much no content on the main island even if you go there. In fact, you pretty much can't explore the island besides a few isolated areas.
Who gives a shit about cutscenes, in an open world rpg?ram said:played the ps3 version for a bit and wow - i cant believe the ratings. its an improvement over the first game (which isnt hard) but its not a polished triple a game experiance. cutscenes are laughable bad, the animation is wonky and the controls are a bit laggy. also the story is crap (i can say that after watching the intro) and the font size is to small.
overall it feels more like a 7/10 game.
Stop talking for eveyone, I'm one of those people that care about stories in an open world RPG.UrbanRats said:Who gives a shit about cutscenes, in an open world rpg?
I guess you are still waiting for the first open world rpg with a good story thenMr_Brit said:Stop talking for eveyone, I'm one of those people that care about stories in an open world RPG.
Elder Scrolls says Hi! I know GAF is all about lambasting game stories on one hand and praising tripe like Zelda on the other hand but some of us actually like involving game stories and rich lore. I know I don't need to defend my position as the mass market seems to agree with me.syllogism said:I guess you are still waiting for the first open world rpg with a good story then
hahahahahahahahaMr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi!
syllogism said:"Triple A" game experiences are generally laughably bad. The animation criticism especially is rather odd considering the standard of animation in the genre.
Mr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi! I know GAF is all about lambasting game stories on one hand and praising tripe like Zelda on the other hand but some of us actually like involving game stories and rich lore. I know I don't need to defend my position as the mass market seems to agree with me.
Mr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi! I know GAF is all about lambasting game stories on one hand and praising tripe like Zelda on the other hand but some of us actually like involving game stories and rich lore. I know I don't need to defend my position as the mass market seems to agree with me.
Mr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi!
Mr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi! I know GAF is all about lambasting game stories on one hand and praising tripe like Zelda on the other hand but some of us actually like involving game stories and rich lore. I know I don't need to defend my position as the mass market seems to agree with me.
syllogism said:"Triple A" game experiences are generally laughably bad. The animation criticism especially is rather odd considering the standard of animation in the genre.
ram said:played the ps3 version for a bit and wow - i cant believe the ratings. its an improvement over the first game (which isnt hard) but its not a polished triple a game experiance. cutscenes are laughable bad, the animation is wonky and the controls are a bit laggy. also the story is crap (i can say that after watching the intro) and the font size is to small.
overall it feels more like a 7/10 game.
English is clearly not my mother language but, how is: "who gives a shit?" --> "talking for everyone"?Mr_Brit said:Stop talking for eveyone, I'm one of those people that care about stories in an open world RPG.
DennisK4 said:This is fucking Risen all over again. An absolute gem few people bought that got mediocre reviews and with people not buying because they saw, or heard about, some little bit about the game they didn't like.
Can't wait for the 60-70% review scores from people who would nut themeselves if this was called Elder Scrolls V, "OMG - 98%!!"
DennisK4 said:This is fucking Risen all over again. An absolute gem few people bought that got mediocre reviews and with people not buying because they saw, or heard about, some little bit about the game they didn't like.
Can't wait for the 60-70% review scores from people who would nut themeselves if this was called Elder Scrolls V, "OMG - 98%!!"
DualShadow said:Hey guys I'm playing Risen currrently, is this basically a way better version on that style of game?
Cause Risen seems ok so far, just started, but I would really like a better playing, better combat game of this style.
Mr_Brit said:Elder Scrolls says Hi! I know GAF is all about lambasting game stories on one hand and praising tripe like Zelda on the other hand but some of us actually like involving game stories and rich lore. I know I don't need to defend my position as the mass market seems to agree with me.
ram said:played the ps3 version for a bit and wow - i cant believe the ratings. its an improvement over the first game (which isnt hard) but its not a polished triple a game experiance. cutscenes are laughable bad, the animation is wonky and the controls are a bit laggy. also the story is crap (i can say that after watching the intro) and the font size is to small.
overall it feels more like a 7/10 game.
Honestly I think the animations and controls are fine. Animations are definitely better than, say, in Oblivion.brain_stew said:So basically its an Eastern European PC game?
ram said:played the ps3 version for a bit and wow - i cant believe the ratings. its an improvement over the first game (which isnt hard) but its not a polished triple a game experiance. cutscenes are laughable bad, the animation is wonky and the controls are a bit laggy. also the story is crap (i can say that after watching the intro) and the font size is to small.
overall it feels more like a 7/10 game.
So after having seen the intro cutscene and pushing you Dualshock around some, you are comfortable in giving the game a 7/10 score.ram said:played the ps3 version for a bit and wow - i cant believe the ratings. its an improvement over the first game (which isnt hard) but its not a polished triple a game experiance. cutscenes are laughable bad, the animation is wonky and the controls are a bit laggy. also the story is crap (i can say that after watching the intro) and the font size is to small.
overall it feels more like a 7/10 game.
Yeah one of the game issues there's not much variety in weather, it's like always sunny, definately needs more gloomier weather here and there. Risen and Arcania definately did better job there.lastplayed said:btw, does it ever rain in the game? I'm a sucker for some nice rainy weather in games, but I haven't seen a drop of it yet.Maybe that's why I liked Gothic 4, it had a good thunderstorm every 5 minutes.
Fail if true, maybe that main island will be one big fucking DLC/addon :lolsyllogism said:Hmm, apparently the main quest doesn't take you to that huge "main" island at all. Sounds like they were a bit overly ambitious with the content and ran out of time. The official map is definitely misleading as there's, supposedly, pretty much no content on the main island even if you go there. In fact, you pretty much can't explore the island besides a few isolated areas.
Since I started using these, the game has been shutting down on me every other 10 minutes or so. Anybody else?TheVampire said:Any other graphics tweaks besides these what ive got?
Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0
Engine.GrassUserDistance 10
Engine.GrassUserMultiplier 1
Engine.FarPlane 4000
Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.dstfarplane 9000
DennisK4 whats in your settings file?
Your screenshots look sweet