Pic below could be considered a spoiler for those only just arriving to the Savannah
Ceebs said:An 8800 should be fine. I am getting great framerates with just a 4870. I would imagine an 8800 could hit 30FPS with ease @ 720P
Instro said:Hm interesting, all low settings I imagine? Thanks for the heads up.
As screenshots and data above suggest, the GRACE engine is fully optimized for multi-core operation and is well capable of using up any GPU power you throw at it. In addition, the scalability of graphics detail is very visible, while not relying very heavily on distance rendering cut-off for optimization. This is visible in the distance-setting screenshots above - despite three different distance settings, the overall picture quality seems almost unchanged, denoting engine optimized for highest framerate at overall good graphics no matter what distance settings.
Snuggler said:Nice. I'm always down for a solid WRPG, here's hoping the console ports are not a total mess. I'll definitely get PS3 or 360 version as long as they're decent.
Yes, there doesn't seem to be any level-scaling at all.Diseased Yak said:It doesn't appear things scale with you at all. When I first started exploring the Savannah, Cheetahs would tear me a new asshole. Now that I have upgraded my bow a lot, my arrows, and have gotten more skill in things, I one-shot them from 50' away muahahahaha. Warthogs take two shots. Ostriches go down in one. So do poo-flinging baboons.
Still, it's awesome because I'll wander into a random cave and a Giant Scorpion (omfg these things are hideous and not like a normal scorpion at all) will rape me, repeatedly, then rape my corpse.
Oblivion-style monster leveling this ain't!
I simply can't get enough of sneaking up on Varns and assassinating them. Especially the ones who look like they're standing behind trees or boulders taking a piss.
Yes, the cave also has giant scorpions which are a lot worse, though you don't actually have to kill anything to get the stoneDennisK4 said:Let me ask again for those in the Savannah
Have anybody recovered the Runestone from the cave with the Necris? They slaughter me in one blow
flyinpiranha said:So using that German-Proxy, I'm accessing the UK site and using my USA Gamersgate login and CC to buy the game.
It should be added to my games and I'll be able to download it correct? I'm at the checkout screen with £29.95.
I just want to make sure before I pull the trigger on this game. This is PERFECT for my new 6870 until GT5 and WoW come out ... I was really hoping to have an awesome RPG.
So I should be good right?
Can I remote into my home PC (at work right now) and start the DL on a USA based IP?
DennisK4 said:Let me ask again for those in the Savannah
Have anybody recovered the Runestone from the cave with the Necris? They slaughter me in one blow
http://www.gogamer.com/Two-Worlds-I...productId118673532VVcatId444710VVviewprod.htmAmneisac said:Hmm, on that link from the OP it says: 44.95 Euros, which is like $62USD, right?
Retail for me on a PC game is still $49.99USD. I don't buy that Activision jank.
Yeah you will be fine.flyinpiranha said:So using that German-Proxy, I'm accessing the UK site and using my USA Gamersgate login and CC to buy the game.
It should be added to my games and I'll be able to download it correct? I'm at the checkout screen with £29.95.
I just want to make sure before I pull the trigger on this game. This is PERFECT for my new 6870 until GT5 and WoW come out ... I was really hoping to have an awesome RPG.
So I should be good right?
Can I remote into my home PC (at work right now) and start the DL on a USA based IP?
Danneee said:So, if I can run Just Cause 2 on nice settings I should be ok here? I have a measly HD5650 in my laptop.
You will be fine, the engine is amazingly optimized.Danneee said:So, if I can run Just Cause 2 on nice settings I should be ok here? I have a measly HD5650 in my laptop.
How do you do that? I am asking because I don't think I can do that yet.chris-013 said:Wow the magic system with the card is very deep !
I create a spell to convert damage on mana...
It will be out for MACs in December.Salazar said:Possibly an incomparably retarded question, but can this be Macbook Pro'd ?
-No (personally I like that a lot more)Interfectum said:a few questions:
- Does the game have a morality system?
- Is there a decent 3rd person view?
- Can you get bad ass looking armor in the game?
- Are there a lot of non-combat options? (talking your way out of things, sneaking around, etc)
Interfectum said:a few questions:
- Does the game have a morality system?
- Is there a decent 3rd person view?
- Can you get bad ass looking armor in the game?
- Are there a lot of non-combat options? (talking your way out of things, sneaking around, etc)
DennisK4 said:How do you do that? I am asking because I don't think I can do that yet.
Do you have to acquire skills before you can do stuff like that?
I can mostly do simple stuff like add a homing modifier.
So far magic seems a lot weaker than Bows and Melee for me.
Diseased Yak said:Sorry, I haven't been to that yetI just found the Mage Guild with it's job board and have been working on all the side quests.
:Ochris-013 said:Ye I sold a lot of stuff to make money so I bought a lot of card at the mage guild.
_tetsuo_ said:GG sends you an email with the link in it so you should be fine.
edit: This isn't really a spoiler since it happens like right from the start of the game, but who else lol'ed when you escape and they tell the emperor? That had to be the most powerful and angry "WHAT!" I have ever heard.
FlyinJ said:So, no one is having Vsync issues with this game?
It's driving me absolutely crazy. If I have no Vsync options on whatsoever, it tears all over the screen. If I enable both triple buffering and vsync in D3DOverride, I get a single tear in the lower middle of my screen constantly. So it's doing -something-, but it's not correcting my screen tear.
Does it make any difference if its dark?syllogism said:Is there a way to pass time? Days take fairly long and I need to do some thieving.
Unlikely, but most NPCs sleep at night so it's actually harder to steal their stuff as they are actually homeDennisK4 said:Does it make any difference if its dark?
EviLore said:The game must be opengl then. Makes sense since it has Mac support.