So, since Uncharted 2 was my favorite of these games, and I didn't have much problems with crushing ... I said "why not, lets try brutal"
Holy hell, go fuck yourself bluepoint.
-Enemies kill you with 1-2 shots
-You get 3 bullets per pickup
-You still do the normal amount of damage
This was hands down the most unbalanced, bullshit difficulty mode I have ever seen, easily beating out Akumu from The Evil Within (thank god the load times here are faster than TEW)
I mean, I beat it... but I had to fucking corner shoot and basically do everything in my power to cheat the game. It also exposed flaws in U2 like enemies just spawning out of nothingness, which is extremely frustrating considering you can lose 5-6 minutes of progress because some dickhead spawns centimeters in front of you and executes you in a second. Not to mention the myriads of time I was spawn killed multiple times in a row.
Also, I don't know if they broke the last room before the fight with lazarevic, because before in the PS3 version you could just let the soldiers and guardians fight, and then fight the victor (usually the guardians), and Chloe and Elena would stay behind cover.
Now Chloe and Elena just instantly engage alerting the soldiers to you, the soldiers beat the guardians, and they keep coming. I don't know how to stop it exactly, but I had to kill 50 before the second wave of guardians come in.
All in all, fuck brutal. No way in hell am I doing it for U1 because that game doesn't hold up at all, and I am probably not going to replay 3, since it will just remind me of how disappointing that game is.