gregor7777 said:It would be a good thing if they did release a 360 version. The more money from sales into the franchise, the better IMO. Even the most stalwart Sony fanboy couldn't be against that at this point if Sega thought it would be profitable.
Hcoregamer00 said:Ruby already took my question about the Artbook, so I have no personal requests. Thanks RubyEclipse <3
Giolon said:Some new figure prototypes appeared on the Japanese blog of Alicia, Isara, and the ditzy looking medic (PANTY SHOT!?) Cosette from VC2:
While I'd prefer that they were styled more after the game's proportions instead of the anime (Alicia's face is much less round in the game), these look a lot nice than the previous Alicia figure that came out.
Augemitbutter said:so trophies are a possibility now, or were you joking? i wouldn't mind another stimulus to replay the game.
highluxury said:They are definitely looking into it, I believe RubyEclipse has just recently stated that he's collecting data to back up the demand for trophies. And a possible boost in sales.
Darkpen said:Since when is Edy tsundere? I've never interpreted Edy as tsundere, unless it was something in the other Edy Detachment endings that I didn't pursue.
ianp622 said:20-30 hours to beat it, 50 or more if you play through the DLC and skirmishes a couple times (including expert).
Thaedolus said:Sweet. I guess I'll go ahead and keep it, replay value seems to be there and I'm really enjoying it thus far
i was really lucky that chapter,Jinaar said:Would just like to add my contempt ofChapter 8's arse raping that takes place after taking out the 2nd engine. I was not prepared to see my whole army get wiped out in a few moves, lastly to have some the Lancer dick shoot my exposed engine on the Eldelweiss.
Up to that point I had to deal with my Lancers and tank fail miserably to shoot the machine gun turrets on the giant tank. I swear in the beginning of the game like this all my guys are cross eyed.
Still enjoying the game immensely. Just was not prepared for that to take place. Not at all.
ivedoneyourmom said:Manos: The Hans of Fate, If at all possible, buy a new not used copy, we want as much money going into their hands as possible. Thanks!![]()
Jinaar said:What are the odds ehwill give it the old college try again tonight. I still have enough vodka at home to get thru it. I hope.
Fix the ranking system, omg
What's wrong with it?FlightOfHeaven said:Fix the ranking system, omg
Yeah, I just ignore the ranking. Beating a mission in a few turns isn't satisfying or fun for me. My personal "A rank" is clearing all enemies off the map and winning without losing any dudes or letting them re-take the capture points.
I agree it's mostly broken, since it's only a matter of speed, and scouts like Alicia can finish nearly all maps in a single turn.dojokun said:What's wrong with it?
Snuggler said:Yeah, I just ignore the ranking. Beating a mission in a few turns isn't satisfying or fun for me. My personal "A rank" is clearing all enemies off the map and winning without losing any dudes or letting them re-take the capture points.
Durante said:I finally had time to play VC again and started on the DLC. The game is even more awesome than I remembered (if such a thing is possible).
Since I now have a HD capture card I took a large number of screenshots, a few of which I've posted below (slight spoilers for the Edy DLC, but really nothing big). I finished the Edy mission, looking forward to the Selvaria one next.
(I guess you need to do it in 4 turns for an A?)
It's a Blackmagic Intensity Pro (basically the only option to capture high quality HD screenshots/videos without breaking the bank). I'm using a program I wrote to play the game & do captures.radiantdreamer said:VERY nice screen shots Durante! Specs on your card?
Thanks for telling me, I didn't know that (or rather, I probably read it months ago and forgot). I'll play it again for an A ranking and do the save/waiting thing.radiantdreamer said:Each rank yields a different ending!
:lol what?Doytch said:Just finished this today. First JRPG/JRPG-like game I've ever finished. I love it. The variety, the art, the mechanics, gameplay, presentation, all incredible. They tackled themes and issues that I rarely see mentioned in such depth in games (racism). Only occaisionally did I grimace because of Japanisms (beach party....). The pacing was perfect, even through the end which is where most games fall apart wrt pacing. It's up there for my favourite console-only game this generation for sure.
grandjedi6 said::lol what?
I'd say this is true.. VC handles racism in a rather realistic way. Other games might have general hatred of outgroups but it's not quite the same thing a characters hating members of their own society for reasons of ethnic heritage.grandjedi6 said::lol what?
There are so many games that "deal" with racism. Its almost an unwritten rule that if you have elves or aliens you have to have racism. It can be a book or a game, a sci-fi or a fantasy, a WRPG or a JRPG, either way it will have racism. To make the point, here is a very partial list of games that have racism as a theme. Doesn't have Valkyria Chronicles yet, someone should add it!Doytch said:I don't think it's a Schindler's List, but most of the stories told in games are just revenge/kill this/fuck her/rinse/repeat. The only other recent title I can come up with that dealt with racism was the Witcher.
highluxury said:They are definitely looking into it, I believe RubyEclipse has just recently stated that he's collecting data to back up the demand for trophies.
rhfb said:Just started to play today. After getting a B on the prologue mission I can't decide if I should play through first without trying to get an S on every mission or if I should go back and keep play the same missions over and over :lol
consider this a request for wendy/elysse/catherine screens.Durante said:It's a Blackmagic Intensity Pro (basically the only option to capture high quality HD screenshots/videos without breaking the bank). I'm using a program I wrote to play the game & do captures.
Ah good to know, I just glanced at gamefaqs and saw a s rank guide (and thinking this was like DMC/AW where S > A :lol )Die Squirrel Die said:The game has a new game+ feature that carries over all your characters levels and equipment. You'd probably be better playing the game normally your first time and then worrying about S ranks when you've got more powerful troops the 2nd time around, rather than repeating the same battles over to clear them once.
Edit: Forgot to say, if you are playing the US/Euro version the top rank is an A not an S.
FYI, there's no S rank in the American version. A rank is the highest you can get and still uses the A rank requirements of the Japanese version I believe.rhfb said:Ah good to know, I just glanced at gamefaqs and saw a s rank guide (and thinking this was like DMC/AW where S > A :lol )
MidnightRider said:Great. Now that I came in this thread I have a sudden sensation to buy this game.
Some quick shots from the character info screen (minor character story spoilers in the last 4):Pandaman said:consider this a request for wendy/elysse/catherine screens.
grandjedi6 said:There are so many games that "deal" with racism. Its almost an unwritten rule that if you have elves or aliens you have to have racism. It can be a book or a game, a sci-fi or a fantasy, a WRPG or a JRPG, either way it will have racism. To make the point, here is a very partial list of games that have racism as a theme. Doesn't have Valkyria Chronicles yet, someone should add it!
NeoZylom said:39.99. Should I buy?