hey durante, if it isn't too much, I'd like to request front, back, and face shots of Marina, Isara, Faldio, Ellet (I think she's in the glossary?), Homer, Coby, Alicia, Jann, Hector, Hannes, Juno, Nils, Theold, Ted, Kreis, Leon, Lynn, Freesia, Audrey, Edy, Aisha, Jane, Musaad, Melville, Ted, Dallas, Oscar, Cezary, Selvaria, and Jaeger.Durante said:We discussed this once or twice before in this thread. I agree that by game standards they deal with the theme very well, and if you read some of the side-character stories and consider the big reveal in the last chapter it's clear that they did it more thoroughly than just to make Isara and Rosie's interactions more interesting or improve the background for some missions.
Well, I'm in Canada and I want it new. So yeah ... I looked for it and I can't find it except on Amazon. if any Canadian know where to find it, just tell me.Doytch said:It's worth it but you should be able to find it cheaper...
Its worth 39.99 D:NeoZylom said:Well, I'm in Canada and I want it new. So yeah ... I looked for it and I can't find it except on Amazon. if any Canadian know where to find it, just tell me.
yes, install it.The Blue Jihad said:Okay just got the game and I have a few really annoying issues...hopefully they're easily addressed.
1) The load times. What the hell? Load times even to go back to the main menu? Load times for mini-cut-scenes? Load times for each map? Come on...this is GCN Finding Nemo kind of shit. Would installing the game improve these ridiculous load times at all?
2) Is there any way to easily skip past all of the story nonsense? I'm on my first playthrough and just want to play the game. I'll soak in the story later.
i dont think you can.3) Are we unable to set R1 aim mode to control with the right joystick rather than left? It's not a major problem but it's aggravating enough.
you're not far enough, you'll get those options once you're drafted into the militia.4) I had read there was a way to upgrade characters. I assume I'm not far enough yet? I'm on Chapter 3, I believe.
x2Pandaman said:
The Blue Jihad said:Okay just got the game and I have a few really annoying issues...hopefully they're easily addressed.
bitch, bitch, moan moan.
4) I had read there was a way to upgrade characters. I assume I'm not far enough yet? I'm on Chapter 3, I believe.
Thanks. So far the actual gameplay is very fun.
Darkpen said:x2
You're missing out, bro. If you've been skipping, or trying to, I suggest you start again from the beginning after installing, and enjoy the story along with the gameplay.
Darkpen said:x2
You're missing out, bro. If you've been skipping, or trying to, I suggest you start again from the beginning after installing, and enjoy the story along with the gameplay.
Darkpen said:x2
You're missing out, bro. If you've been skipping, or trying to, I suggest you start again from the beginning after installing, and enjoy the story along with the gameplay.
:/The Blue Jihad said:Eh, I started my SRPG affections with Shining Force 1 on the Genesis. Played that SRPG for the gameplay. Played FFT for the gameplay. Advance Wars for the gameplay. And so on into infinity when it comes to SRPG.![]()
Elfforkusu said:Well, the gameplay doesn't disappoint. But I really liked the story bits once it picked up... until it got kinda crazy, at which point I might've liked a skip button.
Anyway. Played some hard skirmishes the other day.
...HOLY CRAP! :lol
This game's going to keep me busy for a while.
Darkpen said::/
I love SRPG gameplay as much as the next guy, but you REALLY are missing out, especially in VC where you really start to grow attached to your units and their personalities.
Whoa! I can't promise anything but probably I'll do at least some of them (those that I likeDarkpen said:hey durante, if it isn't too much, I'd like to request front, back, and face shots of Marina, Isara, Faldio, Ellet (I think she's in the glossary?), Homer, Coby, Alicia, Jann, Hector, Hannes, Juno, Nils, Theold, Ted, Kreis, Leon, Lynn, Freesia, Audrey, Edy, Aisha, Jane, Musaad, Melville, Ted, Dallas, Oscar, Cezary, Selvaria, and Jaeger.
Pleeaasse do all of them? D:Durante said:Whoa! I can't promise anything but probably I'll do at least some of them (those that I like).
If you think VC's story is "atrociously bad" then I wonder what words you use for other games' stories! I don't think they have been invented yet. Personally, while not quite a PST or even a SMTDS, I thought VC's story was good.
Hey, trophies are nice. Not because you can show them off or because they add to your level/gamerscore/whatever, but as a kind of external record of when you played which game and what you accomplished in it, and to compare your progress with others.radiantdreamer said:Honestly, I don't understand the whole purpose of trophies. It's meta-game that really doesn't add anything to the experience. Why are people so into goddamn trophies?!
Shadow780 said:Thank gawd the anime has ended, I've been dragging myself to finish it since I like the game so much.
What a terrible adaptation.
Looks great but not $180 great.radiantdreamer said:e2046.com has begun taking preorders for one of the Selveria figures.
$180 bucks! Woah!!
radiantdreamer said:e2046.com has begun taking preorders for one of the Selveria figures.
$180 bucks! Woah!!
Snaku said:Where's the damn artbook?
Giolon said:Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Finally! I've been waiting for this day! Now to let it sit for 24-48 hours to see if any other shops pick it up for pre-order with a better price.
I'm getting this one no two bones about it. I've been waiting ever since the day I first saw it. What kind of sucks though (IMO) is they took her already huge boobs, and made them huger.
Now to see how Alter's figure turns out.
Edit: HobbySearch has got it too:
radiantdreamer said:e2046.com has begun taking preorders for one of the Selveria figures.
$180 bucks! Woah!!
I'd kill for an accompanying Alicia figure to go with this Selvaria one.gokieks said:An Alicia figure of that quality would have my wallet shivering in fear
radiantdreamer said:Sweet, yeah just got that news this morning. $170 still, but since HS only offers EMS shipping, it's hella expensive.
Never heard of FrenchDoll, so definitely gonna wait for the Alter version.
Hcoregamer00 said:Damn, that is a lot of money.
If it was $60, I would buy it. For three times the price am already half way to buying a 2nd PS3 or PSP.
To put it in context, it is $20 cheaper than the NINTENDO WII, what the hell?
:lolTheMissingLink said:Owned this day 1, sold it complete frustration after episode 7 or something a few weeks later...
I've visited this thread on and off and it convinced me to buy it again, SO I DID.
Well done, GAF. Well done.
Lionheart said:Well, after enjoying the demo last year or so, I've now finally found the game at 29,99 ( 24.99 after coupon) at a local online store here and ordered it, should get it today.
For a while now, I thought this game was never going to drop below 50 or so here and it was getting pretty rare in stores too, but I'm happy I've found it at a nice price after all!
After recent comments from Sega about trophies again, I may wait a little before I'll put a lot of time into this game, but I'm looking forward to it regardless.
Giolon said:It's a 1/6 scale figure so it's pretty big. That alone raises the price of any figure above the $60 mark (usually only 1/8 scale figures can be that cheap in my experience). Then you've got to factor in that it's a girl with big tits, they always add another premium for that. Finally, I think she's a pretty popular character. She may not be Haruhi, but there's quite a bit of cool fan art work of her out there, so again a higher price.
Still, $180 is a crapton of money. However, I've been planning for this figure's release since I first heard about it back in ~June. The approximate price point of $200-$250 has been floating around since then, so now that it's $180 I feel like I'm getting a bargain! XD
radiantdreamer said:The closest figure I can think of right now that matches the level of detail that Selveria has is the Alter version, Saber Lily, and Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere:
And these figures are like what, $80 each?
Lain said:I have that Gwendolyn figure too, and everytime I see it, I remember I didn't buy the Velvet and Mercedes ones.
Also Saber figures remind me that I didn't get this one http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-9053. (basically I hate you guys)
I hope the Alter Selvaria will be cheaper, because 180$ is way too much for a figure for me.
Also, where are some nice ones for Alicia?!
Well I think I fixed the issue with the game looking like shit :lol In my video setup I only had 480p and 1080p enabled, but I guess the PS3 didn't upscale the game to 1080p or something as the game was being displayed in 480p on my monitor. I went and enabled 720p and 1080i and the game looks a ton better ( I can read text now!!! )rhfb said:And just how low is the resolution in game? Text looked muddled as hell on my 1080p monitor (and from the XMB resolution I could tell the game was at 720p or lower).
Hcoregamer00 said:Goddamn, those are some good statues.
It would be nice if we got Valkyria stuff of that caliber.
Virro said:Just a quick question from someone who recently got the game and is loving it so far...
I'm finding the combat to be a bit 1-dimensional (Chapter 7) where it feels like most fights are picking people off in order to allow my tank to advance. Then sticking those same people behind the tank or in other places of cover and repeat until each objective is met.
Does the combat become a bit more varied as the game continues? I'm loving it so far, the story-telling, the graphical style, but this has to be my biggest problem with the game at the moment.