reposting all relevant information for new 50ppp, don't care
Zubz, pls ignore all of this in favour of your scum narrative, kthxbye
good night, good night
parting is etc.
Zubz, pls ignore all of this in favour of your scum narrative, kthxbye
Maybe the baddies are close enough to victory that a Blarg/Mazre sacrifice play is enough?
oh, for the sake of real #Town
Let's actually illustrate how this is all gonna play out after Today, shall we?
- {RIP D1}
[m] Gorlak ORDINARY GANGREL, Town-aligned Citizen; n/a- {RIP N1}
[m] AbsolutBro ORDINARY VENTRUE, Town-aligned Citizen; n/a- {RIP D2}
[m] MickD ORDINARY BRUJAH, Town-aligned Citizen; n/a- {RIP N2}
[m] squidyj ORDINARY TOREADOR, Town-aligned Citizen; n/a- {RIP D3}
[m] TheWorthyEdge -> [m] Christina Mackenzie GARY GOLDEN, PRIMOGEN OF THE NOSFERATU, Town-aligned 2-shot Commuter (command name: OBFUSCATE); N1: ??, N2: ??, ...- {RIP N3}
[m] Swamped ORDINARY MALKAVIAN, Town-aligned Citizen; n/a- {RIP D4, Poisoned on N2}
[m] Blargonaut JEANETTE VOERMAN, BARONESS OF SANTA MONICA, Town-aligned Lover/Roleblocker (command name: SEDUCE); N1: refrained from Power use in favour of partner's, N2: refrained from Power use in favour of partner's, N3: refrained from Power use in favour of partner's, ...- {RIP D4, Poisoned on N2}
[m] Mazre THERESE VOERMAN, BARONESS OF SANTA MONICA, Town-aligned Lover/Redirector; N1: redirected batsnacks to Trigger, N2: redirected Swamped to Christina Mackenzie, N3: redirected batsnacks to Swamped, ...- {RIP D4, voted out}
[m] Trigger / whoever gets lynched Today ??- {RIP N4}
[m] Satanic Saint / whoever gets Night-killed tonight ??---
- [m] Dr. Worm ??
- [m] Dusk Soldier ??
- [m] Fat4all ??
- [m] Hobohodo ??
- [m] infinit777 ??
- [m] batsnacks ??
- [m] StMeph ??
- [m] Timeaisis ??
- [m] Ynnek7 ??
- [m] Zubz ??
20 players. By D5, 10 remaining.
5? Town.
5? or 4? Mafia.
Possibly 1 Neutral if 4 Mafia.
TODAY, DAY 4: 13 players remaining; 8? Town, 5? Mafia (or 4? Mafia + 1 Neutral).
so, if we lynch Town Today:
END OF TODAY, DAY 4: 10 players remaining; 5? Town, 5? Mafia (or 4? Mafia + 1 Neutral).
If there's 5 Mafia; they kill 1 player Tonight so it'll be 9 players remaining at D5-start. 4 Town, 5 Mafia.
Outnumbering us, Mafia instantly wins at D5-start. GAME OVER.
If there's 4 Mafia; they kill 1 player Tonight so it'll be 9 players remaining at D5-start. 5 Town, 4 Mafia or 4 Town, 4 Mafia, 1 Neutral.
If it's 5 Town, 4 Mafia,; game continues into D5 under normal conditions. CONTINUE.
If it's 4 Town, 4 Mafia, 1 Neutral; and, if Mafia's Win condition requires outnumbering us, then game continues into D5, but under LYLO conditions. CONTINUE, BUT LYLO.
If it's 4 Town, 4 Mafia, 1 Neutral; and, Mafia's Win condition doesn't require outnumbering us (is "have equal numbers to Town" only), then Mafia wins by D5-start. GAME OVER.
but, if we lynch Mafia Today:
END OF TODAY, DAY 4: 10 players remaining; 6? Town, 4? Mafia (or 3? Mafia + 1 Neutral).
If there's 4 Mafia; they kill 1 player Tonight so it'll be 9 players remaining at D5-start. 5 Town, 4 Mafia
If it's 5 Town, 4 Mafia,; game continues into D5 under normal conditions. CONTINUE.
If there's 3 Mafia; they kill 1 player Tonight so it'll be 9 players remaining at D5-start. 6 Town, 3 Mafia, or 5 Town, 3 Mafia, 1 Neutral.
If it's 6 Town, 3 Mafia,; game continues into D5 under normal conditions. CONTINUE.
If it's 5 Town, 3 Mafia, 1 Neutral; game continues into D5 under normal conditions. CONTINUE.
...alright, Zubz-y et al.
If we kill off a Townie Today; there are timelines present where this game could be in LYLO Tomorrow, and there's even the darkest timeline in which Town loses instantly at Today's end.
For the uninitiated amongst us, "LYLO" MEANS "Lynch or Lose". It means that the game is in a critical situation where Town MUST eliminate someone who's Mafia that Day, or else Town will lose the game.
Also, a single vote placed on the wrong, non-Mafia person at any moment during LYLO, WILL 95% RESULT in Town losing the game, because at LYLO the player count is so low that all of the Mafia team can immediately pile on to create a majority before Town has a chance to react.
If we kill a Town player Today, there's a 50% chance we instantly lose the game, and a 25% chance we end up in LYLO Tomorrow.
So, Town.
Look at who's died so far. Do you realize the sitch we're in?
Only 1 Town-aligned Power Role has died so far (Christina Mackenzie, 2-shot Town Commuter). But, after Mazre and I shrug off, Town will have lost their Roleblocker and Redirector Today. That'll be 3 Town PRs, gone.
--you know who HASN'T died? That's right. The TOWN fuckin' INVESTIGATOR(well, if there even is one in this game, which there 95% MUST be or else we've been ********************** since the very beginning considering the apparent dearth of Town PRs here).
That means that Tomorrow, provided that the Investigator survives Tonight (N4); even if the Investigator hasn't caught any Mafia from N1 to N4, they will still be able to confirm that 4 out of the 10 remaining players Tomorrow are Town or Neutral (5 out of 10, if Investigator included). Do you understand what this means?
This means that Tomorrow, if LYLO, the Investigator will be able to effectively draw a line in the sand of the player roster, and say something like, "Hi, I'm the Town Investigator! After 4 Nights of hard work in the shadows, these are my results. These 5 players are Town. So these 5 must be Mafia. We lynch down my scum list and we win. GG"
That's a good thing, right?
Let me warn you the fuck.
Since you'll most likely be in "LYLO" Tomorrow, D5; all Mafia has to do to win Tomorrow, is have one of their members claim to be the Town Investigator, and then frame one of you real Town-aligned fucks as Mafia. Subsequently, that framed player will be lynched, and Town will thereby lose.
And, even if the REAL-ass Town Investigator survives Tonight to be able to come forward and reveal themselves Tomorrow; if any one of the Mafia claims as Town Investigator too, then you'll all be caught in a 2-way war for credibility with no way of confirming which player-claimant is the real Town Investigator. Like doppelgangers before you, you'll have to decide which one to BELIEVE regarding who to lynch Tomorrow.
That's 50/50 odds for outcomes that are either Town instantly losing, or, if you all manage to somehow successfully side with the correct, real Investigator; after lynching scum on D5, you all move forward into D6 with 8 (after D5's lynch and N5's kill) remaining players. That'll be 4? Town, and 4? Mafia (or 3? Mafia +1 Neutral), with the real Investigator surely killed by Mafia during the Night after Tomorrow, N5UNLESS, there is a Doctor in this game to Protect the Investigator during N5. And, not only is this an 'unless" scenario that hinges on the Doctor surviving Tonight, it also hinges on there being a Town Doctor in this game in the first place. Their presence is a possibility, yes, made higher by the fact the Doctor obviously hasn't died yet, but consider that Mazre and I are Town-aligned Redirector and Roleblocker respectively; our Roles are effectively Protective ones, albeit of the active-type. With Roles like ours in this game, would there still be a Town Doctor present, game balance-wise?
To summarize this gloomy future:
- If you mislynch and kill a Townie Today, there's like, a 25% chance that you will be in LYLO Tomorrow. DAY 5: 10 players remaining; 5? Town, 5? Mafia (or 4? Mafia + 1 Neutral).
- During LYLO Tomorrow, all Mafia has to do to win is claim to be a Town Investigator, and frame someone as Mafia. That framed person will be lynched, and Mafia wins.
- Even if the real Town Investigator survives past Tonight to counter-claim the fake usurper one Tomorrow, the process of Town winning from that point on, requires:
1) Town to decide on the correct side of 50/50 odds Tomorrow that the person they're listening to Tomorrow is the real Investigator saying the real Mafia to lynch.- If all these requirements are met (especially the correct-side-of-50/50 choice, which ALL of this hinges on) then during D6 (which would be DAY 6: 8 players remaining; 4? Town, 4? Mafia (or 3? Mafia + 1 Neutral)), Town should simply lynch the fake doppelganger Investigator from D5, who would clearly be Mafia for having tried to usurp the real one during D5's LYLO. Remember.
2) A majority vote in favour of said correct side of 50/50, which entails the real Investigator convincing all of remaining Town while in the face of a team of 5 or 4 Mafia controlling 5 or 4 votes out of 10 as one of them pretends to be said real Investigator; and, if even a single Town-aligned voter is not persuaded by the real one and thus misplaces their vote like the terrible, terrible player they are--? Town loses.
3) The existence of a Town Doctor to Protect the Investigator during the Night after Tomorrow, while taking into game balance consideration that Mazre and I are already Town-aligned Protective Roles (albeit of the active-action type). Is there really room for a Town Doctor?
4) The survival of nigh-cryptozoological Town Doctor and mythical Town Investigator past Tonight.
5) The Doctor successfully protecting the Investigator during N5 onwards, while the Investigator continues to weed out the remaining Mafia.
- And from that Day forward, Town must lynch a Mafia every single Day. If Town mislynches even once, Town loses. And every single one of those Days will be LYLO. Tense. Fun. Yeah?
I'll say it again, if we kill a Town player Today, there's a 50% chance we instantly lose the game, and a 25% chance we end up in LYLO Tomorrow. And if you end up in LYLO, beware the false Town Investigator and don't be hasty in dropping your vote.
Now, wait a sec. There's something more I must elaborate regarding this hypothetical Town Investigator...
I don't get it what is the point of deceiving town as town with fake roleblock claims
I knew Mafia would never kill me because I'm me, but I had to protect Mazre somehow
Mafia likes to kill off relatively inactive players like my dear Mazre, so I claimed that I Roleblocked Mazre just to get some heat onto him, make him feel like a presence
just like I did with my D1 storytime
"narrative", Mr. b
Even though what Blarg and Mazre's saying is convincing, I'd like to know who each of your top picks are for town/mafia.
If I would hazard a guess, based on scrutinizing their post activity with search for narrative (or lack thereof) in mind, I'd say that--
--are your dastardly cabal of Mafia conspirators. I'd put Dr. Worm in that pool too, because of how suspiciously competent he is, and also because of his terrible last vote Yesterday on CM, defending none other than Zubz while he did it.
These 5 (6~) are the perfect Mafia blend of quiet and pushy; bats and Zubz as the aggressive 'Town Leader' faces in the open, Trigger as the opinion wildcard, and Timeaisis and StMeph as the completely under-the-radar non-entity henchmen for doing NKs.
And, let's not forget Trigger:
Oh, I was just confused. If Batsnacks power was directed to me than shouldn't something have happened to me? I didn't get any reports of night actions. It's not really that big a deal. I still trust Blarg for now.
I still trust Blarg for now.
for now.
Trigger said this 1 hour before I was allegedly supposed to die from Poison.
Quite a short 'now', I'd say?
I think Trigger knew I was lying about my Poison duration, and made a Freudian slip, subconsciously dropping that he knew I was going to survive past Day's end... because he's part of the Mafia team that did this to me.
I think for sure that Trigger is Mafia, seemingly in on my Poisoning.
VOTE: Trigger
Mazre, as much as we have batsnacks CAUGHT FUCKIN' RED-HANDED, I think you should move your vote onto Trigger.
like, even if I vote against him, there's no traction for CAUGHT FUCKIN' RED-HANDED batsnacks?
so pls
This proximity is dangerous, Mazre
vote Trigger
and Trigger, you should Role-claim
I'm Beckett, researcher of the strange and collector of Pokemon Cards (Citation Needed). I can't see alignment, but I can see if somebody engaged in a night action. I have 2 shots to investigate per game; but I've only collected info once. Why, you ask? Well, let's look at your partner's claim.
The reason why Bats & Trigger report nothing happening is because, well, nothing happened. I tracked Mazre, and I was told Mazre did nothing throughout the night; the real roleblocker must have stopped him. That's why I initially questioned Blarg's claim of roleblocking Mazre instead of Turboing; it fit my tracking of Mazre that night.
I feel Mazre's the safer kill because Blarg's been known to Mafia claim with a good role and good info before. That said, We have 5 hours left, and we're not wasting our vote on Trigger.
VOTE: Blargonaut
UNVOTE: Trigger
Fucking wow.
This is the flimsiest and most opportunistic Role-claim I have ever seen. Everything about this Role-claim screams, "JUST DIE ALREADY," as in it reads like a Role-claim specifically tailored to finish me and Mazre off. Everything from the timing of your claim to your alleged targets screams "JUST DIE ALREADY," because not only are you trying to finish us off with it, you're also trying to exonerate batsnacks AND Trigger with it, which is mighty fucking convenient for you three considering that you and they're both on my Top Scum list. If I had any doubts about you being scum, Zubz, you just erased them for me.
It's painfully obvious that you're twisting my "roleblocked Mazre N1" fake-out against me, because you've shaped your entire Role-claim around that. If we were to BELIEVE what you're saying Zubz, Mazre did not receive any failure message for his Redirect stating that he was Roleblocked on N1, yet you receive failure messages when your Night Actions fail like you allege happened to you on N3 when you "failed" to Track batsnacks? And what kind of Tracker gets to retain a failed 1-shot? I said that Mazre and I can't use our powers simultaneously, only one of us can use it at a time. And since Mazre has been the one moving every Night, I have never used my Roleblock. And even if I could use it simultaneously, why would I Roleblock my own Lover?
And then, as if all this wasn't enough to put the stake in us; the very last thing you say in your claim is going ahead and trying to frame me and Mazre as boogeymen who're gonna kill you, you specifically, in your sleep? Huh. Talk about unnecessary fuckin' character defamation. Or is it slander? Poor you.
Your Role-name may be real, and you may be a 2-shot Tracker for all I know, but now I'm sure as shit you're not Town.
Although, according to your claim, there's a way to really figure this out, isn't there? I mean, you're basically asking batsnacks to Role-claim in order to nail Mazre's and I's coffin tighter, you're giving him yet another out by allowing him to "BELIEVABLY" claim to not be a PR in order to fit your statements and knock me outta here further. Kudos to your bloody team for crafting this opus of frame and fuckin' clearance. Applause applause applause.
Convenient that you, Mr. 2-shot, just so happened to Track Mazre AND batsnacks, Today's 2 major players, out of 19 other players in the game, whole Nights ago? And you were only able to Track batsnacks because you had a shot left over when you "forgot" to Track CM on N2? Wow. What a coincidence. Too fucking convenient, Zubz.
bats, recent events have inspired me to change my mind: shut up. If you Role-claim Today, you're scum by virtue of opportunistic collusion.
VOTE: Zubz
I'm tired, Town, just
I'm not even going to beg you to vote out obvious Mafia!Zubz
I'm just going to beg you to use your heads, that is, if you're even here
Think about the Role-claims in front of you, objectively and in context
just fucking please think
good night, good night
parting is etc.