Looked though my VN backlog and there are a few games I bought sight unseen just because the cover art/description reminded me of other VNs I like. Has anyone played those games? Is one of those either really good or a total disaster? Here's the games and my assumption on what kind of games they are in brackets.
The "Tsugi no Giseisha o Oshirase Shimasu" series (similiar to 999/VLR ?)
The "Ichiyanagi Nagomu Trilogy" (same protagonist, murder mystery in remote location = similiar to Kamaitachi 1-3?)
"Missing Parts the Tantei" (Famicom Tantei Club, Phoenix Wright?)
Also, I've never heard of Root Double, but it certainly sound interesting. Am I right that there are only 360 and PS3 versions? No portable version?