While this is not official yet I think we can all agree that something is happening on this front based on all the sudden rumors and leaks and even Phil's messaging on this thing not utterly crushing the rumors which they would've done had it all been bullshit....
-So now let's look to a future where most MS games are indeed multiplatform and see what that would mean for a hardcore Xbox fan or player as I see alot of people responding to all the meltdowns with a "this is childish, it's just a plastic box" or "just get a PC or PS5 bro" which to me seem more childish than the meltdowns fans are having as it fails to understand why this would be a crushing experience to someone.
-Let's see it from the perspective of someone that invested time and money in the ecosystem,say you weren't born yesterday and didn't dedicate your life to a subscription future and have bought over 100 games for the Xbox consoles over the years and buy things regularly in their store.
What does a multiplatform MS mean for them,is it the fact that games now would go to PS that would affect them? No,of course not(maybe for some weirdos),Xbox exclusives have been going to PC for a long time and people were fine with it but them going fully multiplatform brings an air of uncertainty for the future of the ecosystem they've spent thousands of dollars on over the years because it renders future Xbox consoles utterly useless and even more unviable finanncially than right now which would mean there might not be a new Xbox after the next Xbox.
So what do you do knowing that? Do you cut your losses and invest thousands of dollars again just rebuilding your library from scratch on another console or PC? Do you keep investing in this ecosystem knowing that one day soon your library won't amount to shit? It basically leaves the people that have invested tons of money to build their libraries in a limbo unsure of the future they pay for.
-What would you do in their shoes?
I have an insanely huge physical Playstation library and if I heard that from Playstation I'd lose my shit too as this "plastic box" became an investment once you start pouring money into building a library which seems people who go "just buy a PC bro" miss completely. I wonder if these same people would lose their shit if they lost their steam accounts with their entire libraries? "It's just an account bro" ...
-Now as for what this would mean for the Industry?
Well for one,Microsoft would start becoming profitable on their gaming division,a big plus since that's what these companies are in the business for,to the surprise of some.
They would start actually making money on these big tentpole titles that they've been day1 releasing on Gamepass which clearly didn't meet expectations,shocker I know,a 150-200 million budget game not making enough money on a 10-20 dollar service for a 20-30 million install base.
One of the biggest reasons they could be looking at this option is they would have leaway with the FTC in buying even more publishers as now they wouldn't be limiting the audiences which was the main concern during the ABK aquisition.
They would not lose money on r&d and the construction of new Xbox units.
They would expand their audiences with the addition of Playstation's and Nintendo's userbase and revenue.
It's basically an all around win for Microsoft with the only ones losing being it's most loyal fans.
-As for the rest of the industry it would keep consolidating worse than ever before and Sony could for all intents and purposes in time become lenient and less consumer friendly without a direct competitor,for example more expensive Playstation consoles and accessories,more expensive services,fewer game releases,even less risks,though I doubt the quality of the games would go away,their studios are built from the groundup on quality and unless there's a disruption in leadership change and focus that won't change.
At the same time Nintendo could step up more with MS out of the picture but who knows with them, they've always marched at their own pace.
And yeah I know....long ass wall of text...Obligatory
But for those that did read.Thanks for taking the time to do so.
So what do you all think about this whole thing? This is the biggest shift in the industry since Xbox entered in 2001.
Do you think it'll end up being a good thing or a bad thing in the longrun?
I personally find this as a bad thing for the industry as a whole as it gives Microsoft too much power in buying other publishers,it also destroys their own loyal fanbase' faith and it could turn Sony into something we won't like in time as they will be left unchecked and there won't be anyone to stop them unless someone else steps up. Never forget PS3 2006 and the arrogance that came with that early era until they got humbled and got it turned around into the powerhouse it is nowadays.
Less competition is never a good thing regardless of how poor the competition is doing.
-So now let's look to a future where most MS games are indeed multiplatform and see what that would mean for a hardcore Xbox fan or player as I see alot of people responding to all the meltdowns with a "this is childish, it's just a plastic box" or "just get a PC or PS5 bro" which to me seem more childish than the meltdowns fans are having as it fails to understand why this would be a crushing experience to someone.
-Let's see it from the perspective of someone that invested time and money in the ecosystem,say you weren't born yesterday and didn't dedicate your life to a subscription future and have bought over 100 games for the Xbox consoles over the years and buy things regularly in their store.
What does a multiplatform MS mean for them,is it the fact that games now would go to PS that would affect them? No,of course not(maybe for some weirdos),Xbox exclusives have been going to PC for a long time and people were fine with it but them going fully multiplatform brings an air of uncertainty for the future of the ecosystem they've spent thousands of dollars on over the years because it renders future Xbox consoles utterly useless and even more unviable finanncially than right now which would mean there might not be a new Xbox after the next Xbox.
So what do you do knowing that? Do you cut your losses and invest thousands of dollars again just rebuilding your library from scratch on another console or PC? Do you keep investing in this ecosystem knowing that one day soon your library won't amount to shit? It basically leaves the people that have invested tons of money to build their libraries in a limbo unsure of the future they pay for.
-What would you do in their shoes?
I have an insanely huge physical Playstation library and if I heard that from Playstation I'd lose my shit too as this "plastic box" became an investment once you start pouring money into building a library which seems people who go "just buy a PC bro" miss completely. I wonder if these same people would lose their shit if they lost their steam accounts with their entire libraries? "It's just an account bro" ...
-Now as for what this would mean for the Industry?
Well for one,Microsoft would start becoming profitable on their gaming division,a big plus since that's what these companies are in the business for,to the surprise of some.
They would start actually making money on these big tentpole titles that they've been day1 releasing on Gamepass which clearly didn't meet expectations,shocker I know,a 150-200 million budget game not making enough money on a 10-20 dollar service for a 20-30 million install base.
One of the biggest reasons they could be looking at this option is they would have leaway with the FTC in buying even more publishers as now they wouldn't be limiting the audiences which was the main concern during the ABK aquisition.
They would not lose money on r&d and the construction of new Xbox units.
They would expand their audiences with the addition of Playstation's and Nintendo's userbase and revenue.
It's basically an all around win for Microsoft with the only ones losing being it's most loyal fans.
-As for the rest of the industry it would keep consolidating worse than ever before and Sony could for all intents and purposes in time become lenient and less consumer friendly without a direct competitor,for example more expensive Playstation consoles and accessories,more expensive services,fewer game releases,even less risks,though I doubt the quality of the games would go away,their studios are built from the groundup on quality and unless there's a disruption in leadership change and focus that won't change.
At the same time Nintendo could step up more with MS out of the picture but who knows with them, they've always marched at their own pace.
And yeah I know....long ass wall of text...Obligatory

But for those that did read.Thanks for taking the time to do so.
So what do you all think about this whole thing? This is the biggest shift in the industry since Xbox entered in 2001.
Do you think it'll end up being a good thing or a bad thing in the longrun?
I personally find this as a bad thing for the industry as a whole as it gives Microsoft too much power in buying other publishers,it also destroys their own loyal fanbase' faith and it could turn Sony into something we won't like in time as they will be left unchecked and there won't be anyone to stop them unless someone else steps up. Never forget PS3 2006 and the arrogance that came with that early era until they got humbled and got it turned around into the powerhouse it is nowadays.
Less competition is never a good thing regardless of how poor the competition is doing.