Qwell said:
Uhh... do those youtube videos really serve the purpose they were touting considering the first one is just a bunch of 2 second soundbites from the opinions of their opinion show hosts and their guests? And the second one was pretty much more of the same, there were a few news reports in there but those carried factually accurate information. Some people may not have seen those as relevant facts, but they weren't wrong.
Ignoring those videos, there are plenty of other things that Fox
News does that is so unprofessional it hurts my stomach ("Birth Certificate Conspiracy!
Is Obama an
American?" sort of shit) - then there are those times they purposely shopped democrats to look like... I don't even know, ugly versions of themselves. Then there's the whole... organizing and funding Tea Party Rallies, telling the crowd what to cheer, turning on the cameras and saying "Wow! Listen to that crowd cheer! These people are serious!".
I mean.... this isn't a hard game to play. They have plenty of shit on their hands.
Its like the ACORN stuff you folks keep wanting to gloss over, were there factual errors in the reports? And those asking what Obama has to do with ACORN it was Obama who kept saying they would have a "head at the table" for settings policy, and them being given the job of counting the census, so I do think it is in our interest to know how that business is run. If the tapes alone weren't enough the interview with the president of ACORN was enough to sour my taste for that organization.
Please... I am being sincere here, try and get your news and fact checking done at some neutral sources. Obama has never - ever --- ever said that he wanted ACORN at the head of any policy creating table. Ever. And Acorn was one of
- 30,000 groups and organizations helping with the census - do you know why everyone picks out ACORN out of these 30,000? Even then, I can agree that ACORN needs to do some work, and maybe get rid of their commission based pay structure (as it can attract many unscrupulous employees) - but that has nothing to do with Obama - and trying to connect him to it is just... wow.
Show me an actual lie and maybe I'll give the benefit of the doubt, but its just like that Rush quote that is being spread around. No one can produce the actual audio of him saying that, they just keep calling him a racist desipite his number 2 guy being black. And considering all his shows are archived if he did say that actual quote I'm sure someone could bring up the actual audio for it.
I am from Canada, and I can probably give you a list. One off the top of my head, is the Tea Part Coverage they did - after it was all done, they took out an add in some newspaper saying "How did CNN, MSNBC and [other news stations] miss this! Fox news is awesome!" (may not be word for word) - this text was at the top of a picture showing the protesters.
This picture was taken by CNN's personal camera that ignores the fact that those Tea Parties were on ALL the channels. What those other news organizations where
not doing was staging events and rallies, and encouraging protesters to scream and shout, and using this as material for their 'News' broadcasts.
Not to be mean, but did you really not know any of this?