Just checked Fallon show and was pleased by Reggie, he did a good job I think.
Yesterday I tested the U for 1 hour long and it was cool. I think I'll buy the box in the launch window if it's priced at 300 euros max. Luigi's Ghost Mansion is instant fun. It was the first game I tried, with the gamepad I was the ghost, opposed to 3 others guys: everybody was enjoying it just after a few sec. Talking, laughing... Arcade in da house. Animal Crossing: Sweet Day is really fun too and visually neat, with a good looking.
There was something like 13 Wii U at this prez. If I remember well the games showcased were:
- Nintendo Land with Luigi's Ghost Mansion, Animal Crossing: Sweet Day, Donkey Kong's Crash Course, The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest. I've to say I was a bit disapointed by this last one as the demo was like a multiplayer rail action game. So with the Gamepad you're the archer and it's like a railshooter. Sometime you have to coop' with the others to open doors, activate stuff. It's not boring but at this stage, from what I tested, it was the less interesting Ninteno Land game.
- Others games showcased : Batman, Ninja Gaiden (looked ugly compared to Batman, like running under 720p, I heard it was downscaled just for this demo and that the final version would be different, we'll see), Project P-100 (tested, seems to be a solid solo action game, nice looking, fast paced, fun Gamepad gimmick use but level design was too simple. Need to see more.), Pikmin 3 (just watched: I will buy), Wii Fit U, Zombie U (tested the 2 multiplayer local mode, fun. The game doesn't look visually stunning but it's ok), Sing.
The Gamepad: don't know if it has anolog buttons/triggers in the end, as a PC/Nintendo gamer I'm not used to these (and don't give a fuck frankly speaking) and the PR people of the event couldn't help on this matter. The Gamepad is a wonderful pad, really comfortable and the touch screen is really nice. I'm pretty sure now it will be my primary device at home for the coming years and I'm more convinced than ever it has great potential among family audience.
Interesting fact (sorry if already shared/discussed)

ne of the features highlighted in the Zombi U official site is an online feature/mode (?) which sounds cool on paper: MERCY KILLER When your character gets infected, your online friends are alerted of your death and can come and hunt down your zombified character to loot the gear in your BOB and put you out of your misery.