Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
Thanks for the clarification.The projects receive about $470,000 for each production . . . working without the constraint of having to deliver a weekly production is probably the bigger factor here.
Thanks for the clarification.The projects receive about $470,000 for each production . . . working without the constraint of having to deliver a weekly production is probably the bigger factor here.
Easily one of the most engrossing PV's I've seen in ages. The animation, the backgrounds and the music really draw me in. I can't wait for this and the Trigger projects for Anime Mirai, I haven't been this excited about something anime related in ages!
I vaguely remember reading the pachinko machines were set in a different era but I think that's it. They just took the base concepts and characters and simply decided to do something different with them. Clearly pachinko machine adaptations are the future of anime if they can lead to the creation of the secret best half-hour show of the season BAKUMATSU GIJINDEN ROMAN.Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman 8
Damn, that was good, like real good.
@wonzo: I think you brought up the pachinko heritage again in your impressions. I feel it actually benefits this as it seems like they're taking great advantage of a blank slate. Of course this notion hinges entirely on there not being some great mythology about the pachinko version I'm unaware of!
Just stop at episode 12, forget season 2 exists and treat the OVA I have yet to watch as some gag extra.Rinne No Lagrange 11
Well heck this was a crazy episode. Lot's of determined believing in yourself and Supah Roboto action, but man, the last minute got CRAAAAZY. Holy cow everyone should watch this show.
Fortunately for me there's a couple of months to purge this sickness from my system.Not since Kingdom 38 that is!
I vaguely remember reading the pachinko machines were set in a different era but I think that's it. They just took the base concepts and characters and simply decided to do something different with them. Clearly pachinko machine adaptations are the future of anime if they can lead to the creation of the secret best half-hour show of the season BAKUMATSU GIJINDEN ROMAN.
It's only a matter of time what with the CG Mecha renaissance being mere weeks away.Maybe pachinko success can revive old franchises too:![]()
It's only a matter of time what with the CG Mecha renaissance being mere weeks away.
Gundam 00 2
"I mean I have more than a casual interest in them. I mean I'm gay for them. The Gundams, I mean." I hate ponytail guy and his blonde buddy almost as much as I already hate random space kids and also Shinn Asuka Jr. But I like the Dynamis' pilot and Haro, and I feel I was too hard on this show to begin with. Setting it in AD makes it kinda interesting, because I sorta care about the background politics for once (only other time was in Wing.)
So Cheerios is the guy's name, and Hallelujah is his Gundam. No, Cheerios is the Gundam, and Alleluia is the good persona and Hallelujah is crazy? Fuuuuh. Lockon and his Dynamis are really the only salvagable members of the entire crew so far. This colonel has a weird scar on his face. I'm gonna call him colonel Pubert, though, because he has a tiny puberty mustache, and I don't want to care about the one facial characteristic they want me to care about.
Green guy and Haro are my favorite characters.
OH NO ETHNIC WARFARE! Because Gundam handles those well. Also love the glossing over the fact that if the HRL didn't support the minority side in this ethnic warfare, there'd be no diplomatic way of supplying energy to you know, a third of the planet. In other words, the Gundams are coming to stop a battle that is only happening because people chose to avoid murder and conquest to supply energy for the world.
So basically, Gundams are going to war because people chose the more peaceful path.
UGH SETSUNA GET OVER YOURSELF. I hope that your strangely mechanical attitude means you take after Heero Yuy and not Shinn Asuka, kid. Because if you're Shinn Asuka Jr., this is gonna be a LONG 50 episodes. You already LOOK like him, so at least do us the favor of taking after Heero. I know Anime-GAF doesn't wanna hear it, but Heero was a pretty good protagonist. Especially compared to brats like Shinn and sociopathic, genocidal monsters like Flit.
Setsuna's backstory is a rip of Sousuke's from FMP.
Heero is great. Why would anyone hate on him?
Just stop at episode 12, forget season 2 exists and treat the OVA I have yet to watch as some gag extra.
Dumb things like this make shows climb higher on my backlog.
I agree. Its as if people who like the small cute characters cannot function as an adult in any capacity to these people. they cannot fathom that someone their age might like the artwork or girlish designs.Doesn't help that several people in that thread, look down on people and don't hesitate to call "names" and refuse to discuss.
"your bobby is disgusting , if an adult was reading this , he'll agree with me ".
Usually i would have already pulled out , because of how stupid some people arguments are but there was several moment where i felt like i was being trolled.
Considering they can't even localise idolmaster stuff in other games (rpgs ), i guess only the HARADA power will bring idolm@ster in the next dimension
i remember enjoying "addicted to curry"
That loli just won't stop! lol.
I should watch Usagi Drop to relax.
Anime Gaf Please Help. Im looking for anime that's kind of like Welcome To NHK, Genshiken, and Toradora. Anybody got any good recommendations?
Crunchyroll is doomed.
doomed i tell yall.
Chihayafuru is the one anime I need to watch the second a new episode comes out, it's brilliant.
Watch Chihayafuru if you haven't, do it
Another PV for Prism Nana got posted on their Youtube channel:
Multiple people in AnimeGAF: "Max Heart is horribly godawful. One of the worst wastes of time ever."
cajunator sometimes likes to whack certain anime (see all his posts on Hyouka) illogically but when something he likes get shat on, he gets very defensive and goes back to the "its cute" defense.
Everything is in good fun. (I think)
In case my previous post wasn't clear enough, here's what I'm saying: Parading a series of "lewd avatars" and discussing which of them to use is not the wisest thing to do. But what is even worse is when someone then replies to it linking to more lewd avatars and talking about bodily fluids and stuff. It's inappropriate and it makes this entire community look bad. I don't want to be the nofunallowed guy, but please, use some common sense? Thanks!
Akito already released a while ago.
I wondered about that with the opening episode. If he turns out to be like Sosuke that'd be great, since Sagara is my favorite mecha protagonist (even if Roger Smith is undeniably cooler), and his whole trip from being a Heero Yuy clone to an actual human being is well done.
So if Setsuna turns out like Sagara, that'll be cool.
Think of Akito as the precursor.Akito already released a while ago.
Well yeah, which is all the more reason to stop at S1 for the "main series".Isn't that exactly what it is, or am I thinking of something else?
Some people hate Gundam Wing. They're crazy, but they exist.
You will get your answer next episode.The iDOLM@STER 14
Hmm...not sure the show needed an over-the-top blatantly evil antagonist.
Everything you said except the human and the good part.
So . . . he doesn't turn out like Sousuke and Heero at all, then?
Oh well, there's still Lockon.
You will get your answer next episode.
(it's not a good episode)
He wants you to do all the work.
Trejo can be your girlfriend. He already fits the possessive jealous archetype.
Oh, fuck. Mixed up episode numbers. I meant to say episode 16, Hibiki's. Apologies.Amasuka Live is a great episode though.
You will get your answer next episode.
(it's not a good episode)
Oh, fuck. Mixed up episode numbers. I meant to say episode 16, Hibiki's. Apologies.
Halleluia is the best one. But Lockon is a close second.
Guy can't even keep his own name straight, man
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 2
COULD CHIBODEE BE MORE MURICAN? I think not. He's hilariously 'Murican in every way and I love it. This was a good episode, with Domon concluding "You're one of the good guys."
He doesn't have one name. Which is why he's awesome.
Dumb things like this make shows climb higher on my backlog.
You only get 2 names in Gundam if you're wearing a mask and piloting a red suit. Since his suit is orange and he has no mask, he has no reason for the second name.
You only get 2 names in Gundam if you're wearing a mask and piloting a red suit. Since his suit is orange and he has no mask, he has no reason for the second name.
Namassuka Live is a great episode though.
Poor Hibiki. Got shortchanged, got the worst episode, why does Japan hate Okinawa???
Should of waited for next gen. Only then you'd have more power to render the thighs as the anime intended.Vividred Operation PS3 game is on the way:
The game will use toon rendering and aims to faithfully reproduce the anime. The characters thighs will be of particular highlight.
Folks, what did you do over in gaming? You monsters.
Folks, what did you do over in gaming? You monsters.
Folks, what did you do over in gaming? You monsters.
Everyone knows that music cannot possibly be enjoyed without triple-hardsubbed karaoke.Watching the opening for the OVA just reminded me of some of the funnier plot twists to come in Code Breaker:
Also, can't live without the triple karaoke. Missed an opportunity, not having an espanol translation on the eastern border.
I'm proud of myself for not posting in that thread. Personally not a fan of that style of character but the hate against it is so stupid.
It's not about loli anyway. It's about dancing, EO4, Russian literatture, drawing, semantics...
It's not about loli anyway. It's about dancing, EO4, Russian literatture, drawing, semantics...
Those are all pretty much the same thing.