Nanami Madobe >>>>>>>>>>>> whatever the hellspawn from Windows 8 are called.
I didn't even know hosanna was banned.About the definition that they make of those "training" and "young" parts, and how those apply to this project; duckroll and hosannainexcelsis talked a little about it giving a nice glimpse on what recycling or similar situations they could be wanting to tackle for some of the more veteran trainees (
I didn't even know hosanna was banned.![]()
Finished season one of A Certain Magical Index. Didn't mind it. Do want to see Toma/Mikoto happen. watch season two or the spinoff? Does the order matter at all?
sorry to be crass here, but wouldnt laststation would have much larger behind and chest now were all enamored with 8GB of GDDR5?
So what are the best anime from this season anyway?
I get the feeling I'm asking a question that has been asked and answered over 9,000 times in this thread.
sorry to be crass here, but wouldnt laststation would have much larger behind and chest now were all enamored with 8GB of GDDR5?
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
Nah, thunder thighs for faster movement.
Have I missed any exciting developments lately or can I go back to ignoring anime?
My harsh reaction to the horribly conceived climax aside, and the godawful CG, the worst part of the movie is just how boring it was. It's a mundane and generic action movie with none of the creativity from the TV series. The direction was often flat, the pacing was horrible, I didn't care about anything going on in the movie, and the tech-savvy scenes with smartphones and hacking and whatever were just embarrassing.
The worst thing about the movie is that it's not so-bad-its-good, but rather its so-mediocre-its-totally-forgettable. Meh. :/
sorry to be crass here, but wouldnt laststation would have much larger behind and chest now were all enamored with 8GB of GDDR5?
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
Here we go again...So I just started watching this Kaibutsu anime as ordered.
And since I'm not fluent in Japanese I just want to ask...
Specs =/= physical characteristics. The Vert-Noire gap is proof enough.sorry to be crass here, but wouldnt laststation would have much larger behind and chest now were all enamored with 8GB of GDDR5?
Wandering Son - 8
All of my villain senses are tingling when the scene involves Dai.
sorry to be crass here, but wouldnt laststation would have much larger behind and chest now were all enamored with 8GB of GDDR5?
I've been saying this to Kagami for years, I don't think he hears me.
Translation: I don't mean to be lewd, but wouldn't [the anthropomorphic representation of] Playstation [in Hyperdimension Neptunia] have big breasts and boobs, since we're all fixated on its 8GB of GDDR5 RAM?
You just aren't enlightened enough to appreciate the character chemistry in Strike Witches.
Please don't.Rin-Ne no Lagrange 12
Should I watch Season 2?
Aw heck, I'm gonna watch Season 2.
Usagi Drop
This is cute. Genuinely cute, a true rarity in a sea of bug-eyed archetypes.
Highest recommendation.
Please don't.
Myself ; Yourself 1
Ok start but holy shit Aoi has the worst voice I have ever heard.
He survived gundam AGE. That show will be a treat by comparison.
I do find it odd that she is the only character whose voice doesnt change between the past and present.
No, just watch the OVA.Rin-Ne no Lagrange 12
Should I watch Season 2?
Aw heck, I'm gonna watch Season 2.
Please don't.
He survived gundam AGE. That show will be a treat by comparison.
Seriously Even if season 2 is what it is there are still some good points within.
And his comments will be fun to read too.
You're welcome to give it a go, but to me S2 was an entirely different anime. So entirely uninteresting I don't remember most of it.Is it that bad? I wanna know if Lan and Muginami come back!
TMS Entertainment? Simulcast Detective Conan? =]
It's funny you bring that series up, because apparently Funimation is listing old episodes from the start of Case Closed on their streaming schedule.
Guy can't even keep his own name straight, man.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 2
COULD CHIBODEE BE MORE MURICAN? I think not. He's hilariously 'Murican in every way and I love it. This was a good episode, with Domon concluding "You're one of the good guys."
Truly. The lengths I'd go to get more of it localized... The acts I would commit. Unspeakable acts.I won't get my hopes up, though. Being an English speaking Conan fan is suffering.
Rin-Ne no Lagrange 12
I held it together until she couldn't finish her "Maru". Then I sniffled a bit. Rinne no Lagrange is the heartwarming tale of giant robots, lesbians, and flowers. Pandering was utterly shameless, but the story was charming to the point I didn't care. Moid is definitely up to something sinister, though.
Should I watch Season 2?
Aw heck, I'm gonna watch Season 2.
tamako market - 08
It's too bad that the secondhand clothing experience is difficult to replicate on screen--the lingering smell you try to ignore, the missing buttons, "abandoned" wallets below the aisles and the odd cigarette butt left in the pockets. Not to mention the almost quixotic quest for That One Shirt.
It's odd but, being a beneficiary of an intensely Southwestern education it was hard to ignore the unfortunate implications of stuffing Choi into the school uniform. Cue flashbacks of long rambling essays about cultural appropriation and the loss of societal identity as young Navajo girls suffered silently in distant boarding schools, their skin color marking them out as alien in some white-Eastern setting.
Great episode, though. The best since 3 and 6, and the funniest one so far. Lovely timing, and that transition halfway through where Beethoven kicks in was good stuff. Weirdly ironic that Takemoto's excellent episode follows Ishihara's rather lackluster effort.
Could they be more adorable? I'm glad there was a bit more focus on Kanna this episode.