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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Subete no aware

They should just take a year off again.
It's weird, they should have had enough to do a single cour with the new episodes that they did have, but I guess they wanted to stretch it to two cours.

I also assume that the movie must be coming this summer, so they wanted something on the air to remind everyone about it. lol


Maturity, bitches.
Yeah he should get on that!

Nyanpire is female.
but when asked on her type she answers long hair and with :chet breaking the sameowrai's heart.

Really? I was so certain the joke about Masamunya is that he thinks Nyanpire is female and falls in love with "her" but then discovers he is male but cannot shake his feelings.
It's weird, they should have had enough to do a single cour with the new episodes that they did have, but I guess they wanted to stretch it to two cours.

I also assume that the movie must be coming this summer, so they wanted something on the air to remind everyone about it. lol

Well they were joking that the plan was to have these two cours and then have the movie premiere in the spring.

But, I guess the movie must gotten delayed til summer or something, but they were making bunch of jokes about it during the reruns.


Really? I was so certain the joke about Masamunya is that he thinks Nyanpire is female and falls in love with "her" but then discovers he is male but cannot shake his feelings.
Actually you might be right, looking at the wiki again nyanpire is referenced as a he. Which is weird!

Nyanpire 03
Nyatenshi? I say... Some heavy NTR going on here.


So to belatedly answer this question, no.

Thanks for taking the time to spell out what you did and didn't find appealing about the show. I can't help but wonder if this is in some way related simply to expectation bias. Apart from Cain gushing about it (and Cain never really went into detail, so I just knew that he had been crushed by the ending), I went into Toradora with the active expectation that it would be... well, kind of generic. I literally grabbed the manga on a bookshelf and liked the blurb, then I went out and saw a few scenes on YouTube and decided to check out the anime which was more readily available than the manga.

For me, what Toradora repeatedly reinforced a lot was this: you are not privy to the particulars of everybody else's lives. Taiga and Ryuuji had been so caught up in pursuing their own goals [and anime series] that they had basically put Minorin and Kitamura on a pedestal and forgotten that they have their own motivations and lives that don't simply revolve around the two of them. I do agree with a lot of your points though - Kitamura being a gary stu, Minorin driving a lot of the plot through a failure to communicate - I guess I just wasn't bothered by it as much because I had no expectations to the contrary. Tonari is probably the only shoujo I've seen where the communication problem isn't the primary issue insofar as the mindsets of the characters is instead...

I guess I'm just not a big fan of going into works with the mindset of 'Why do other people find this so appealing?' Every time I've watched or played something like that my experience has been less than stellar.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Moribito 1-2 is the greatest action anime ever.

The rest of Moribito is a coming of age story.
The P is for pimp.



Chihayafuru S2 7


Man, maybe it's because I've been playing too much P4G and can't stop rewatching some of the musical scenes in KotS but the part with the concert band really made me want to see a series revolving around one. Anyways, this was yet another strong episode that really does show they've managed to nail the fourth wall breaking stuff far better than they did in the first season.

taichi can eat a shit for being such a wimp and sumire looks better without makeup


Majocco Shimai no Yoyo to Nene

Original Work: Hirarin
Director: Takayuki Hirao
Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Yuka Shibata
Assistant Director: Takuro Takahashi
Theme Song Artist: Mikako Komatsu

Yoyo: Sumire Morohoshi
Nene: Ai Kakuma

Ufotable putting Hirao's skills to good use again. <3
I can't wait for this.

Oda Nobuna for hopes and dreams.
You should be recommending good shows instead.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought the awesome fight was in ep3? Am I remembering wrongly?

I dunno, I can't remember these episode numbers.

EDIT: Yeah it was episode 3. So, 1-3, best action anime ever.


Subete no aware
Well they were joking that the plan was to have these two cours and then have the movie premiere in the spring.

But, I guess the movie must gotten delayed til summer or something, but they were making bunch of jokes about it during the reruns.
Maybe the movie doesn't exist!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Apart from Cain gushing about it (and Cain never really went into detail, so I just knew that he had been crushed by the ending), I went into Toradora with the active expectation that it would be... well, kind of generic.


Tonari is probably the only shoujo I've seen where the communication problem isn't the primary issue insofar as the mindsets of the characters is instead...

(Edited your quote down to just the points I wanted to address)

Yeah, I didn't go into too much detail because I knew there were a couple others watching Toradora! at the time, and I'm still a bit unclear about just what is spoiler-tag worthy and what isn't around here. So I just played it safe and didn't go into too much detail.

And your mention of Tonari makes me feel silly, because in my earlier post I said that Toradora! was the first real romance anime I'd ever watched. I completely forgot that I watched Tonari before that. :lol Though I guess Tonari's lack of
an ending
might be a reason for that, heh.


For me, what Toradora repeatedly reinforced a lot was this: you are not privy to the particulars of everybody else's lives. Taiga and Ryuuji had been so caught up in pursuing their own goals [and anime series] that they had basically put Minorin and Kitamura on a pedestal and forgotten that they have their own motivations and lives that don't simply revolve around the two of them.

I had some similar thoughts of my own, about that being where the emphasis may go, but I guess it just never came through strong enough for me.

I appreciate that the characters actions all portray a certain sense of awkwardness, and it's commendable that they do undergo changes throughout the course of the story. I just had issues with the contrivances that are used to orchestrate those events, which seemed to run contrary to all of that. The misunderstandings or oversights never really felt like their own misguided interpretations of one another, rather the situation itself. It's for those reasons, that I felt like a lot of the developments felt artificial, because almost all of it unfolded before our eyes. Any inherent duplicity was born out of the characters acting rashly during those pivotal moments, rather than some underlying motives. I think that any ambiguity would have been reserved for those around Taiga and Ryuuji, and not the pair themselves.

The chemistry between the leads was certainly there, it was just the resolution that lead to their coming together felt rushed. I had no problem with what ultimately conspired (and it was clear to see the intent from the very beginning), just how it was portrayed.

I guess I'm just not a big fan of going into works with the mindset of 'Why do other people find this so appealing?' Every time I've watched or played something like that my experience has been less than stellar.

Though I was somewhat aware of the ongoing discussion in this thread, I never really engaged with it to any real extent, precisely for that reason. When referring to my initial interest, I'd point more to the frequency of those posts, rather than the content itself. It was just something that I noted. And in the spirit of full disclosure, I had already watched the first couple of episodes a while back, all of this just reminded of that fact.

All of that subjective analysis was in hindsight. I don't want you to think that my expectation superseded, or dictated my opinion in any significant way.


Vividchet Operation 04
New character is pretty sweet also no doubt Chet's favourite. A thing that bothered me though, doctor Ishiiki was surprised at her figuring out docking so fast but we had a new Vivid user last episode and they figured it out in the same timeframe but he thought it was normal? What gives! Anyway butts. The :SD Burton hasn't gotten old yet either.


Natsu no Arashi Episode 1


Headtilt in literally the first minute. This is a SHAFT production, alright. Incidentally, something about the faces in this show look really, really off. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I suspect it might be the eyes. And maybe the lighting.

Alright, this came strongly recommended, although I'm... not entirely sure what I just watched. I didn't actually look up anything about this show before jumping in, so imagine my surprise when they all started time-travelling. And even after this, I don't think I could actually tell you what the premise is. It doesn't supply any context to... anything that happens on screen. I guess that might be what they're going for, given the episode title (Playback pt. II), but it's hardly anything to build an impression on the actual show on.

As for the episode itself, it wasn't that great, I'll be honest. Even with the left field revelation of 'she's actually a time traveler with a magical girl transformation sequence', it felt kinda pedestrian. It doesn't really help that the production quality isn't at all spectacular. The show isn't very appealing to look at.

And allow me to break here for a moment, because I can't seriously be the only one who doesn't see something wrong with this.


It sits there for like five seconds in the episode and those five seconds are vaguely uncomfortable. Dead, squished eyes that seem a little too big for her face. Augh.

Will give this a couple more episodes, although I really can't shake the feeling I'm missing something important here. The ED, at least, is alright. Although that's probably owed to my love of silhouettes than anything else, really.


Natsu no Arashi Episode 1


Headtilt in literally the first minute. This is a SHAFT production, alright. Incidentally, something about the faces in this show look really, really off. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I suspect it might be the eyes. And maybe the lighting.

Alright, this came strongly recommended, although I'm... not entirely sure what I just watched. I didn't actually look up anything about this show before jumping in, so imagine my surprise when they all started time-travelling. And even after this, I don't think I could actually tell you what the premise is. It doesn't supply any context to... anything that happens on screen. I guess that might be what they're going for, given the episode title (Playback pt. II), but it's hardly anything to build an impression on the actual show on.

As for the episode itself, it wasn't that great, I'll be honest. Even with the left field revelation of 'she's actually a time traveler with a magical girl transformation sequence', it felt kinda pedestrian. It doesn't really help that the production quality isn't at all spectacular. The show isn't very appealing to look at.

And allow me to break here for a moment, because I can't seriously be the only one who doesn't see something wrong with this.


It sits there for like five seconds in the episode and those five seconds are vaguely uncomfortable. Dead, squished eyes that seem a little too big for her face. Augh.

Will give this a couple more episodes, although I really can't shake the feeling I'm missing something important here. The ED, at least, is alright. Although that's probably owed to my love of silhouettes than anything else, really.

everybody in the early 2000's was trying new eye/iris styles.


Really? I would say a year where we can expect a new Miyazaki movie, a new Takahata movie, a new Ikuhara series, TWO new Umetsu series, and a new Watanabe series is.... a pretty good year.
A TRIGGER Inc., year, all years (from this year on)!

If that's the case, here's how I got off track: ANN lists him as the original creator for Basquash. I assumed that if he was only the art director for that he'd be listed as such since he's specifically cited for art on several other series, so there seemed to be the implication there that he was also involved with other production aspects like scenario creation and character design that ended up being really bad.
Well, in this case it would be better said original concept creator, I think (sometimes inferred as is; http://min.us/mbp3P0VoRm/56). Thomas Romain (thomas) himself expressed how this project, on its first stages, came to fruition after continuing an idea and basic premise on-hold to further develop:

J&#8217;ai continué comme designer free-lance sur plusieurs productions, et en parallèle j'ai commencé à développer un nouveau projet qui tournait autour du basket de rue, dans un univers alternatif, très légèrement futuriste. Par une suite de circonstances heureuses le dossier de ce projet est arrivé entre les mains de Shoji Kawamori, un créateur très populaire ici (auteur de la série Macross, et peut-être le mecha-designer le plus connu), qui est aussi le pilier artistique du studio Satelight. Le dossier l'a intéressé, mais d'après lui ce projet en l'état n'était pas bien adapté au marché japonais, et manquait d'envergure. Il m'a proposé que l'on travaille dessus a quatre mains, apportant son expertise au niveau de l'écriture et de la conceptualisation des personnages, et me laissant carte blanche sur toute la création visuelle de l'univers ainsi que le mecha-design.(...)

I'm not judging the series overall value in here, but I think it isn't equally fair demising a collaborative work, and specially when he even ended up presenting just specific ideas to follow for some aspects of mentioned. Didn't make much further input after initial guidelines, while he was more immerse (focused) on the world-building, mechanical design and art setting along other companions (in particular from Satelight's France Design Team), giving for those matters just references or proposals for others to work in, for example in some cases like characters design, or scenario:

Je ne le fais plus maintenant pour les nouveaux personnages apparaissant dans les episodes (ou cas exceptionnel), mais au cours de la periode de developpemement j'ai fait des propositions de design pour tous les personnages principaux. Parfois il n'en reste que tres peu de choses, parfois beaucoup.

Sato a ecrit tous les episodes jusqu'au 7. Il y a 3 autres scenaristes qui participent au projet. Kawamori et Itagaki participent aux reunions hebdomadaires de scenario. Kawamori qui est un puits a idees a fourni les evenements clefs et la trame principale.
Le scenario est la partie sur laquelle je participe le moins etant donne qu'il est tres dur de renvoyer la balle a des pointures comme ca dans une langue que je ne maitrise pas. La route est encore longue.

I'm not justifying that he wasn't responsible precisely for what you didn't like about this series Mad Pierrot, he supervised it all... just saying that those aspects weren't his forte, nor his principal tasks he was heavily involved with for it.

And I don't want to sound like a broken record either (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=45330757&postcount=9697), but man... a GOBELINS, l'école de l'image graduate that fresh from it participated in a big TV hit, but even then kept working (and learning) hard enough to gain such an important place in a unforgiving, alien industry like that Japanese animation one? The guy has demonstrated talent in spades!

Now that I see the post I should have translated those excerpts, but if I'm no confident on Spanish-to-English translations... less I'm going to try with direct-to-French ones knowing the little I know of from both those languages!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Vividred Operation - 08


Himawari why are you such a boss?

Wow, that was a really good episode. I was kinda hoping the girls
would discover a way where they could dock with each other without Akane involved
but unfortunately that was ruled out. Regardless all of them had their time to shine when fighting the AotW (Alone of the Week for future reference), with Aoi really stepping up and proving her worth.
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