Natsu no Arashi Episode 1
Headtilt in literally the first minute. This is a SHAFT production, alright. Incidentally, something about the faces in this show look really,
really off. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I suspect it might be the eyes. And maybe the lighting.
Alright, this came strongly recommended, although I'm... not entirely sure what I just watched. I didn't actually look up anything about this show before jumping in, so imagine my surprise when they all started time-travelling. And even after this, I don't think I could actually tell you what the premise is. It doesn't supply any context to... anything that happens on screen. I guess that might be what they're going for, given the episode title (Playback pt. II), but it's hardly anything to build an impression on the actual show on.
As for the episode itself, it wasn't that great, I'll be honest. Even with the left field revelation of 'she's actually a time traveler with a magical girl transformation sequence', it felt kinda pedestrian. It doesn't really help that the production quality isn't at all spectacular. The show isn't very appealing to look at.
And allow me to break here for a moment, because I can't seriously be the only one who doesn't see something wrong with this.
It sits there for like five seconds in the episode and those five seconds are vaguely uncomfortable. Dead, squished eyes that seem a little too big for her face. Augh.
Will give this a couple more episodes, although I really can't shake the feeling I'm missing something important here. The ED, at least, is alright. Although that's probably owed to my love of silhouettes than anything else, really.