The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...
The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...
The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...
Judging by all the extremely positive impressions around here it seems that Wolf Children is going to easily top the Anime of the Year thread.
Judging by all the extremely positive impressions around here it seems that Wolf Children is going to easily top the Anime of the Year thread.
SSY 22:
Can we talk about how stupid "psychobuster" sounds?
Yay, another fan of Katou!
Yeah, I'd like to see him in more high profile shows as well. I think he's good at pulling off at least one Daitoubatsu or two per show. I don't know much about music composition, but he just seems to know how to make those types of songs. He has a couple of good songs like that in Horizon.It's his time to shine with Iwasaki's semi retirement and decline. Hopefully he gets to work on more high profile shows in the future though... anyway lets see if he has another Daitoubatsu in him for Samurai Girls s2.
Wolf Children
I feel like I should give it some time to percolate, but then again, I probably won't write anything about it if I wait too long.
(Ugh, I hate spoiler crap. I almost want to tag my entire post because I have no idea what I can talk about, but I just don't want to talk in generalities.)
I guess to start with some of my problems...You know, maybe I just talked myself into liking the narration. Go figure. lolI really did feel like the movie should have just montaged the entire opening act and found a way to get to the village sooner. Given that the first act uses a montage to show the passage of time anyway, there's no reason it couldn't have been a little more deft with the handling of the back story. Alternatively, if they wanted to make the father a bigger part of the story, they really shouldn't have montaged. I would have been fine with either... but as it stands, it's either a bit long or ends unnecessarily perfunctory.the first year he spends with Hana and Yuki and then kill him off shortly after Ame is born
The other thing I just found a bit extraneous was the narration. It gives the impression that the entire film is Yuki looking back on the past, which in itself is fine, but the only payoff for the narration is another time skip at the end of the film. It does provide a nice counterpoint to the diegetic howl that Ame gives - you have Yuki's voice serving as a reminder of civilization and the textuality of the work at hand, while Ame's voice calls out from within the film itself, belying a primal emotionality that he represents at the end of the film.
As for the rest of the film, I think it was duckroll that said the film is more mature and restrained and it certainly feels like it. Other than the pure emotion expressed, the film is small and intimate, giving us a portrait of a small family and difficulties of living with what is essentially a mixed-race subjectivity. It's funny because Summer Wars did the family thing but went as big as possible, with the grandmother as matriarch and a giant family with sons and daughters and their kids and so forth... but hey, you can achieve the same effect with justin the two nature/running scenescharacters. Who knew?three
After watching A Letter To Momo, I also appreciate that the film gives as much time to Hana and her experience being. Momo pays lip-service to the fact that the mother is an character with her own motivations, but she is still ultimately a plot device in that film. Here, it's as much about Hana's experience raising her children as it is Yuki and Ame's anxiety over their mixed-race identities.a single mother
Speaking of Yuki and Ame, I really loved how the film showed themchoosing different paths in their lives. The time skip montage at school was a perfect summary of how each character deals with being in the human world. The pan to Ame's empty seat at the end of that sequence was just marvelous.
I suppose it's also ironic thatAme would be the one to choose to forsake human contact and embrace nature, given that Yuki was the one who was easily excited. Or perhaps being an introvert prepared him for his life away from human society. I dunno. lol
I do think it's a bit unfair thatwhile equal time is given to Ame and Yuki, there is no majesty when Yuki chooses to embrace humanity. Ame gets his nature montage, complete with a first person running montage, while Yuki gets... dealing with an exchange student and being picked on because she's a tomboy. It's kind of hard not to side with Ame when he wants to choose the romanticism of raw nature anyway. lol
Wolf Children is a fabulous film and probably my favourite of the Hosada films that I've seen. It's as personal as TGWLTT but has the emotional stakes of Summer Wars, so it's not a surprise to know that the film was a big success in Japan. Assuming we do another one of those AOTY things, it'll definitely be one of the higher ranked texts on my list.
is that from the new world?The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...
HxH 2011 69Watching the dodgeball match with actual animation
Is that happiness ? surprise ? anger ? remorse ?
First thoughts.
1) This dude is fucking rich
2) This dude has balls of steel
3) This dude is the Otaking
The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...
Smile Precure! 03
One Word: Peace
Your faves could never ever.
Yes I'm a series behind on Precure forgive me fellow Pretty Cure Stans ;__;
Lol my PC had like no memory/disk space so I had to cut a lot of stuff to make this gif ;__; I shall remake it and do Cure Peace Justice tbh
You can find various clips of it up on youtube to see just how shit it is, not that I'd actually recommend doing that of Was the original greed island ovas that bad?
So, where are people suddenly able to watch Wolf Children?
This is a trick question , isn't it ?
i believe the blu-ray have been released
( so obviously people can go and buy it ).
I don't care since it was in theaters in france and i missed it ;-;
You can find various clips of it up on youtube to see just how shit it is, not that I'd actually recommend doing that of course.
This is a trick question , isn't it ?
i believe the blu-ray have been released
( so obviously people can go and buy it ).
I don't care since it was in theaters in france and i missed it ;-;
This dude is baller. This room is a bit like mine, but he has more figures, some dakimakuras and sex toys, whereas I just have a ton of anime, some figures and a New Orleans Saints piggy bank. Im behind the times. I do have a big Kyubey figure guarding the place like he does.
There was no theater close that aired the movieI couldn't go watch it either, don't worry.
HxH 2011 69
Watching the dodgeball match with actual animation and excellent production values is just... holy shit. Someone please pinch me as I must be dreaming.
Fuck Furries Children! Saya's movie is out.
I'm so ready to be massively disappointed.
Fuck Furries Children! Saya's movie is out.
I'm so ready to be protected.
So the latest Twitter rumors from today's Hidamari Sketch Nippon Budokan Festival event are that the next anime project will be about Sae and Hiro's graduation. No confirmation for anything about it yet, but that's what's people are saying.
The spiciest man in history ! SpicyMan !
He knows his presentation skills!I like the doujins in the background of some of his figure shots.
Dat Oyari Ashito Little Sisters book with Niko on the cover.
Remember, firehawk recommended!Arashi no Yoru ni 23
oh my god this turned so depressing
Ep 215: Wet King is awesome, just as good as 556.