Blood-C : 1
Christ, some of this looks alright, others sure as hell do not. Character proportions are fuuuuuuucked
I think you meant to say that "character proportions are CLAMP".
Blood-C : 1
Christ, some of this looks alright, others sure as hell do not. Character proportions are fuuuuuuucked
Oh Haruka-sama~
Yep, crafted with the patience of an old artisan. A man who goes bit a bit savoring how to tell such a "fairytale"... feels like Mr. Hosoda is much older and experienced than he really is, isn't it?Watching this film feels like watching an old master paint in front of your eyes. Whether or not it's his best film, Mamoru Hosoda has never been more confident in his storytelling abilities; every aspect is tuned to his precise calculations.
I didn't really like that scene. The fact that it was sort of the last thing between the two stings.
It just doesn't feel natural. I meanunless you absolutely despise your brother or something of that nature, you don't just never talk to him again or pretend he doesn't exist. Even a quiet scene with the two staring at each other and coming to terms with the other's choice would have been adequate. I could understand if both of them were in their twenties or thirties but fights at that age are generally resolved within 24 hours.
That is true to a certain extent however,in terms of the movie, that is really the last scene that we have of the two interacting. If the movie is about the family as a unit then there should be some sort of scene tying them together. What is left is the implication that the two never resolved their differences.
Like a tale she wants to pass on even if she doesn't knows much about all of it (but tries anyway), I found Yuki's words a nice touch to compliment her mother's ultimate job of a life; rising her (and Ame) well. The narration (and precisely the notion that is she the one who wants to tell it) is already like a living testament to remind us constantly in the flow of the movie of her mother's efforts, and the love she gave her.One of Wolf Children's blaring failings is the narration. It serves minimal purpose whatsoever. I wouldn't even say it gave needed direction to the narrative. Even the moderately light amount it had (in relation to the entire film) was excessive. I see where someone would come from comparing it to Wall-E's opening, but it does not reach that level of credit. The context of each film makes the light/no dialogue work to completely different ends, Pixar's work not having vocal narration of any sort (again, only regarding introduction). The biggest issue is, it wouldn't take extremely complex steps to fix.
I just wondering now.
Why they just not make itYuki also participate in that goodbye scene, didn't that would make better scene? instead her got her own scene with the boy, I mean the last time Ame and Yuki in screen together for decent amount of screentime, they brutally fight with each other
I just assume that just Hosoda's idealistic way to say those two take different route and put more emphasis to "mother releasing her children" instead normal tearjearking goodbye scene
But still I don't think its wrong to put stronger closure.. its not like that Yuki's scene particularly important IMO, I rather she there to witness her family bigmoment.
One momentary gripe I have right now, with how I approached the film's viewing, is how two concepts partly implied by the two good post quotes above can, in my opinion, clash; the search of a powerful and meaningful goodbye scene, and the inconclusiveness I agree the film strives to achieve for the character's life presentation it also gives.Going with that idea, I find that WC deftly captures that feeling of inconclusiveness in life in how it treats the various subplots. It seems kinda :firehawk now that I think about it, but Hosoda has always strived for realism, and especially that "raw"-feeling realism I like so much about the animation and art in his movies.
The sheer casualness by which you can safely imply that there is a very positive chance that these will be screened theatrically in your country slightly irritates me, but I suppose I should learn to accept it by now.
Man I havent even seen the Madoka movies yet![]()
One momentary gripe I have right now, with how I approached the film's viewing, is how two concepts partly implied by the two good post quotes above can, in my opinion, clash; the search of a powerful and meaningful goodbye scene, and the inconclusiveness I agree the film strives to achieve for the character's life presentation it also gives.Both make for a parting scene between Ame and Hana that I see as wanting to be emotional without trying to be too sappy with farewells or abruptly finalizing their relation in a insensitive way, a soft and departure that maybe makes it too ceremonial of a scene given how gentle, straightforward and "raw" the movie was focused as overall. Could it be that a unfinished goodbye would have been more apt and in-line with Yuki's side of the conclusion?
It is the kind of moments that maybe detracts from a first viewing experience because it feels to counter some of the most beautifully mundane ways of expressing a story full of mother's love for her children, that the film delights us with many times over.
Senran Kagura - 09
Wait a minute, I'm not SDBurton!!!
Senran Kagura 9
If switching to the dark side means Haruka-sama molesting you then why is there even a light side?
Well, until the BD release fixes it, anyways.
Senran Kagura 9
If switching to the dark side means Haruka-sama molesting you then why is there even a light side?
No amount of BD tweaking can save the series though!
Crunchyroll - Saturday - Series Premiere April 6th
In addition to their streaming plans, Aniplex of America is also planning on a home release version of Oreimo 2 on disc. Details about the physical release will be announced on a later date.
Something annoy me in that gif , the backflip has no start-up animation
Light side encourage mutual molestation or do they ?Senran Kagura 9
If switching to the dark side means Haruka-sama molesting you then why is there even a light side?
Light side encourage mutual molestation or do they ?
Don't forget there is a molestor in the light side as well.
Senran Kagura 9
If switching to the dark side means Haruka-sama molesting you then why is there even a light side?
You didn't even get a little misty-eyed whenYuki reveals her true self to Souhei, and his acceptance of her anyways?
That is exactly how I see it as well. All in all, I like the scene... is in comparison with how most of the film was handled what makes me say that. As I said, in a first viewing this kind of sensations can come, and successive ones accustom you to it.Honestly I would have really liked it ifthere was no farewell scene with Ame, or if it was handled lightly. But hey, this is a film, it's a no-brainer that scenes making use of the liberties of fiction would be there.
Now I can't think on this scenes without seeing pies in them!That splat in the gif was definitely something. lol
Soon there won't be anything to promote with a companion series anymore! Another Medaka Box season seems further away than ever before (and I think it was very far already)...Shonen Jack must be crying for Medaka Box Abnormal (though I guess Bakuman had no sales?).
After Mr. Nagano's efforts to make available more theater showings just this past month, maybe they haven't planned to announce something like that yet.When does Gothicmade come out on Bluray?
They're in fucking fifth grade, what the fuck are they going to do? Live happily ever after?
Fifth grade. I know it's difficult to imagine because Hosoda did a really bad job with communicating just how young these kids were (all the kids are really tall and lanky or Hana is a midget) but they're not even in highschool yet.
And the worst part is, Yuki had NO problem fitting in until Souhei arrived. Her whole arc was about her dealing with her discomfort around Souhei, and once that was resolved, so what? Ame's decision to succeed his master will shape the rest of his life, Yuki resolved a single problem with a single classmate. It wasn't life changing, and it probably won't even last since, she moved to an entirely new environment one year after and will probably have to face the same problems all over again.
Don't get me wrong, it was a great scene visually, but it is far far weaker than Ame's story.
Eh,his acceptance was meaningful because prior to that, Yuki fitting in hinged on her rejecting that wolf side of her. He's the first one outside of her family who accepts her knowing in truth what she is. When she's grown up with the mantra that no one should know all her life, that's pretty important.
Also it's sixth grade.
Don't go selling a terrible movie to people, you monster.
I think you meant to say that "character proportions are CLAMP".
Let it be noted as well that The Last Dark did not fail to impress in this department either:
edit: is that desk 3DCG? ffs
Latetotheparty.jpg or slowpoke.jpg
Of course it's CG. Have you not been paying attention to P.I.G.'s backgrounds for the last few years?
I've been trying my best not to.
Oh like you didn't try your best to unsubtly reverse psychologize everyone into watching the first one way back when!
Ive been drinking beer all afternoon and now I'm reading sailor moon and listening to yes and yes lyrics still don't make sense. What do I do?
Is this some kind of British joke?
At this point in this titles hype cycle I've decided that I no longer need to consume the media that promotes it - I am already committed to viewing this and I don't want to have anything revealed beforehand. Which is basically how I feel about Patema Inverted.
I rarely do this for anime, so this is definitely a good sign.
You didn't even get a little misty-eyed whenYuki reveals her true self to Souhei, and his acceptance of her anyways?
Eh,his acceptance was meaningful because prior to that, Yuki fitting in hinged on her rejecting that wolf side of her. He's the first one outside of her family who accepts her knowing in truth what she is. When she's grown up with the mantra that no one should know all her life, that's pretty important.
It's something that'll affect the rest of her life in that she will no longer deny the wolf within her. Both Ame and Yuki's separate paths shouldn't be seen as a rejection of the other, but rather a decision taken with the understanding of the integral nature between the two.
Also it's sixth grade.
I'm sure I still get feels. I just can't remember the last time. lolI believe you are conditioned to the :firehawk now that it doesn't affect you anymore![]()
I'm sure I still get feels. I just can't remember the last time. lol
what is this *________*
is this gov. funded?
Vividred Operation episode 8
Oh just fuck Akane already Aoi.
Vertical is looking for about 4,500 people who would be interested in purchasing a translated version of the original From the New World novel.
But they're siblings!
No wait, I'm thinking of something else.
Of course it's CG. Have you not been paying attention to P.I.G.'s backgrounds for the last few years?