Nah, he's the Athrun-like character I think. The guy leading the EVIL GERMAN operation has like 1/3 of his face covered in a huge high-tech eyepatch though.
AnimeGAF, where did the whole pixel art avatar thing come from?
Seriously though this is one of the worst character designs I've ever seen. It's like it was deliberately designed badly. His head is a freaking square.
AnimeGAF, where did the whole pixel art avatar thing come from?
Oh, thanks. Cool stuff.neoriceisgood (I think that's his name) was making them for manga-gaf regulars
So dope.Neoriceisgood did them for ManGAF.
Neoriceisgood did them for ManGAF.AnimeGAF, where did the whole pixel art avatar thing come from?
Seriously though this is one of the worst character designs I've ever seen. It's like it was deliberately designed badly. His head is a freaking square. I don't even need to go into the alien weirdness that Hirai's "noses" have evolved into.
Nothing compared to this masterpiece from the same show!
So which Sunrise show in Spring is going to have better CG: Varlarvave or Aikatsu?
I mean, Hirai was never a good character designer, but they at least used to look vaguely human, and they had actual noses.
What happened?
I blame the cult of moé.I mean, Hirai was never a good character designer, but they at least used to look vaguely human, and they had actual noses.
What happened?
Hisashi "Liefeld" Hirai.
Oh, I know, but I'd still like the Eva TV series to be my first exposure. It's been on my to-do list for far too long and this is a good way to push me into it. Thanks for the heads up though.By the way Mature, you don't actually need to watch the whole series because the movie airing on Toonami is basically a remake of it.
Neoriceisgood did them for ManGAF.
They still do, you just have to grow the nose over several decades:
The horrible Hirai character designs and the bland as fuck backgrounds for starters.What's "everything else"?
I can't see that happening unless the last Medaka Box Abnormal volume sells a billion copies and/or the minus Arc gets animated.Are you saying you wouldn't want to see an adaptation of Good Loser Kumagawa after that last episode from the second TV series season of Medaka Box?
Wouda thunk Gargantia would look the least shit after the PV. What a sad time we live in.
It's also just full of life!
It's good to see that again. I would have liked to see more Ghibli stuff, because just look at that Totoro!
I think whatever happens, Volauvent's CG will be more fitting. Part of the reason that Kingdom is such a special show is because the CG, while never very good, is applied to the human characters. I actually think the CG in Vividred, for instance, is perfectly serviceable, but the switching between CG and 2D for the girls is what makes it look rubbish.
As long as Vavavoom's mecha are consistently rendered with a steady framerate and without too much clashing between styles, not even the swankiest Aikatsu routine will top them.
It was for MangaGAF not AnimeGAF.
I'm starting to think that the designs for MP are terribad on purpose to enhance the comedy. Or something... there must be something that we are not being able to see here!
You could ask for anime characters, too!
It was for MangaGAF not AnimeGAF.
It was still a pretty eclectic mix.
I don't actually see anything in Valavarav's CG so far which I would describe as cel-shading in any meaningful way. It just looks pure CG to me. It's textured, rendered, and modeled like any other CG prop. There really isn't much effort at all to disguise any of the depth, and it clearly looks like a CG model lit in a 3D environment space, it just doesn't look that good.
Are those more bad guys? Because they're looking awesome while whatever colony the good guys are from seems to have afflicted them with a degree of goober.
The horrible Hirai character designs and the bland as fuck backgrounds for starters.
That's why I called it "half-assed." Why would you try to imitate the look of traditional animation by utilizing techniques like outline shaders, flat untextured colors, and low framerates, and then bungle it all up by using a generic 3D lighting system?
I don't think they're imitating traditional animation here, I just think they're building CG scenes based on the designs they have and maybe they're bad at it?![]()
Yes, and those are two very big parts in a visual medium (plus I should've clarified O was talking about this visuals).But that's only one part of the show.
Here we get a bit more down to earth with some school stuff! Though it was brief, it introduced two characters as well as created a way for us to understand the world a bit better: through a teacher droning on in the background. Something something second impact, something something meteor, something something half of all life on earth destroyed. The classroom not paying attention to the teacher was an especially funny scene since (presumably) the viewer is very interested about the events the teacher is talking about, but the narrative is getting pointed at these kids who don't care much and stop us from hearing more about the world and it's previous catastrophic events.
FrenchabooAmerica and Japan have abandoned 2D animation, but it still lives on in the hearts of FRENCH PEOPLE.
This is seriously the best looking cartoon I've seen in quite a while.
If they're not imitating traditional animation, why use line shaders and cut-down framerates? And why mix it with 2D effects?
Yes, and those are two very big parts in a visual medium (plus I should've clarified O was talking about this visuals).
Megumi Ogata is one of the best VA of all time. She's lovely!Neon Genesis Evangelion - 3
Here we get a bit more down to earth with some school stuff! Though it was brief, it introduced two characters as well as created a way for us to understand the world a bit better: through a teacher droning on in the background. Something something second impact, something something meteor, something something half of all life on earth destroyed. The classroom not paying attention to the teacher was an especially funny scene since (presumably) the viewer is very interested about the events the teacher is talking about, but the narrative is getting pointed at these kids who don't care much and stop us from hearing more about the world and it's previous catastrophic events.
Ahh. You gotta love the short-minded-act-first child beating up a kid who piloted a robot that incidentally injured his sister, but ultimately had he not, his sister and everyone else would probably be dead. It took him actually being in the forefront of danger to realize "Wow, he's sort of selflessly risking his life for everyone, maybe I shouldn't be such a dick". And hopefully he isn't, but he doesn't seem pretty stupid. This episode was a bit slower, but it never became dull. The art and animation was a bit underwhelming in the beginning, but was entirely offset by that great fighting finish. Speaking of that, Shinji's voice actor in Japanese is really great. It's hard these days to get a really good, guttural, bloodcurdling hell-scream.
America and Japan have abandoned 2D animation, but it still lives on in the hearts of FRENCH PEOPLE.
This is seriously the best looking cartoon I've seen in quite a while.
francanimation is savedAmerica and Japan have abandoned 2D animation, but it still lives on in the hearts of FRENCH PEOPLE.
This is seriously the best looking cartoon I've seen in quite a while.
Sukitte Ii na yo SP 02-06
Well I guess I'll applaud them for trying out different things in these specials.
so basically hirai designs = cg macaroonsI'm referring to the fact that there will likely be a significant amount of the show which is completely done by Orange. Think Black Rock Shooter TV.![]()
Hidamari Sketch 1
So wide.
We should all give up on dead anime and start watching francanination. Wave of the future.francanimation is saved
I don't even see line shaders consistently in all the shots though. Most of the time the main mech just looks like a CG toy model. They used line shaders for the scene where it's all powered up with terrible gold flame effects probably because otherwise you won't be able to see jack shit (loool). As for the framerate, it looks nothing like the sort of "limited frame rate" technique used to imitate traditional animation. It just looks like slow cheaply animated CG with low frame rate because its cheaper. See: PS1 FMVs. I think the missile evasion scene is very telling. There's nothing at all there which looks like it's trying to animate or render like a 2D shot, it just looks like early CG stuff.
Mixing in 2D elements is probably cheaper and better looking than doing it in full CG at this point, if they're even having trouble with doing a close up punch in CG.![]()