I've waited so long to be on this side of the fence.
isn't it incredible? like watching one of those slow motion atomic bomb footage.
you know its all going to go to shit but its so damned beautiful!
I've waited so long to be on this side of the fence.
School Days is a good show, though.Who did this to you? WHO TOLD YOU TO WATCH THIS BULLSHIT?
You're going to start Doremi after this, and you're going to be down on your knees crying and thanking me.Miserable Honoka is entirely deliberate. Tomoe will return when this trauma is behind me.
That's how Satoshi sees Oreki at this point in time.
You get it. Usagi may have the tools now but she's still a young teenager fighting legitimately scary monsters, without some magical OH I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO NOW. Meanwhile, the guy who is supposedly saving her doesn't actually do much.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 002
Usagi really sucks at this Sailor Moon gig. That's two out of two times when Tuxedo Mask has had to save her and then give her moral support. He literally just showed up here in order to tell her "believe in yourself".
Speaking of teenagers, a running theme is that anything they might be into is evil.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 003
If there's anything I've learned from watching magical girl shows, it is that toying with a maiden's heart is the absolute worst thing you can ever do.
Ikuhara didn't wait until Utena to start putting flowers onscreen. He did it in Goldfish Warning to some extent, and he does it in Sailor Moon whenever he gets the chance.Some of the flower imagery is very reminiscent of Utena, by the way. The cut with the show's title could have been taken straight out of Anthy's Rose Garden.
Personality scares you.Usagi is an idiot and mostly useless.
I hear she gets better eventually.
In the first season she is simply terrible.
Personality scares you.
Usagi is a childish, idealistic teenager interested in teenage things like love but without much world experience. She's impulsive yet easily distracted, and she is a bit of a lazybum when it comes to doing silly stuff like schoolwork or saving the world.she has none.
One Piece 1-54
Been watching the subs on Hulu for the past couple of weeks. I like the show. Now that all the fucking ridiculously intros for the main cast are through I'm hoping it will pick up some more. Is there a kind of "greatest hits" viewing order? So many episodes...
Also Usopp is the worst so far. I want to love his character but his constant coward shit is tiring to listen to.
she has none.
I liked her better in the manga. The anime moments where she mans the the fuck up so she can stick up for her friends tend to be pretty jarring. The Manga was a bit more natural at this. I'd suggest watching the movies, she ends up being a bit more likeable in them, although it's a still annoying how quickly she switches from whiner to martyr.Usagi is an idiot and mostly useless.
I hear she gets better eventually.
In the first season she is simply terrible.
I LOVE how beautiful Zeta looked while watching it. Seeing how horrible ZZ looked after it was a big let down. CCA more than made up for it, though.One thing I'm continuously impressed by in Zeta Gundam is the animation quality. It's really surprising how well some of these battles are animated.
Thanks for the reply!The thing about Usopp is that he starts out as the worst but eventually becomes the best. Oda gives way more attention to his character development over the course of the series than to the other Strawhats and if you make it several hundred episodes in you'll look back and be really impressed at the evolution that takes place.
As far as there being a "greatest hits" watch list, simply search for a filler list and avoid those (although some people will tell you that the G8 arc is really good.) I personally don't advise skipping any episodes from canon material.
Thanks for the reply!
I definitely want to watch as much as possible but with so many episodes there's bound to be tons of filler.
Thanks for the reply!
I definitely want to watch as much as possible but with so many episodes there's bound to be tons of filler.
I actually just skipped to 61 lol.If you've already watched 54 then that means your already are watching filler, your on the apis filler arc, it ends half way through ep 61 with later half of ep being canon.
I also wouldn't advise skipping canon cause, oda forgets nothing even the most smallest details is carried over or brought up again, don't worry about catching up take your time.
Fairy Tail: Priestess of the Phoenix
First of all, I got to say visually, this goes way beyond what the TV series does. Night and day would be an understatement. More like night and.... year. The shitty CG fire is completely absent and replaced with actually well animated flames. Same with the ugly magic circles outside of one or two very minor attacks. Not only that, but the environments look and feel a whole lot better. Magnolia actually seems alive and the Fairy Tail guild itself looks great.
Usagi is a childish, idealistic teenager interested in teenage things like love but without much world experience. She's impulsive yet easily distracted, and she is a bit of a lazybum when it comes to doing silly stuff like schoolwork or saving the world.
That's a personality.
Jesus fuck reading that "Tropes vs Women" thread on Gaming after binging on Utena for the past two weeks is doing things to my brain.
Surprised you didn't complain about the minute-long still shot in this one.Neon Genesis Evangelion - 24
ok its a personality.
not an endearing one.
She is just an annoyance nearly thr entire time and more than once put the others in grave danger with her stupidity.
Surprised you didn't complain about the minute-long still shot in this one.
The rest of the survey stuff, mostly demographics. Sorry for the delay. 42 respondents. Find the previous reports here (thread likes and dislikes) and here (hours spent in the thread).
For all Saki fans, it seems that the next anime season covering the national tournament won't be until next spring.
When (if?) you get farther, you'll see her role shift. She may never fully lose the childishness but she most certainly begins to take more responsibility in her role. The Usagi at the end of S or SuperS is so far removed from early Sailor Moon Usagi.
Michiko e Hatchin 1
Sayo Yamamoto's directorial debut is a series I've been wanting to watch, but got around to it only now.
I've successfully avoided that entire controversy, don't make me start...Jesus fuck reading that "Tropes vs Women" thread on Gaming after binging on Utena for the past two weeks is doing things to my brain.
But that IS a gif!Need that .gif version.
SSY 24-
This was ridiculously anticlimatic and pretty much breaks the arc for me. They're actually playing this straight it seems which is an utter disappointment.
I don't want to sound like a broken record.Surprised you didn't complain about the minute-long still shot in this one.
Oh bugger.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 24
Well done,Shinji. I'm sort of surprised I've never been spoiled about Kaworu being an angel (and also Rei? Not sure about that one yet). I'm kind of feeling bad for Asuka right now =(. I hope she makes a triumphant return. Last two episodes...
Why would one complain about one of the most memorable scenes in the entire series!?Surprised you didn't complain about the minute-long still shot in this one.
Hey man, I am not the one who was talking shit about the elevator scene!Why would one complain about one of the most memorable scenes in the entire series!?
Surprised you didn't complain about the minute-long still shot in this one.
He's planning on watching the end of Eva movies, right?Hmm, well, you see, hmmm.