Nope, it (and anything else that allows underwater breathing) doesn't stop fatigue. except maybe the seal form that druids get.Eggo said:Hey I got a question. If you have an underwater diver's helmet, can you go into those areas which previously were "too deep" and would cause you to become tired? Does this open new deep water dungeons?
I should have added I think there's still some weird way you can use seal form to reset fatigue. I don't know how else people swam out to literally the edge of the sea on each continent.Kweh said:I'm pretty sure Aquatic form still has the fatigue bar. The quest for the form was a killer actually.
As for the patch, I opened all my ports and it downloaded in like 5 mins. Looks like i'll be doing that each time WoW gets patched :lol
ManaByte said:My ISP blocks BT and "disable peer to peer" doesn't work at all, so looks like they are fucking over paying customers by not allowing them to download a patch for a game they are paying for. And this isn't like an offline game where you can play it without a patch.
firex said:I should have added I think there's still some weird way you can use seal form to reset fatigue. I don't know how else people swam out to literally the edge of the sea on each continent.
nataku said:Not sure if even I would try this, but...
Ferrio said:First aid isn't a nerf, it's a bug fix. It wasn't suppose to be like that. It sucks yes, but it was never intended to be like that in the first place.
fatigue has been in since like the start of beta, before druids were even put in. there have been various bugs to get around fatigue, though.Kweh said:afaik isn't fatigue something that was added in some of the later patches? I've seen screenies and posts of people swimming around the world and hitting the "invisible wall", i always thought the fatigue metre was added purely because of this.
Also, anyone noticed on the map there are sea monsters? do you think they're future bosses?
Kweh said:Looks like a divers helmet, friend said she saw someone wearing one yesterday.
What are the stats? We presumed underwater breathing lol, but I guess its not a divers hat
(Which takes a bunch of super annoyingly hard to find rocket feul
Cerebral Palsy said:And :lol @ the people crying "nerf." Just like every other MMO, no one will actually stop playing. Yeah, everyone wants to be the most powerful god class in the game. Get over it.
Zaptruder said:Fuck... you're one hellavu obnoxious WoW poster you know.
Malakhov said:I got the patch in minutes when it went live today.
As for warriors they didn't get nerfed that badly if you ask warriors who know about their stuff, anyways.
Alex said:Did the patch fix the Soulstone junk? Hunter's ranged DPS is still wickedly bugged, forcing requips and recasting AoH everytime an ability negatively impacts your Attack Rating, bah, had to stop and play with it every other fight for the first half of Blackfathom again this evening. Damn Chilled ability.