In regards to battleground preview; Thats more damned like it.
Alex said:DPS/Damage per second bug, I dunno if it's exclusive to Hunter or not. But it's a problem afflicting Aspect of the Hawk, and status ailments.
Basicly, what happens. Is ailments, such as res sickness, or negative abilities from enemies or other players will permanently alter your ranged stats until a requip/relog.
For example, in Blackfathom tonight, we had to wade through a lot of odd Naga Priestess thingies. They have an ability called chill, which puts a -20% modifier on your attack rate.
I was LV.28 at the time. Raptors End bow, with Aspect of the Hawk Rank 3 on I think. Anyhow, stats +bow+ AoH DPS (lowbie hunter advice, arrows and +_% speed from quiver dont factor into DPS, since I'm an idiot, I just noticed this yesterday) ='d 46.5 DPS.
Once I got hit with chill (every other fight), it'd drop my ranged DPS to around 40, and after the 10 second or so chill fades, it'll still stick. On top of it, since the game now thinks that's my current DPS now, so if I remove AoH, it'd further drop it to 35ish.
On a positive note, you can also glitch it upwards with buffs, such as Paladin's Blessing of Might.
Anyway. If you get hit with an ability that drops your attack in any way. Take off your ranged weapon, decast AoH. Requip ranged weapon, recast AoH. Problem solved, but having to do it fight after fight is very much bitch worthy, IMO.
Meier said:I'm talking just in general. There shouldnt be this much of a problem with 80 servers -- EQ had like 30 at most when I stopped playing with 500k subscribers.. 250k on 80 and this much of an issue? Not acceptable.
Malakhov said:But what problems are you talking about? Can't login? Lag?
Like I said, I never have problems getting in and I never experienced any lag on bleeding hollow 'cept at launch. I've had much much worst experiences with EQ YEARS after the launch, spending afternoons on off days trying to get in spending my time in IRC chatrooms![]()
Like I said, never had problems since launch on BH. At launch it was horrible but it's been smooth on my end for weeks now.Son of Godzilla said:What, are you joking? BH is the worst of the worst. East Kingdoms crashes at least 5 times a day. And the entire server just bit the dust not half an hour ago.
Malakhov said:Teaser of hero class?
firex said:I know it's coming since they want some class to use agility cloth... but I'll be damned if I ever see them explain how a monk type class will ever fit in storywise.
ok, so a monk class playable by one race that pretty much can't be on either faction.Son of Godzilla said:Pandaren, duh.
autobot said:Since the severs are down.
Char. Update
Name: Mirk
Guild: Eternal Union
lvl: 36
Sever: Mal'Ganis
Mining: 201
Blacksmith: 215
Fishing: 1
If anyone on Mal'Ganis is every lfg give me a whisper.
doubt it, but I have a feeling there's going to be a third faction whenever they release an expansion pack.Monk said:A neutral lone warrior faction with pandarens would be pretty good. Maybe they will be introduced with the battegrounds as a side thing.
MrCheez said:Been saving for my damn mount forever. About to hit 42 and I still have 25g to go. T_T
My sagely advice: Start saving early, people. :O