Phoenix said:Man on man,
what is taking Gilneas so long to come back online!
:lol Me too...OR WILL I!?Lonestar said:I'll get back to this game...I SWEAR!
I have next week off. RAELLY
firex said:I know it's coming since they want some class to use agility cloth... but I'll be damned if I ever see them explain how a monk type class will ever fit in storywise.
During the holiday season, World of Warcraft has experienced unprecedented popularity. We're continuing to ramp up server capacity, but in the meantime, we've seen some issues in regard to the game servers as a direct result of the extremely high traffic. Specifically, on December 22, many players were unable to access the game for approximately seven hours.
In our efforts to provide the best game experience possible, we will address this issue by automatically extending the trial period of all players who created an account on or before December 22 (11:59 PM PST) for an additional day. This will be in addition to the extension awarded previously:
We recognize that the holidays are an opportune time for gaming, and we're grateful that so many players have made World of Warcraft their game of choice this holiday season. As always, we appreciate your patience and support, and we wish you good luck in your adventures in Azeroth!
nataku said:
Malakhov said:Hey if someone feels like starting a new char and happens to be alliance please let me know here or send a tell to Morbide on bleeding hollow. I'd like to start an alliance char on another server, pvp or not pvp or rpg, I dont care because alone it kind of sucks.
Malakhov said:Hey cool, what's your name on Cenarius?
Send me a tell from time to time when you're gonna log on it.
Alex said:MAF is all kinds of broke, sad christmas indeed.
That Winter MP3 they uploaded on the off. site is pretty funny.
Son of Godzilla said:Me and some guildmates are playing on Cenarius as an alliance alt. I don't particularly plan to play it that much, but its good when BH is the dead fucking last to come up, like always.
Biff Hardbody said:Thats awesome. How do you throw snowballs?
MrCheez said:The christmas goblins sell the snowballs. Just select a target and click the snowballs to throw.Also, if you throw them at someone in your party it actually knocks them on their ass and stuns them for a sec. Great fun.
MrCheez said:The christmas goblins sell the snowballs. Just select a target and click the snowballs to throw.Also, if you throw them at someone in your party it actually knocks them on their ass and stuns them for a sec. Great fun.
Biff Hardbody said:A good pet makes all the difference. I played a tough mining quest at Silvermine, and everybody in my party died except for moi because of ol' JimmyJoeJoe.
I tell you, once you get a pet the Hunter class gets mucho fun.
Azwethinkweiz said:Just make sure to upgrade his abilities and that pet will hold hate better than most PC tanks.