Eric-GCA said:I'm level 30 now, am still too weak to try and get into the hard areas like Dustwallow Marsh and the Plaguelands (even Stranglethorn).
I came across some elite Dragonkin up in the very northeast corner of Ashenvale, and they charged at me. It only took one strike (which nailed me for a total of over 1100 HP's) to waste me.
Clearly I shant be going back there anytime soon.
Eric-GCA said:I'm level 30 now, am still too weak to try and get into the hard areas like Dustwallow Marsh and the Plaguelands (even Stranglethorn).
I came across some elite Dragonkin up in the very northeast corner of Ashenvale, and they charged at me. It only took one strike (which nailed me for a total of over 1100 HP's) to waste me.
Clearly I shant be going back there anytime soon.
Apple Jax said:I just finished the Deadmines (Van Cleef) and I was really really impressed... and this is lower level work here. Can't wait to see some of the upper level content as a move up in the ranks.
Phoenix said:The VC dungeon is excellent - a great piece of game design. I'm a level 27 Paladin just finishing up the Tome of Righteousness quest which has taken me to the 'other' continent. This has been one heck of a journey that has taken me wonderful places across 5 levels.
Tonight I reached duskwood to follow up on a quest from killing some guy in the Stormwind stockades when "Stitch" attacked the city. On the outskirts I was calling for help and healing the guards and the players but he broke through the first line of defenders easily. A band of mages, level 40 warriors and paladins made a stand and we were finally able to take him down but he had killed a considerable number of PCs and it was AWESOME! If this is happening just out in the world, I can't wait to see what happens in the Battlegrounds or some of the other areas in the game.
Gnomeregan is a pain in the ass BTW. Anyone high level looking for some excitement - that place will keep you busy (running to your corpse) the whole night through.
Kweh said:Where is the VC quest given? Is it a chain of quests that lead into it in Westfall or can I do it outright?
Ferrio said:Funny, my tale about the hammer was quite the opposite. My party of alliance was helping and getting help from another party of Horde.
Kweh said:So if you were Alliance and wander into Horde territory, can you not be attacked on a PvE server?
Biff Hardbody said:Hey guys, is it possible to have AA with full shaders on? Its not working for me.
MrCheez said:Basically you are never flagged until you either flag yourself, attack a guard of the opposite faction, attack someone who is flagged themselves, or take a step into a town of the opposite faction.
If you're on the same server one should go leatherworking and the other herbalist. Both can over for each other.MrAngryFace said:yeah im a rogue speccing in subtlety. I think tre` is speccing in assasination. Both of us are herbalist/alchemists