My rogue's name is Morbide, Son of Godzilla's name is Kater.Mjunter said:Bleeding Hollow eh? Ok I'll check it out. Rerolling a troll rogue named Mjunter. Anyone I should be looking out for?
My rogue's name is Morbide, Son of Godzilla's name is Kater.Mjunter said:Bleeding Hollow eh? Ok I'll check it out. Rerolling a troll rogue named Mjunter. Anyone I should be looking out for?
Sal Paradise Jr said:Curse Blizzard for allowing this to happen. Soon enough they'll have to add incentives for people to make Horde chars, and it'll be DAoC all over again. I simply don't understand why they just don't put a cap on the # of players on both a server and faction. Idiots.
They also get vastly superior towns in virtually every way - layout, defenses, location within zones. Only perhaps the undead towns come close to equalling all of the human/dwarf towns (aka 90% of alliance) in these aspects.
Fragamemnon said:Battlegrounds are instanced areas. That solves the population problem completely, since you can cap the number of players from each side in an instanced area.
Of course, that won't save an underpopulated Horde side from having 30 alliance characters gank from the TM rooftops, but, hey, there will be fair PvP somewhere, at least.
Fragamemnon said:What a load of crap.
- Tarren Mill is better defended than Southshore is.
- Hammerfall is a FULLY WALLED encampment, while Refuge Point has no fortifications whatsoever.
- Alliance get no flight path into the Badlands, Horde get a fully walled encampment.
-Astranaar in Ashenvale is surrounded by water, which gaurds cannot run into to catch gankers.
- Horde get two flight paths into Stranglethorn Vale, one of which is in a fully-walled encampment up the coast-alliance get Booty Bay or the run from Westfall.
- Stonetalon Peak has a Horde settlement in the middle of the zone, Alliance settlement is in the most remote area of the zone with a very long corpse run near it.
- Desolace Horde Settlement is more central in the zone than Nijel's Point.
- Duskwallow Marsh - Horde encampment in center of zone, Theramore at the edge of it.
- Ferelas - Horde encampent more central to zone than either alliance point.
- Horde have twice the number of instances in friendly territories:
Horde: Ragefire, WC, RFD, RFK, SFK, SM.
Alliance: Deadmines, Gnomeregan, Stockades.
- Horde get their very own neutral town (Ratchet).
The only advantage alliance gets is the fact that they have *one* more constested zone that is, for all purposes, free of enemies. Horde only have one (1k Needles), alliance have two Redridge Mnts. ( which really shouldn't be constested) and Duskwood.
The above is all Blizzard can do to keep people playing Horde because their character models are so incredibly butt-ugly.
Fragamemnon said:The above is all Blizzard can do to keep people playing Horde because their character models are so incredibly butt-ugly.
The above is all Blizzard can do to keep people playing Horde because their character models are so incredibly butt-ugly.
Meier said:
Guild I am in has the third highest average member level for the whole game.. the two above us are sub-20 members while we're at 41 character.
Son of Godzilla said:Considering that site only lists 5k of the 20k on BH, I'd say it might be skewed a bit.
People willingly play cows
krypt0nian said:EU final beta D/L is available for pre-load now...
No word on when it begins but the files are there for the early birds.![]()
Apple Jax said:Yeah... Wowrankings has been a bust for the most part. NO ONE is on this site... especially ENTIRE servers (I think there are only a handful of people listed from my server, Bonechewer). I really wouldn't go by wowrankings for the time being until they get more popular... IF they get more popular.
Wellington said:I want to get the game but don't know where to go. What server is everyone in?
Apple Jax said:Do a little bit a research. I'd honestly pick a PvP server over a PvE server... because I'd want to witness the game as it was meant to be played (although you could argue that the game was not meant to be played by getting constantly ganked... but whatever)...
Run over to and check for a low population server with few high levels around.
Son of Godzilla said:Why would anyone want to play on a low pop?
Drinky Crow said:I prefer low pop servers because grouping is for poofs. I want the best performance and the strongest solo experience.
lmaoMy grudge, it runs deep. I actually saw a shield Paladin today though, with support equipment. Some kind of post-Christmas miracle to not spot one with their freebie AFK mallet.
Drinky Crow said:Not in my experience. Grouping with MAF and Tre is fun, but I could do without the rest of the retards. The last thing I wanna do is try to coordinate a battle with a bunch of squealing inarticulate teens.
Because humans get racial bonuses on maces and swords, and the Dwarfs only get an Ax bonus.Littleberu said:Why the fuck is every single human a friggin Paladin? BE ORIGINAL damnit.
Drinky Crow said:I like the Horde models.It's cool to be ugly!
Besides, what's gayer than a Night Elf? Hint: NOTHING
Korranator said:Because humans get racial bonuses on maces and swords, and the Dwarfs only get an Ax bonus.
Drinky Crow said:I like the Horde models.It's cool to be ugly!
Apple Jax said:When I return... I'm officially going to make my move into the Holy tree of talents for Paladins... I just can't see why I decided on Retribution. I've looked at it over and over and over... and the clues and hints and signs are all their: the strengths of the Paladin simply are not in a damage dealing build... I'm just BETTER OFF in the Holy tree.
With work, persistence and patience... I can deal just as much damage in the Holy build (with all the healing and lives I give myself coupled with Holy Damage) AND I can serve as a better player to party members. I think I will keep some points in the Retribution tree (Seal of Crusader is still a FINE seal... as is Command)... but I just think not keeping points in Holy is a sore mistake on my part (even if I am centering on soloing at the moment).
Only problem is... my WoW playtime stops on Monday
Ah well.