I was on the verge of quitting a while back because of mass ganking, but decided to take a little break instead. Now that I cam back I find myself wanting to quit again. Spent the past few days (5+ hours each at least) trying to find instance groups, but can't get in a single one. I'm having flashbacks of FFXI and LFG on my Dragoon. Only difference here is I don't have some flag next my name that shows me LFG... I have to type it in the chat every few minutes and actually be at my PC for those 5 hours.
I've had people invite me, see that I'm a Hunter, and then boot me without warning. See people say things like "LFM Uldaman pst" and when I tell them, they never reply. Hunters are really fucked when it comes to trying to get instance groups and quest groups. Even my guild doesn't want me. Say things like "Lets get a group together for Uldaman / ZF / Maraudon" and no on replies. Sure, I could go grind and deal with the ganking, but that's boring as hell. I don't want to do nothing but grind all the way to 60. Might as well be playing an offline RPG if I just wanted to solo all the time.