Well, not sure how many of you are priests in the game but all classes should take a second look at their skills.
Priests get a skill called mind soothe, basically it makes mobs non-agro unless you're very close to them. Basically a travel spell so you don't fight everything while you're walking around or collecting ingredients. This spell is harmless to players. Today (Thursday) there was a 16 hour maintenance on a few of the servers. These servers are reporting that Mind soothe, which was originally an instant cast on any mob, has now been changed to a 1.5-2 second cast time and only works on humanoids, where before it worked on everything, beasts, demons, humans, etc. Also before this "maintenance" it wouldn't agro the mob if it failed, now if it fails it agros the mob.
Now the fun stuff...The 16 hour maintenance was not suppose to change anything game wise, at least as far as anyone knew, but this change went in. There is no mention of it anywhere that this change was going to occur, it was basically a stealth nerf. To top it all off, the text for the spell still remains the same, instant cast on all mobs, but the actual spell is completely different.
Not sure if any other skills for other classes have been changed, but just as an fyi, if you notice your spells are a little different, even though the text is the same, they may have actually changed it during the 16 hour maintenance without changing the text.
BTW this is only affecting the servers that went down for 16 hours, all other servers still have the old instant cast spell.