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World of Warcraft

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An undead rogue tried to kill the ironforge bankers on my server today. He got two of them and was then killed himself.
Can someone explain to me how quests con color works. It's supposed to go Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Grey...Red being the hardest and grey the easiest, right?. So why did I just do a Orange quest solo no problem, yet I got a yellow quest in the swap of sorrows (been yellow for 2 levels) and the mobs are 2 level higher then me, neither one was Elite!?


I think quest difficulty is mainly determined by the level of the mobs you will be fighting. Also, keep in mind that the actual difficulty varies depending on the class you are playing. A rogue will make easy work of a scouting mission, a healer will do better escorting an NPC, etc.


The current incarnation of Tellen:

Bregor said:
I think quest difficulty is mainly determined by the level of the mobs you will be fighting. Also, keep in mind that the actual difficulty varies depending on the class you are playing. A rogue will make easy work of a scouting mission, a healer will do better escorting an NPC, etc.

You can't heal a NPC.


Thinking I am gonna quit the game. Too addictive for a player like me who has to be the best-equipped or in one of the best guilds who raids every night. I just dont have that time to devote to it in my last semester of college.. cant fuck this up.
Meier said:
Thinking I am gonna quit the game. Too addictive for a player like me who has to be the best-equipped or in one of the best guilds who raids every night. I just dont have that time to devote to it in my last semester of college.. cant fuck this up.

Read : I'm weaksauce and I can't control myself!


Littleberu said:
Read : I'm weaksauce and I can't control myself!

Read: I'm a power gamer and the guild I am devotes about 6 hours a night to raiding, every night. Unfortunately it's a West coast based guild too so that means we start at 9 PM EST and don't end till 2 or 3 my time. You're right, I can't control myself -- I'll do what it takes to get my DKP.. and that's not a good thing (and why I sold my EQ account right when starting college back in late 2001).

Here's what will likely be my last character update: http://www.wowrankings.com/viewb.htm?name=Meier&s_id=67


You should get a toxic revenger, off Vicious Fallout, in Gnomeragan, Mrangryface. He drops them fairly often. Got mine second try and a friend got his on the third try.

[edit] Got an eyepatch!



That's a pretty nice dagger. I have a Scorpion Sting in my main hand at the minute, and sword in off-hand, but I might go hunting for that dagger for my off-hand.

But is the general ruling for main/off-hand :

Highest overall damage main hand.
Fastest speed off hand.


EDIT : Oh, and I might go take a trip into Gnomeregan and try to get this dagger. Whereabouts is the mob that drops it? In the instance itself or on the outside?


Inside the first Instance entrance. If you're a Rogue. Hit stealth and jump the ledge. He's down there on the bottom.

...Well, assuming you're 30+. Otherwise you'll need a pal to come with you. Just walk down the path, to the clean zone, and around there if not.


One spawn per, if you solo it you can do the reset trick. If not, you're gonna have to wait a half hour for the instance to reset.


Shoot, um. I forgot the exact bit... More or less, you just leave the instance, disband, regroup with a person (gotta use a diff person each time if you don't let 30mins pass) and head in.

However, I think the instance catches on if the other person tries to hop in too, prompting the "Hey asshole! This isnt your instance, I'm warping you against your will in 50 seconds" tidbit.
IF I were you I'd stay away from the toxic revenger at all costs.

Its special ability is to AoE a crap 5pts of dmg which has the lovely ability to wake up sleeps/sheeps/saps/etc.

Good DPS but crap dagger. Pisses of groups to boot.


krypt0nian said:
IF I were you I'd stay away from the toxic revenger at all costs.

Its special ability is to AoE a crap 5pts of dmg which has the lovely ability to wake up sleeps/sheeps/saps/etc.

Good DPS but crap dagger. Pisses of groups to boot.

I agree. AoE stuff is so crappy at the moment.


I'm playing more and more with my pally these days, he's up to level 23, my rogue is still 40.

After playing a Paladin for a bit I can now say that Paladins are far from being overpowered. Hell yeah I can survive a dishing by a few mobs or higher level mobs but good god it takes me an eternity to kill them compared to my Rogue.

My Rogue could kill 2-3 mobs while I haven't even finished the first one with my Paladin.


More or less, you just leave the instance, disband, regroup with a person (gotta use a diff person each time if you don't let 30mins pass) and head in.

I don't think you need to do it with a different person each time and I'm not entirely sure there's a 30 minute timer on the instance reset. This guy and I kept disbanded and regrouping in order to kill Lord Vyletongue in Maraudon about 3 times in an hour (we just walked past most mobs).


shitting in the alley outside your window
We reset instances by disbanding the group and letting the timer tick and port you out of the instance, then logging out of the game and back on, grouping up and going in again.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
dream said:
I don't think you need to do it with a different person each time and I'm not entirely sure there's a 30 minute timer on the instance reset. This guy and I kept disbanded and regrouping in order to kill Lord Vyletongue in Maraudon about 3 times in an hour (we just walked past most mobs).

Yeah. Before they nefed the loot in the last 'patch' I would successfully reset scarlet monastery over and over by inviting and kicking the same friend.
Ferrio said:
The difficulty of the quest isn't always accurate.

Bregor said:
I think quest difficulty is mainly determined by the level of the mobs you will be fighting. Also, keep in mind that the actual difficulty varies depending on the class you are playing. A rogue will make easy work of a scouting mission, a healer will do better escorting an NPC, etc.

LoL I did most of my Orange and one Red quest solo in Desolace, even got a grand 150 XP for killing a named lvl 38 Nagi boss (woopie) and yet I'm till getting owned at Ongenku...lol


Hit 60. Also respecced back to mace rogue. Several reasons:

1. Assassination rogue requires a lot of precision, and after going in a couple of pvp and pve raids.... there is too much hectic shit going on to really pull it off.
2. I wanted to be different. With sooooo many rogues, I feel too much like a cookie cut out....... so I'll be one of the very very few mace combat rogues on my server.
3. I don't have a really good dagger yet. So i'm going to wait until i get a deathstriker....... but maybe i'll get that kickass mace in BRD

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Jeez, I just got the game last night, didn't realize there was such a huge thread for it. I'm playing with my roommate and some of his friends in what I believe is called the Deathbringers or Deathgivers guild.

Here's my level 7 Hunter


I'm using all my will power to do my reading before I have class in a couple hours. It's so fun...

Oh, I'm on Shadow Moon.


GameFan Alumnus
Monk said:
I agree. AoE stuff is so crappy at the moment.

Ravager axe from Scarlet Monastery is pretty good AE. When it procs, it deals weapon damage to nearby enemies like 3-4 times, and it 'attacks' faster than the weapon's normal attack speed.


Eggo said:
Ravager axe from Scarlet Monastery is pretty good AE. When it procs, it deals weapon damage to nearby enemies like 3-4 times, and it 'attacks' faster than the weapon's normal attack speed.

AoE weapons suck period. Oh thanks jackass for knocking the mob outta sheep/stun/sap/charmed.


Screenshot of my Paladin, level 24 now and having a blast so far.


Part of a guild on Lothar that is made up of only Quebecers ( You wouldn't know from the tabard ;) ) Rawkz!


sefskillz said:
We reset instances by disbanding the group and letting the timer tick and port you out of the instance, then logging out of the game and back on, grouping up and going in again.

I didnt know you could do this, we spent a while walking back out of Gnomeregan on Sunday -.-

Does it take you back to the instance entrance or your hearth point?


Hearth point. We always just leave the instance if we can run to the exit (Upper Blackrock Spires runs for instance or Zul'Farrak awhile ago) or just hearth out and disband then run back. I suppose you could just let it port you out automatically but its doubtful you'll need your stone again for an hour so using it shouldnt be much of a problem.


It takes you back to your hearthstone point. It's actually pretty abusable as a free hearthstone, unless they changed it so it triggers the cooldown.
I hit level 26 on my shaman using up his rest bonus (I like to do that since iirc it caps out at 1.5 or 2 levels or so, and I had a full level of it) and have been enjoying the class, though it's changed a lot in minor ways since I played it in beta. Warlock's still at 52, finally learned gnomish engineering, and can't get allakhazam to update his profile. I got a really sweet green lens of stamina (+35 stamina total) that I'm wearing now and the gnomish net-o-matic and battle chicken (which is hilarious AND deadly) in my trinket slots, plus some extra engineering headgear for situational uses (catseye goggles for dealing with rogues, druids and night elves, gnomish mind control helm for whenever I actually don't have a pet and want to mess with someone). Also trying to skill up so I can learn the thorium rifle schematic, which I picked up last night (it isn't the best gun, but it's one of the best crafted ones). As buggy as my warlock is, I'm enjoying it. Though I'm not enjoying the 15g talent reset fee I may have to pay when I hit 60 to respec either for the ruin talent from destruction or go heavily destruction and minorly affliction/demonology. I've found that affliction is the best solo talent tree and decent at grouping (though I find immolate is a lot better DOT to use than corruption) and destruction is better at grouping and decent at soloing. With fear kiting I can kill same level elite mobs, but I'll pretty much not be able to solo once I get to the plaguelands due to all the undead (meanwhile, blizzard's favorite god class, the paladin, is only even better in plaguelands). I just hope there's a better fucking use for a warlock in scholomance/stratholme than soulstones and sustained dps that only really works against named mobs/bosses. I don't want to be tagging along uselessly on guild groups just to collect the dreadmist set (which is my ultimate goal with my warlock).


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ferrio said:
Hit 60. Also respecced back to mace rogue. Several reasons:

Good call :) Combat rogues > all. I know I'm just repeating myself here once again, but I tear up all other rogues with my build. :) (Not to mention every other class and player in the game... ;) )


GameFan Alumnus
firex said:
It takes you back to your hearthstone point. It's actually pretty abusable as a free hearthstone, unless they changed it so it triggers the cooldown.

Not a free hearthstone. It just activates your hearthstone without asking you. Might as well do it yourself and not wait for the countdown.
Combat Rogues are just nimble warriors. I refuse to use anything other than daggers and bows, or use stupid combat tactics. Stealth and Daggers forever.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
MrAngryFace said:
Combat Rogues are just nimble warriors. I refuse to use anything other than daggers and bows, or use stupid combat tactics. Stealth and Daggers forever.

I still use stealth and rogue tactics. I'm almost always in stealth. I cheapshot, I stun, I vanish out of danger. I distract and pickpocket. I poison. I dodge like a mofo. I sap.

The only thing I don't do is use daggers or backstab... but I don't sacrifice any damage because of it. :)

Jupiter said:
So, are the servers more stable now? I'll prolly restart my account in a week or so.

It's been much better the last few days.
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