Yes, but if you recall what I said, I was specifically talking about people who raid Strat with 20 people being upset about this information being released through FoH, and not the big-time raiding guilds. If you partially read through the thread (the one Manabyte linked) you'll see what I mean. Very few, if any of the complainers were from the big-time raiding guilds who do the 40-man instances (The ones who down the big mobs tend to still be known by the community at-large at this stage). Very few, if any of the complainers actually posted anything of substance, and not slander (Tigole was never in FoH, yet quite a few of the posters fail to realize that, even after it was pointed out, and continue to hatch conspiracy theories about how he's helping them).
Very few of the complainers were concerned with the substance of the information. Rather, they were concerned with FoH getting information from Tigole on how to beat WoW raid instances as a result of his post on that board. That tells me they're concerned with the rat race aspects of raiding in WoW. Therefore, they probably are interested in, or are doing raids in the game already. But, I highly doubt that many of them are effective raiders - at least judging by the quality of posts in that thread. WoW is not rocket science, but it still requires some sort of intelligence.
If the majority of the posts in that thread were not a hatefest against hardcore raiding guilds, then my post would not have taken that tone. Only a few people were genuinely concerned about information being released through an unofficial channel rather than official. They were more concerned about corruption in a fucking videogame than anything else.