Tbh, all fanboys tend to be extreme. They're always ready to jump to the defense of their passions, whether that's xbox, Ps4, sports teams, etc. It can be annoying. That said, it's also pretty low class to go into threads where people are discussing the things they like and then shitpost an "honest opinion" about it where honesty is actually negativity. If a lot of people are talking about how much they like something in a thread dedicated to that topic and someone comes in and tries to derail the discussion with complaining about the topic it's a dick move.
There are poleople like that. Yes some people (internet trolls) dont even have the real hardware and will post complains just for hating reasons, meaning without taking into account the whole picture, but these are extreme scenarios and I think here on neogaf someone like that would quickly earn a ban.
Yes, people are discussing the things they like, but fanboys opinions are biased and arnt detailed enough and that's also "a dick move" because based on that other people later on buy real games and hardware just to find out problems no one have mentioned. Also companies like microsoft can improve their producs when enough people will talk about problems and issues, and the thing is, when no people talks about problems they will do nothing about it.
Personally I had all xbox consoles and I like what guys from MS have done, so I'm not xbox hater, just the opossite. When I bought xbox X I was very enthusiastic to see my favorite BC games in a new light and stuff like that, but unfortunately not everything worked so well as I hoped and I have posted my detailed impression. I have talked about problems as well, because I really hoped MS can fix all of that (I wasnt hating for hate reasons if you know what I mean), yet I was still attacked. It's sad to see the same guys now attacking other xbox owner in the same way "you dont have xbox", "you dont know what you are talking about", basically doing everything to ridicule someone else opinion even when it comes from real xbox owner

MS made a fantastic decision with BC feature, it's nearly perfectly implemented so I hope they will continue improving it even more. Personally I like to play old games because very rarely new games interest me, and there are still many old classics that I would like to see on xbox X. For example
Splinter cell 1-4 (OG xbox double agent, not 360 version)
Ralli Sport challenge 1-2
Burnout 2-4
Forza 1
Colin Mc 3-5
RTCW (xbox version is unique)
GTA 3 and VC (the same as RTCW)
Gears of war 1 4K enchanced
Alan Wake 4K enchanced
Fable 2 4K enchanced
Forza 2-4 4K enchanced
GTA 4 4K enchanced
GTA 5 xbox one version 4K patch
Forza horizon 2 4K patch
And many more... so I hope MS will continue their great work.