Amazon/Xbox pre-orders typically don't charge you until they ship, right?
I feel like there will be some big deals on this thing around the holidays when it inevitably bombs in the UK tho.
Amazon/Xbox pre-orders typically don't charge you until they ship, right?
I feel like there will be some big deals on this thing around the holidays when it inevitably bombs in the UK tho.
Amazon/Xbox pre-orders typically don't charge you until they ship, right?
I feel like there will be some big deals on this thing around the holidays when it inevitably bombs in the UK tho.
Come on UK preorders!!
Are all your Xbox saves in the cloud? I'm selling my old Xbox One to a friend but I don't know if I should wait so I can transfer saves over with the hard drive.
Are all your Xbox saves in the cloud? I'm selling my old Xbox One to a friend but I don't know if I should wait so I can transfer saves over with the hard drive.
All in the cloud. I would certainly transfer all your games over to an external so you want have to redownload them all.
Ah that's a good idea thanks!
"Xbone X" is relatively short.
How is the quality of the UHD blu-ray drive in the Xbox S?
Pre-ordered it today. Still not decided to actually buy it but if i want it i want to have it day one. I know myself. I cant wait.
Same, feel like I need alerts or something.
I'll go Amazon first but then if I can get somewhere I can pick up on the morning or Midnight I'll switch.
Anyone from Spain that can provide info about They're taking reservations, but I'd like to know if they're any good and when they charge?
Never heard of them. I know that is cool, is awesome and GAME as usual.
I'm waiting for Xtralife personally, but will place a preorder in any of the others if and when they open them.
Can't you preorder at the internal employee store?
(a friend who used to work at MS used to send me and my friends pics of the Xbox 360 deals back then D: )
I've been very happy with mine.
Where did you pre-order?
How is the quality of the UHD blu-ray drive in the Xbox S?
I need a new TV to go along with this purchase, recommendations? Or can you guys point me to that thread?
It stacks up poorly next to pretty much any standalone player, but it's still fine.
Okay. What makes it poor? Picture quality?
It's poor, because it's a cheap UHD drive. I don't find any difference in picture quality vs a standalone, and you would find a lot of reviews saying the same.
Something to consider is that the One S may not receive an update to support Dolby Vision. I think if you are in the market now, you should consider a player with it.
For the value, it's a fine player otherwise.
Amazing first post, as usual.If the OT for this thing isn't Xbox One X |OT| X Gonna Give It To Ya I will burn this place to the ground
My One S stutters on just about every 4k movie I throw at it which is really, really annoying since it's the real reason I upgraded to a One S. Hoping the One X has a better drive since I don't want a standalone player.
Do they do trade in also?
Okay. What makes it poor? Picture quality?
Same, feel like I need alerts or something.
I'll go Amazon first but then if I can get somewhere I can pick up on the morning or Midnight I'll switch.
My One S stutters on just about every 4k movie I throw at it which is really, really annoying since it's the real reason I upgraded to a One S. Hoping the One X has a better drive since I don't want a standalone player.
The company employee store is often the LAST place to get units after launch, because all stock is directed to retail. You'd be pissed if you thought your hard to find thing had been snatched up by a disinterested Uncle who works in Microsoft Office. Besides we get debug kits so we can play regardless.
We also get discounts proportional to the real retail cost, so back in the day, no discount, nowadays a pretty small one if any, which is often the cost of postage. Bundles and games and controllers etc are cheaper tho. I have more keyboard thingies than anyone has any right to...
I need a new TV to go along with this purchase, recommendations? Or can you guys point me to that thread?
I'm hoping to see a higher price point version of the Xbox One X that includes an Elite controller, bigger HDD, or Vertical stand. Maybe we'll see something that's limited edition at launch.
We are a long way away from launch. So I think we wanted to have a really strong E3 around talking about the product and talking about the games We are going to do pre-orders closer to launch, I think we are going to have some fun stuff to talk about with pre-orders that we havent talked about now.
Creating the PC equivalent of the $500 Xbox One X is trickier than you might guess - PC World
"Final thoughts
For the moment, Microsofts created a machine that the DIY PC crowd cant currently matchnot when you try to copy both feature set and the cost at the same time, at least. That might be a first, given how often PC gamers tout the benefits that console fans miss out on."
Creating the PC equivalent of the $500 Xbox One X is trickier than you might guess - PC World
"Final thoughts
For the moment, Microsofts created a machine that the DIY PC crowd cant currently matchnot when you try to copy both feature set and the cost at the same time, at least. That might be a first, given how often PC gamers tout the benefits that console fans miss out on."
Interesting, but why are you bumping the pre-order thread getting my hopes up?!?!
Judging from the past, how much do you think retailers will offer for the S? Curious.