There's a reason you're getting called out by everybody and I, as the one as you said brought the Pro into the discussion, am not.
I brought it in purely as a value proposition comparison, and the possibility of something being bundled with the pre-order.
Your response was to denigrate the "lackluster library exclusive-wise and the not-huge power difference. " - Things that you know will cause a reaction in a thread dedicated to ordering the new machine.
You then tried, and failed badly i might add to castigate others and steer blame onto them. Classic Bait & Switch behaviour.
Again, because value is subjective. The library matters to some people and some prefer the ps4's and that factors into some folks purchasing decison as much as that may hurt your feelings.
And no, I didnt fail at calling people out. I called the people out who were complaining about the ps4 being brought into the thread when those same people were failing to hold the people who actually brought it into the thread accountable. No bait and switch. I am in no way responsible for your or anyone elses posts.
Xbox fans bring ps4 pro vs xbox one x value into thread.
Ps4 fan with some xbox one x interest joins in this discussion.
Xbox fans proceed to complain about ps4 vs xbox discussion in thread.
You brought it into the thread and I discussed it. There are other factors that others consider or that you may consider irrelevant.
Get over it.