Might have just been a countdown to the start of Gamescom, the front page says see Xbox at Gamescom
MilkyJoe, destroyer of pre-order dreams !!
Might have just been a countdown to the start of Gamescom, the front page says see Xbox at Gamescom
MilkyJoe, destroyer of pre-order dreams !!
They are coming soon, have faith.
We could all more or less assume this at this point, but here's more fuel for the fire about pre-orders going live on or shortly after Sunday:
I'm not sorry for this bump. You should all know better.
Sorry for the evil bump, but..
Well, I certainly hope it's what I think it is. Anything else would be an epic fail in my book.
But that's soon!
Sorry for the evil bump, but..
Well, I certainly hope it's what I think it is. Anything else would be an epic fail in my book.
Awww, look at Gamestop trying to remain relevant. So cute!
I'm just gonna pre-order from Amazon since they don't charge me until it ships, and they're hassle free.
Sorry for the evil bump, but..
Well, I certainly hope it's what I think it is. Anything else would be an epic fail in my book.
I guess zero chance of them saying $399 instead of $499. I mean i guess pre-order announcement could be considered "big"? Droppingto $399 would be 'BIG" lol
I guess zero chance of them saying $399 instead of $499. I mean i guess pre-order announcement could be considered "big"? Droppingto $399 would be 'BIG" lol
Awww, look at Gamestop trying to remain relevant. So cute!
I'm just gonna pre-order from Amazon since they don't charge me until it ships, and they're hassle free.
I think they will throw in a free pack in game but It will probably be Lucky's tale.
Unless they miscalculated something, I really don't see any way in which we get that kind of announcement. Pre-orders going live will be "big" for them. I have a feeling they'll have something else for early adopters as well.
I'd be cool with that.
I think they will throw in a free pack in game but It will probably be Lucky's tale.
Forza 7 or Madden. Need something to show off 4k well.
I think they will throw in a free pack in game but It will probably be Lucky's tale.
I'd be cool with that.
We could all more or less assume this at this point, but here's more fuel for the fire about pre-orders going live on or shortly after Sunday:
I'm not sorry for this bump. You should all know better.
Every time i open this thread i think of the kaz quote from mgs v "why are we here, just to suffer?"
Oddly enough, I was in picking up my Switch at GS last night and the store manager told me that they were informed that the preorders would go live on the 20th.
Damn man! You could have given us the details earlier! Makes sense that they'd go live on Sunday. Interested to see if they're offering anything special.
My gamestop store is in New Jersey where Blue Laws apply and most stores are closed on Sunday. Called to ask them something about it and the person answering asked "Why, did you read something about XBOX One X pre orders going live?" I mentioned the Gamestop Tweet and he played or actually was clueless. Doesn't shock me though.
Damn man! You could have given us the details earlier! Makes sense that they'd go live on Sunday. Interested to see if they're offering anything special.
Sorry for the evil bump, but..
Well, I certainly hope it's what I think it is. Anything else would be an epic fail in my book.
I think they will be throwing a game in to sweeten the deal. Maybe.
They don't need to go crazy though. It's a secondary machine and the early adopters are going to buy it anyway.
I have a feeling they'll have something else for early adopters as well.
Super Lucky's Tale.
I've been waiting since the x was announced to preorder, but I'm on a transatlantic flight on Sunday :'(
Super Lucky's Tale.
What the hell "more info". Just put the danged thing up.