I just, i have to go back to earlier comments I've made and say that I'm feeling a really schizophrenic vibe about XSX. I think when they first planned it, they really had the mission to take it to Sony, but they've since seen addictive online battle royal games and the like make so much money that they seem to have tried to shoehorn everything in to this new way of doing things.
It hardly seems in step with having the "most consistently powerful" console evar (a cringeworthy qualified statement if ever i saw one) for them to staunchly decline to really push the envelope in the name of being more "democratic" about the whole thing.
Firstly, there's the premise that there's something wrong with asking fans to buy new consoles. This has always been the way it's done, and there's a unwritten contact that new games will be such a leap forward that the consoles will be worth it. No Sony fan, no Nintendo fan, indeed i believe no Microsoft fan had ever, before now, complained about having to buy a new console in offer to play the newest games.
I think it was that Cherno guy who mentioned this, but being a console developer is apparently very different to being a PC developer, because you have a set range of performance parameters to develop to - on PC you need to build on lots of tiers of performance - Low, Mid, High, Ultra quality graphics - which can undermine your artistic vision. I can only imagine what a headache this backwards playability must be for developers.
I'm not convinced that letting people dip their toes in games is going to make them game more. How do i know that? Because I've bought every game i was ever remotely interested in on steam, and my hacked Vita can play any Vita game - what do i do with this paradise is options? I barely play any games at all, and when i do i have the attention span of a moth. Unless it's freaking WoW. Granted, I'm not everyone else, but i feel like this move will work to undermine customer loyalty and game fanbases, and ultimately reduce full sales.