Waiting for better guns and armor really helped in the Blacksite Mission.
Sadly I'm pretty sure I will lose this campaign thanks to the doom counter.
Waiting for better guns and armor really helped in the Blacksite Mission.
Wait you can't remove mods once you've used them? Why is this a thing ;_;
Is there ANY way to reduce the ridiculous 3 second+ pauses between each unit's actions?? That's the only thing that's significantly bugging me at this point
Can you add a mod, play with the mod for a bit, save your game, remove the mod and load the save? Or will that error out?You can
You cant reload a save that had mods in it
Can you add a mod, play with the mod for a bit, save your game, remove the mod and load the save? Or will that error out?
Can you add a mod, play with the mod for a bit, save your game, remove the mod and load the save? Or will that error out?
Regarding the doom counterWaiting for better guns and armor really helped in the Blacksite Mission.
Sadly I'm pretty sure I will lose this campaign thanks to the doom counter.
Is it a known issue with created characters where they automatically show up with Guile hair and aviators, regardless of what you actually gave them in the CC? Cause for whatever reason, its like half of the female characters I create end up with random Guile hair and aviators. Plus none seem to adhere to the specialty I set in the CC.
Apologies if asked already but does anyone have a link to the remove turn limit mod?
85% if not more of my soldiers are ladies.
Is the game scannimg my other steam games save files or something? >_>
Seriously. And no, turning off beginner v/o doesn't stop his whining.
I hate Retaliation missions. I've never failed one, but even when I double-time it and take crazy risks, the most civilians I've ever saved is 8. There's only 13 on the map, and at least one dies every turn (or so it seems).
Hmm counter a ufo or faceless in every mission. Why don't I just cut off my fucking arm instead?
Bradford's constant whining makes me hate the retaliation missions. "Gimme a fucking break bradford the troops just landed FFS"
Faceless 100% fuck those guys
UFO missions can be easy if you can hack an enemy mech and just use it to destroy the EMP thingo while you all hang back![]()
Is it a known issue with created characters where they automatically show up with Guile hair and aviators, regardless of what you actually gave them in the CC? Cause for whatever reason, its like half of the female characters I create end up with random Guile hair and aviators. Plus none seem to adhere to the specialty I set in the CC.
Hmm counter a ufo or faceless in every mission. Why don't I just cut off my fucking arm instead?
I m getting constantly and completely wrecked. Restarted like 10 times on commander.
Yep, I'm at the restart point on my first run. Pretty much everyone of use to me is eternally hospitalized, and my supplies can't keep up with the recruit meatgrinder. Every battle I went through yesterday ended in complete disaster, Blacksite included, even with Mag weapons.
Should I rush the Blacksite mission early, and try to Overwatch turtle it ala EU? Or is it even worse if I don't let the Avatar timer tick up to halfway and have mag weapons and better armor on hand?
Would it be possible to ever get through ONE FUCKING SCAN CYCLE without some world ending event happening which I must intercede?
This game is utter bullshit. A snake that can grab a guy from 6-7 squares away, while in full cover and stun batons that can apparently, hit a guy inside a building, through a brick wall. Rassum frasssum. Firaxis "balance" at it again. Reload.
10-20FPS in everything besides combat, freezes, CTDs....for all the shit Namco/Ubi/WB get, none of the big name debacles even come close to how terrible, performance-wise, this has been. It's embarrassing that this was pushed out in this state and that it's been hand-waved away by most media outlets. Firaxis is Bethesda-tier, now.
Man the Mimic Beacon is good. Seems to get all their attention, I figured it was just you know, a chance or something. And it can take cover so it migh lastt the entire turn. With good positioning can be a great way to draw out enemies or flank them safely.
Only downside is it costs 2 Faceless corpses so it's not very easy to make many or replace if lost.