Wait, so when I research and build things like mag weapons, I only need to do it once and then everyone gets access to them?
Wait, so when I research and build things like mag weapons, I only need to do it once and then everyone gets access to them?
What's your system? I haven't had a single crash and I've been playing non-stop.
Also, Vipers and Lancers are easy to counter. Rangers with upgraded swords do a number on Vipers while overwatch takes care of Lancers fairly easily. Flashbangs help too.
Also, regarding the Faceless: having a couple of guys on overwatch does wonders for them. Not to mention they go down pretty easy with swords and shotguns.
My current set-up is two blade-Rangers, one combat drone specialist, a mixed grenadier, and one pure sniper. I unlocked the sixth slot a couple of hours ago, but I don't really need the extra guy. Most pods activate with 3-4 guys, and it's pretty straightforward to take out the first two with the rangers and clean up after.
I'd highly suggest a concealed ranger and 2 flashbangs early on so you can prepare for what is ahead.This game is utter bullshit. A snake that can grab a guy from 6-7 squares away, while in full cover and stun batons that can apparently, hit a guy inside a building, through a brick wall. Rassum frasssum. Firaxis "balance" at it again. Reload.
All of the generic tiered weapons and armours only have to made once.
10-20FPS in everything besides combat, freezes, CTDs....for all the shit Namco/Ubi/WB get, none of the big name debacles even come close to how terrible, performance-wise, this has been. It's embarrassing that this was pushed out in this state and that it's been hand-waved away by most media outlets. Firaxis is Bethesda-tier, now.
Ladies, gentlemens, traitors... the time has come.
Neat. That's 19 Damage x 2 at 93% with Rapid Fire.
I'd highly suggest a concealed ranger and 2 flashbangs early on so you can prepare for what is ahead.
I did have to restart a Mission where the pokeball teleported into fog of war and didnt display animations, then teleported back to attack my squad for a total of 30 damage, but so far only 1 or 2 huge things in 30 hours
Can someone explain the radio relays to me?
Should you build them in all zones? What do they provide, besides raising zone income? This was explained very badly in the tutorial, and I am planning to restart, since my game was slouching more and more towards disaster after every operation....
They also decrease Intel cost for contacting adjacent territory.
his mask blocking his vision clearlyxcom is fun till this happen, then it will become even more fun
I feel like the longer I play this, the more busted my saves get or something. Glass windows and doors just straight up don't animate anymore.
This was during a regular mission so no pic of that. Just add 25Fail. No Shadowstrike?
Yeahhhhhh this is my good Commander run and I didn't get Predator Armor till June. Didn't help I didn't know what tech tree was or what to build.I had my first crash that borked my retaliation mission that was going perfectly. Now I'm trying it again, this time I'm surrounded on three sides, with one man downed by a lid, and no armor upgrades after 20 hours of gameplay.
I had my first crash that borked my retaliation mission that was going perfectly. Now I'm trying it again, this time I'm surrounded on three sides, with one man downed by a lid, and no armor upgrades after 20 hours of gameplay.
It's incredible how much you improve in this game. I just completely wiped the first blacksite mission with a flawless ranking, due to having a much better hang of the game's systems and of course knowing what to expect. Helps that I researched gauss and magnetic weapons beforehand, too.2 flawless, 1 excellent, no deaths in the 3 missions ive done since restarting. Had to check if I accidentaly set it to easy or something lolI didnt
That's gonna bite you in the ass.
Restarted. 3 perfect missions. Then I get a rescue mission and all the civs are in a big circle jerk on the opposite side of the map. I get to watch them get slaughtered while i'm held up by wave after wave.
It already is. Thankfully I have powerful weapons and a squad of Colonels/Captains with special ammo.
Flash grenades have gotten me through the game so far.
[*]Your GAF handle must be used as Last Name. The idea of this Character Pool is to play with characters representing GAF users, not with characters created by them. You can use whatever you want as First Name and Nickname.
It's a common thing to hear. Flashbangs are fucking amazing. They're almost too good.
Is there a reason that GAF handle is last name and not nickname?
You only get a nickname at level three, so rookies wouldn't represent.
Besides, the generated nicknames are way more amusing
Is there a reason that GAF handle is last name and not nickname?