Game is ranked high in Nintendo's fans lists, how is this game not on SONY, Nintendo has everyone Link, Mario, Xenoblade, what happened to multiplatform AAA games in the last two years all Nintendo fans have been talking about is Xenoblade and somehow it's not on PS4.
This is a first really, never seen such a thing someone is calling for a port of a Nintendo game. (well besides Bayonetta 2)
You have a weird perspective on who has the games, Nintendo fans spend more time port begging for Square Enix RPGs than any other fanbase. So Nintendo OWNs this developer and still you want to see the game on PS4.
Sony does not Own Square Enix or Atlus or Namco, or From Software but Playstation still gets all the major games from these companies while Nintendo fans beg for ports and rarely get them.
Xenoblade gets love because it is one of the few things we can count on to be on a Nintendo platform and still run like an epic-lenght JRPG.
Sure Switch is very popular and ports and support have been coming in much more these days than any other Nintendo platform of the past but that does not mean we are not left behind when it comes to Final Fantasy, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, and more.
Nintendo owns this one single developer so I don't see why anyone would feel a Xenoblade port should come out on PS4, Xbox, or PC. The Playstation brand is still lightyears ahead with exclusive RPGs no reason at all to pick at Nintendo's bones. They don't have anything you need to be jealous of. You want Zelda, Mario, Smash, Xenoblade buy a Nintendo platform to sit next to your PS4 for a bit.
If you are a Nintendo fan you own a Switch no question, most Nintendo fans have learned not to be a one platform owner so they have something else so they don't have to beg so hard for ports. I have a PS4 with my Switch so if I am really hurting for a game the Switch is not getting I have a chance to play it if I really want it.