nice was it still 720P just does not drop?
how safe is homebrew these days, an update from Nintendo won't brick your system?
I have the launch hardware not the revised version
Still doesn't go higher than 720p, but maintains that rez for much more of the gameplay.
If you've got original gen hardware, I'd highly recommend looking at ReverseNX and SysClk to get the most out of the game. Shouldn't cause any issues with anything else.
Didn't notice any jiggle physics on Sharla. Sorry folks.
LOTS of bullshot comparisons going around. Rule of thumb is if you see grass extending beyond a few feet from the character's position - it's not a real gameplay shot. No matter the overclock - that doesn't change.
Before the overclock and stabilizing the resolution, I personally found it quite difficult to play for long periods without my eyes going a bit wonky. I had the same experience with XBC2. There's little to "focus" on, and instead you're having to dart around a wash of pixels constantly trying to figure out what you're looking at.
Handheld looks "fine" without the tweaks, but looks much, much better with them.
Ultimately if you've never played the game, or really really love it, then you'll obviously love what they've done here without question.
Personally, I'm still in the realm of a little disappointed. As I said earlier, I would've preferred a few less bells and whistles (motion blur, DoF) and a higher, more stable resolution.
XBX was 720p locked, on the WiiU, with really nice IQ across the board. Both XBC2 and this feel like a downgrade of sorts.