Touch fuzZy. get BizZay
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It's called a discSubtle humblebrag in favor of piracy. Nice.
P.S. Update 1.1.1 is available now (day one patch?). Any idea on what does it contain?
I think what he means is that, being made in Xenoblade 2's engine, by the studio that made Xenoblade 2, on the same hardware as Xenoblade 2, before this people were expecting it to more or less be on par or maybe a bit better technically than Xenoblade 2. It would be nice if it was better but while it is a disappointment, it's not one in terms of being a big shock. However, youtubers and shitposters who weren't particularly interested or following the game closely to begin with are expressing shock and trying to drum up hysteria. A same engine/hardware game looking like the game that came out a few years ago isn't impressive, but it's also not the basis for a scandal.
That being said, while a lot of people thought XC2 looked great, others felt it looked bad and some found it unplayable. That's your bench mark - if you thought it looked good, you'll probably think this looks good. If you thought XC2 was a really blurry mess, expect the same from XCDE.
Well, it must rarely if ever drop. Digital Foundry’s technical analysis shows it as a locked 720p. They never mentioned it being dynamic. Either way, it’s still something to say that the Wii U version was as damn good looking as it was without making blurring the screen to SNES levels of resolution.X isn't actually locked, it has dynamic res just like X2 and X1DE, though it was probably masked well.
indeed but i think we can exclude gamexplain from this.
Good video. Some interesting questions and good video footage.
About the armour, I'm in the same predicament....I've seen a costume for Riki where he's dressed like a pineapple. I don't remember that from the original. I would hate to play the entirety of the base game without dressing my furry volleyball like a pineapple! What to do, what to do...
Undocked, modified + overclocked images.
ugh wish I knew, all this because they made the outfits transferable between the two. Something Torna did not do. Can't even imagine if Torna transferred Blades from the base game over.
The bikini was in the base game.We all saw the booty clip showing our girl in new undies walking around town. That is just the first area, we have seen the challenge mode lights in the first area so that is where she got her new bikini set early.
I remember coming to this tread to read about all the excitement about the game. Now it's a dumper fire for resolution talk.![]()
No. They cant even put a on/off toggle for sharpen filter. It absolutely killed visuals for me in XCX2 and now this.if modders can fix the issue can't monolith soft patch this in?
I’ve already apologized for this.It's called a disc
I had is right the first time then stupidly changed it and couldn't edit it. Dumpster Firedumper those fires
I had is right the first time then stupidly changed it and couldn't edit it. Dumpster Fire![]()
The advantage of having played the 3DS version is that NOTHING can look bad to me now.
I am astonished to read that Takahashi didn't wrote the script for future connect. The other game must really take all his time![]()
Good thing I'm here...No?
edit: be sure to down vote IGN's review for calling charming nopon kids annoying
Lol he called them "napon" and called Dunban "Duncan." Well whatever it was good footage
Promo video showcasing the world of Xenoblade
For you XC2 folks, does the Torna expansion change anything about the base game or is it only a separate story? I'm about 10 hours in and just learning about the DLC now, if it's something that affects the main game then I'll get it and start over, but if not then I'll just pick it up when I'm finished.
Lol he called them "napon" and called Dunban "Duncan." Well whatever it was good footage
I decided to get the digital version, I don't think I have the patience to wait for Amazon to decide when they going deliver my copy.My order has moved to "getting ready"
For you XC2 folks, does the Torna expansion change anything about the base game or is it only a separate story? I'm about 10 hours in and just learning about the DLC now, if it's something that affects the main game then I'll get it and start over, but if not then I'll just pick it up when I'm finished.
This true, especially Corvin, that Blade is very powerful especially when put it on Mòrag.not missing any cool Blades because some of the best ones came much later in the game's development towards
I decided to get the digital version, I don't think I have the patience to wait for Amazon to decide when they going deliver my copy.
Amazing. This was the quality I was expecting. Too bad I don't have a modded Switch.Undocked, modified + overclocked images.
Really enjoying my time with it now I've got some of the issues sorted. Interested to see what this patch does, too.