Not sure if I should get this. I own it on the "new" 3dsxl (fire emblem styled) and never got around to playing it.
I own xenobalde2 on switch. I put a number of hours into and got to the town where you meat the fat, short annoying bird like dude who hides you out at his house while Pyra cooks with her fire.
The game seems very very slow , and loaded with systems on top of systems. I like depth in my games but this is ridiculous it feels overkill and momentum is killed with all the damn fetch quests in the towns.
So I put it on hold.
How is xenblade1 different? is the story more mature or more goofy (I would prefer a more mature tale) Does it have all these fulf systems and weird named items and concepts? I was having trouble keeping up with it as it just wasn't interesting.
This being said I loved FF12, is xenoblade 1 anything like that?
3DS version is a sin that should have never been made it is just way too ugly for what X1 was meant to be. Before Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade XC was my number 2 favorite game. Xendoblade X was my favorite. XCX is a very different game but I liked it the most out of all of the Xenoblades.
Xenoblade 2 is not an easy game to get into for some folks new to the series, it has a slow start, I don't feel the story really grabs you until chapter 5 or 7, it has the most systems but I loved the Blades becoming your partner system. The story is very sweet, I don't think it is better or worst than the first game or X, X has a poor ending I feel it ends on a mystery which sucks.
If you start with this edition of X1 you might find you wan't to explore the story of X2 more and more so the slow start would not bother you as much after you have finished this game and got into the world of the series.
I never put less than 500 hours into a Xenoblade game, I feel you have to at least have 300+ hours in New Game Plus to really understand a Xenoblade game it demands that much investment IMO. People who spend 10-20 hours with it and claim they hate it are missing out on something special. But I get it, I like The Witcher 1 and like 2 but could not get into The Witcher 3 and I hear it is the best one in the series. Yet I just could not identify with the characther anymore and I really hate horror themed games. Any game that focuses on the darkside in horror too long turns me off.
Xendoblade 1 is very special to me, I think if I go through it again it might beat out Breath of the Wild in some areas for me.
The system is a little challenging but not as complex as X or 2. You will still need 300 hours to get every side quest done. The world and the Story are worth it but it could be not for you.
I would not say Xenoblade 1 is more mature than Xenoblade 2, X2 has a lot of anime styled fanservice lots of jokey characters but there is still very serious dark subjects being delt with. The story is very good. If you can't laugh at nopons or don't find them charming it might be a lost case. Since that dude and his relationship with his robot and wanting to be like Rex is a nice part of the story. The cast and X2 is very charming for me every rare blade added something for me, I was forced to seek out all their quests.
I had over 2,000 hours on Wii U with XCX I really loved Elma.
Had about 600 hours on Wii with XBC
I have 500 hours on my Switch with X2
I started a new game after 140 hours because I made a mistake or something I forgot what it was it might have been a choice or a blade so I started the game over using another account on my Switch. I must have played New Game Plus 3 or 4 times before the Torna side story DLC.
I like Rex better than Shulk. A lot of Xenoblade fans shit on Rex because he is more of a child than Shulk. I like this about him he is not a destined to be God type hero. Boy Meets Girl. Perfect story for me. Rex and his harem is better than what I found in X1.
I like Elma better than Pyra or Mythra but in the end XCX and X2 are fresher on my mind than X1