Please tell me now.
I got such weird emotions. On the one hand, I'm so excited about all the Xenoblade in my near future - seeing Shulk and the gang again and playing a whole new game in XC2. On the other hand, I'm still kind of sad that XCX is over, that my time is done in that world listening to that music and exploring those regions and flying mechs and doing overdrive. It should be done, it's not healthy to just keep playing the same game, but I'm quite attached. It's the weirdest, lowest selling and least popular Xenoblade too, so even though Monoliftsoft doesn't mind the idea of a sequel, it's kind of a silly dream to cling to. Even port begging is a bit hopeful to be honest. Its story was kind of a dissappointment, but I wouldn't say it's bad. More like it fizzles out and ends abruptly, but it has a great setup and some great elements too... it's a little bit like a sci-fi show that found it was suddenly getting cancelled and they had to rush a crazy mindfuck ending or something. I want more of that XCX gameplay and setting, and that's not a realistic thing to want. It's all a bit sad, even though xenophiles should be really happy right about now.
So yeah, tell me about Elma and overdrive in XC2. How is that even possible, wouldn't XC2 have a different system from overdrive/chain attack? That's crazy awesome if it's really in there.