Helpful Video for people who are uncertain and trying to decide if they might like Xenoblade or not.
So people are dipping into the thread and asking "hey I used to like jrpgs but now I don't, would I like this?" and some lurkers must be wondering that too. We want to give you the right answer, but everyone is different so it's hard.
If you watch a review, it will likely tell you Xenoblade is a great jrpg cause it is. But watching extended gameplay from an expert player who can explain various game mechanics and the nuances of how combat works might be a better way to get a feel for whether you would enjoy it. I chose this part 3 Let's Play because parts 1 and 2 will cover more story and dialogue stuff, whereas this shows exploring the game's world and getting into battles and such.
The first 9 minutes is spent walking around town talking to people and getting quests, but after that it's mostly exploration and combat, with breakdowns for various gameplay mechanics both in and out of battle. It would also be good to watch part 4 and 5, the characters go into a cave and fight some mini-bosses and more combat mechanics get shown off, with some light story stuff. I would leave it there though, after that the Let's Play moves into heavy story territory and that's a part of the game best experienced for yourself once you've decided to try it. Just note that this is early in the game, there will be many more fun characters and cool powers and crazy monsters and huge areas to explore later.