Uh.Electivirus said:All I want is a long, large-scale, big budgeted JPRG for the Wii. Just one. ;A;
You're welcome?
Uh.Electivirus said:All I want is a long, large-scale, big budgeted JPRG for the Wii. Just one. ;A;
Diprosalic said:ugh.. way too long for me. i'll pass :/
SecretMoblin said:You haven't played FFXII yet? Man, I wish I could play that again for the first time. That game was great.
xtrasauce said:The game does everything to give you an awesome feeling of freedom though, so I somewhat doubt that anyone actually "rushed through it".
^^^THISMarrshu said:You're going to pass up one of the best games of the generation because it's too long? Seriously?
lolwut. the clock stops at dat?RPGCrazied said:It gets stuck at 99:59 or something. I'll so see this first time playing.
I had like 156hours in Final Fantasy X. Those were the days!
DMPrince said:lolwut. the clock stops at dat?
It's okay that's in 24 hour clock. It's 99.59 am - and then 99.59 pm in the real world.DMPrince said:lolwut. the clock stops at dat?
The Witcher.Reveirg said:Urgh, the wait is killing me! What are you guys playing while waiting for the game to arrive?
Hesitating between Blue Dragon and Disaster: Day of Crisis right now...
It can still be worth it. For example, I only played less than half of Okami, untilLuigiv said:Yeah, It'll be interesting to see exactly how far I'll be able to get in too. I normally don't have the patience for 100+ hour games myself, so I highly doubt I'll see the end of the game.
The clock only has four digits, so it stops at 99:59. It's quite a funny oversight. Maybe they fixed it in the European version.DMPrince said:lolwut. the clock stops at dat?
RPGCrazied said:40hours to long?
That's to short! I expect my jRPG's to be looooooong. That's why I didn't enjoy Eternal Sonata or Fragile Dreams as much. To short for my liking.
Reveirg said:http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/aug/14/xenoblade-chronicles-wii-nintendo
Just found this... not much of a review actually but still a good read while waiting...
Jarate said:anyone know how well the japanese version ran on dolphin?
Marrshu said:You're going to pass up one of the best games of the generation because it's too long? Seriously?
The entire Jrpg community that hasn't got the game in japanese already ??InsertNameHere said:I wonder just how many people are importing this game in the US.
Chesskid1 said:did anyone order the version with the steel book/cover?
if so, please take pics when it arrives. really curious to see how the steel cover is. we've already got pics of the collector's edition, no steel book though.
PumpkinPie said:Which country got a steel cover??
Reveirg said:http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/aug/14/xenoblade-chronicles-wii-nintendo
Just found this... not much of a review actually but still a good read while waiting...
Diffense said:The Xenoblade/TLS debacle, being a part of a general neglect of the Wii, as well as the massive and early 3DS price-drop has made me REALLY wary of Nintendo going forward.
Luigiv said:I don't think anyone's bothered try yet but going by the range of completion times I've heard quoted, you might be able to get as "low" as 40 hours if you just rush through.
RPGCrazied said:40hours to long?
That's to short! I expect my jRPG's to be looooooong. That's why I didn't enjoy Eternal Sonata or Fragile Dreams as much. To short for my liking.
Chesskid1 said:french forums
i used google translate to read some, that's how i found out how france had the steelbook. pretty sure they said its dual-layered, 6.5GB+. make sure your wii has no problem reading dual-layered DVDs. i used google translate so can't confirm accuracy. (very bored)
"jeux video and co" is the store name i think for any french out there. some people are complaining of disc read errors on french forum as well.
Not aimed at you specifically but since people are taking my word for it, I said possibly 40 if you rush, I don't actually know for sure and was merely guestimating, based on reported time vs reported quests complete. Most jgaffers managed to max the timer long before they reached the end but they were trying to complete every quest in every area right up until they couldn't take anymore and then rushing to the end.RPGCrazied said:40hours to long?
That's to short! I expect my jRPG's to be looooooong. That's why I didn't enjoy Eternal Sonata or Fragile Dreams as much. To short for my liking.
DownLikeBCPowder said:So Zavvi charged me, are they shipping by chance?
My insomnia seems to agree with you; but seriously, have JRPG fans ever had anything so special on wii, or any platform this gen for that matter. I expect this to blow Lost Oddysey Combined with FF XIII out of the water.SecretMoblin said:Merci beaucoup for the links/info. This is almost like a console launch.
...OK, not really. But it is fascinating!
Not yet. Zavvi has charged several of us already. They do have the game in stock though, so they should be shipping in a couple of days.DownLikeBCPowder said:So Zavvi charged me, are they shipping by chance?
Indeed, there is no chance to have the artbook if I only register the game on friday, I guess I will cancel my order and go for the normal edition with normal shipping I will save 20.crazyjah2003 said:Can't believe some French stores already have it... Putain de merde.
slaughterking said:Club Nintendo registrations usually only start to work on the day of release.
Franchuzas87 said:Metro Online review [9/10]
The second one that accounts for Metacritic. They seem not thrilled with the British dubbing, but otherwise, they loved the game.
As I hope I do. Two/three days more...
Well, at least I get the gameJonStark said:Just got the CE today for 59, so I get the posters, the GAME exclusive steelbook, the artbook and the red CC... good deal IMO![]()