Aw. I just noticed the Japan version uses the American type clock. I'm sure I'll get use to it, but hate military time in general.
RPGCrazied said:Aw. I just noticed the Japan version uses the American type clock. I'm sure I'll get use to it, but hate military time in general.
at least you might get it this week lol.UberTag said:In a perfect world our GAME orders would all arrive by Friday.
Realistically, I'm not expecting anything until early next week.
DMPrince said:at least you might get it this week lol.
importers am cry
but ASDA shipped out the game already. blazingdarkness got his today (he preordered last week LOL)
so i assume that my game is mostly on a plane. 3 days at random facilities. monday is what i'm hoping.
King of the Potato People said:I'm very happy with the reviews for this, I expected a decent reception but nothing of this caliber... and the last great JRPG was when exactly? It seemed to have landed on the console I least expected.
dani_dc said:Asking stores around they don't even know when they'll get the game even though it's coming out this week. Much less about any promotional posters.
I'll check stores tomorrow and thursday since a few stores around here usually get Nintendo games a day or two earlier.
So do we know if the soundtrack that will be available for download will be the full (4 discs) OST or a smaller selection of tracks?
is it that bad when importing from uk? lol with play-asia i had no problem with FFXIII and the soundtrack lol.RPGCrazied said:I hope they packed it good, or I fear the condition its in. Though I have a spare case for it, so if thats the only thing damaged, I'm good.
DMPrince said:is it that bad when importing from uk? lol with play-asia i had no problem with FFXIII and the soundtrack lol.
RPGCrazied said:http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB...s_play_videos_and_soundtrack_offer_44316.html
Club Nintendo members are also in for a treat, as those who register their copy of the game before 30th September will for a limited time be able to download the games official soundtrack from the Treasures section of their Club Nintendo account.
Yeah I saw that.RPGCrazied said:From gamefaqs:
Club Nintendo members are also in for a treat, as those who register their copy of the game before 30th September will for a limited time be able to download the games official soundtrack from the Treasures section of their Club Nintendo account.
Agreed!bobbychalkers said:365games needs to hurry up and ship my copy.![]()
demonturkey said:Oh hey, this is really cool.
NOE are making with the complimentary soundtracks this summer.
Do you need a European address to sign up for a Euro CN account?RPGCrazied said:From gamefaqs:
Club Nintendo members are also in for a treat, as those who register their copy of the game before 30th September will for a limited time be able to download the games official soundtrack from the Treasures section of their Club Nintendo account.
creid said:Do you need a European address to sign up for a Euro CN account?
Edit: That was a dumb question.
I posted the link above, but you can order it from play-asia or yesasia though neither of them have the OST in stock at the moment.RPGCrazied said:Other than eBay, where can you buy the 4disc set? I might bite.
TheExplodingHead said:After reading through a few reviews I have to say it really sucks us Americans aren't getting this...
What is GAF's thoughts on it so far, how does it fare compared to other JRPG's?
wsippel said:You'll change your tune once you face the boss at the end of the mine. I fucking hated that guy so much. Took me ages. Then again, I played in Japanese and didn't quite understand what was going on.Like Blackface, he's immune against the Monado - but you can't knock him down, either.
RPGCrazied said:Well, people are saying its the best jRPG this gen. Not saying much, cause we only got a handful of good ones. Tales of Versperia being the stand out one to me.
Haha, there's no such news on the German NoE site. Between all the artbooks, posters, steelbooks and now the OST we come away completely empty-handed.RPGCrazied said:From gamefaqs:
Club Nintendo members are also in for a treat, as those who register their copy of the game before 30th September will for a limited time be able to download the games official soundtrack from the Treasures section of their Club Nintendo account.
I'm getting flashbacks to the Baten Kaitos "Soundtrack", I think the US got a 7 track CD (pre-order bonus?) while Europeans could spend way too many stars on an 8 track one.dani_dc said:or a smaller OST with a selection of tracks. It's not unusual for companies to say we'll get an OST and then the OST is just a smaller selection of 10~15 tracks.
Maybe you have to sign a confirmation e-mail before the account is activated. Another thing to do is clear your cookies or cache.CruxisMana said:I've registered for Club Nintendo, but it keeps telling me I have an invalid login...
I didn't check all sites but the portuguese one also mentions the OST. So does the Belgium site actually.Out_Of_Ammo said:Anyone knows if the soundtrack download is for al EU countries or just the UK? I live in Belgium and there isn't an anouncement on nintendo.be![]()
Starwolf_UK said:Maybe you have to sign a confirmation e-mail before the account is activated. Another thing to do is clear your cookies or cache.
dani_dc said:I didn't check all sites but the portuguese one also mentions the OST. So does the Belgium site actually.
Here is the Belgium announcement.
Yeah, I can't see why the other half of the country wouldn't get it. They probably just didn't bother translating it yet or something.Out_Of_Ammo said:Thx but that is only on the french version of the Belgian siteI live in Flanders (Dutch speaking) and it's not on that site. But if it's on there, I guess we'll get it too
So.... have you played it or not?RPGCrazied said:Isn't chaining mandatory? Maybe you don't have gems in your weapons? I don't know, never played the game.
Well, what I played of the Japanese import, even the starting area, lots of critters around.Getting to 99hours is going to be so easy in this game.
A Human Becoming said:Pretty much. Third on consoles for me is Lost Odyssey, which last generation would have been considered average.
Zafir said:Neogamma or Gecko OS is what I tend to use.
Edit: Mind you the GAF guide doesn't have Neogamma listed, so you may as well just use Gecko OS.
CruxisMana said:I even requested a new password and I'm using the same username and password that they provided in that email and it still says it's invalid...
Lord Ghirahim said:OH GOD HOW DO I BEAT ZORD
your spoiler needs more hint to where you are to get an idea.Lord Ghirahim said:OH GOD HOW DO I BEAT ZORD
I'm not sure, to be honest. I'll check the assets site later to see if there are more up-to-date ones.Starwolf_UK said:Did NOE ever release any English screenshots in the end, I forgot. So the Monado screenshots are the most easily accessed for press.
Monolith provides the biggest and most ambitious game on Wii by a long-shot. Xenoblade Chronicles reignites the JRPG and adventure genres in one classy swoop; that this grandiose spectacle is under the banner of Nintendo is the cherry on top.