That's enough for tonight, I'm four hours in now, some more impression;
-The environments are
massive, almost MMORPG like in scale, I was a bit overwhelmed at first :O
-There's loads of quests to do, again like MMORPG with the villagers and the ! above their heads
-The 'affinity' system seems like a nice addition and gives you more motivation to talk to the NPC, same goes with the heart-felt moments between the characters on your team
-I thought the battle system was a little bit hokey at first, something about it felt sloppy but it's quickly come into it's own and it's really quite fun

The chaining is a really nice idea, and could be special when you practice it and can chain multiple times
-I like how equipment shows on your character, even if they do look goofy, it's a nice detail
-Night/Day transitions are nice
-Enemy variety seems really good, and a lot of unique boss mobs randomly roaming around to keep you on your toes
-The english voice acting is good! The accents sound a bit odd at first but for the most part it's all given a believable delivery
Overall it gives me the impression of a less sophisticated FFXII, but with equal if not more amount of content. Awesome introduction so far ;D